Connectors on a Sun® CPU with HD15 video output
CPU connectors on the ServerSwitch 8200
Connecting Sun® servers to the ServerSwitch 8200 is very simple. First, be sure that
power is off to all CPUs that will be connected to the ServerSwitch 8200. A video cable
should be connected to the video output of the Sun® server that will be connected to
the ServerSwitch. The other end of the cable should then be connected to one of the
13W3 or HD15 female connectors marked “SWITCHED INPUTS” on the rear of the
ServerSwitch. An 8 pin mini-DIN cable should then be connected to the
keyboard/mouse output of the server, with the other end connected to the “SWITCHED
INPUTS” keyboard/mouse input port above the previously connected video port on the
ServerSwitch 8200. Repeat this process for each server that is to be attached to the