Lifan 2006 250 V Скачать руководство пользователя страница 9

Содержание 2006 250 V

Страница 1: ...t Notice Operatorandpassenger This motorcycleis designedto carrytheopemtorandonepassenger Neverexceed tbemaximumloadingcapacityasspecifiedin themanual Maximumload 150 kg On roaduse Thismotorcycleis designed to beusedonly ontheroad READ TIIIS OWNER S MANUAL CAREFULLY Payspecialattentionto statements preceded by thefollowing words AWARNING Indicat sa strongpossibilityof sever personalinjury or death...

Страница 2: ...ontBrakeandClutchLever Parts Fastene l4 1 5 1 5 1 6 1 6 l 6 t 7 l 7 I 7 t 7 1 7 l 7 l 8 t 8 I 9 20 2 l SideStand Switches RearSuspension Battery Check ofFrcnt Fork Fuel Adjustmed ofRear Shock Absorber OPERATION GUIDE Checkof SteeringDevice StartingtheEngine WheelBeaxing StartingProcedure of WarmedEngine Battery Gearshifting Breaking in Replacement of HeadlightBulb Dismantlement of FrontWheel Ridin...

Страница 3: ...c passenger footrests PROTECTIVECLOTHS 1 MoStmotorcycleaccidcnt1 ata itieSareduetoheadinjurieS ALwAYSwearahelmet YouShou1da sowea alaceshie1dandprotec1ivcclothing sameProlection 2 ThccxiauStSystembeconrcslrotduringoperation anditremainshotforawhi1ea1ierstoppingt clothing that fully coversyour legs 3 Do not wear looseclothing that could catchon the controi leve kick stater footrestsor wheels REFITT...

Страница 4: ...eratron Largc1brkmountcdfairingsor1vindshiclds orpoorlydesignedorimproper1ymorrntedfairingscanproduceaerdyn inslall fairings that decreasccooling air flowing to the engine i Accessoriesmay increasethe tirne lhat handsof feet operatccontrols resultingin incrcascdrcaction time in an emergency DoDotadd electical equipmcntthat will cxcccd the motorcycle selectricalsystemcapacity i This motorcycle is n...

Страница 5: ...t turn andto f R to signal a right turn Releasing the button lct il retum to centerposition By depressingthe button the sig nal lighl is put out Horn Button Pressthc butlon r to sound the hom trmergency Switch In an emcrgency depressing the switch to 8 OFF will stallthe cngineat once in normal case setthe swilch at o oN Light Snitch P The taillight positionlightand insfirment lightsarcbrjght Q Tur...

Страница 6: ...slot and tum it asshownin fig 14 To lock it just turn the key io original pPsrron l WARNINC Do not ride th motorcycle if the helmet is locked to getherwith it otheriyise the helmet may knock something to caus the vehicle to be out ofcontrol or happen an accident REMOVING OFRIGHTSIDECOVER Fig 1s 16 Pull out the cover asshown in Fig 16 then remove it by slipping frontward To install ihe cover fit th...

Страница 7: ...ginal position actuatedby torsion spring Ifnot so contactyour dealerfor adjustment ENGINE OIL Fig 18 The qualiiy ofthc engineoii piays a vitalrole in dcciding the engineperfbr manceand servicclile Engine oil must be sclcctcdin accordancewith the rules belorvandothcr oils suchasordinary machineoil gearoii and vegetableoi1 are Fig 16 O Stana O Ltook PRE RIDEINSPECTION I WARNING lf the Pre ridc inspe...

Страница 8: ...cle control aOperationwith excessively worn tyresis hazardous and will adversely affecttractionandhandling oThe useof tvresother than thoselistedon the table 1 mayadvers ly atlecthandling F i g l 9 OTread depth g sidewall O Min tread line Whcn thc trcad dcpth in the middle section oftyres F ig l9 reachesthe limits in table2 below pteasereplacetyres WHEEL AwLnNlNc The wheel ol basic model is design...

Страница 9: ...ons Ifanv Droblem pleasecontactyoLud alerfor help STARTING THE ENGINE Alwaysfollowtheproperstarting prccedure described below I WARNING oNeverrun theenginein sn enclosed arca The exhaust contrinspoisonous carbon nonoxide CO gas that can cause loss of consciousnessand lead to d ath aAttempting to start the engine with the transmission in gear and the clufch engagedmay result in injury or damage Pre...

Страница 10: ... lcver and at thc sane time gradually increaseengine sfeed by openingthe throttle Coordinationofthe throttlc wjth clutch levcr will assurea smoothand posiiive sta 1 rhen the motorcycle attainsa steadyspccd closethe ihrottle pull in the clutch lcver and shift to 2nd gearby treadingthe gcarshiftpedat 9 This sequcnceis repeatedto progressivelyshifl to 3rd 4rh and 5rh top gears 5 Coordinatethe throttl...

Страница 11: ...olbae MAINTENA ICE SCHEDULE FiS 2O INTHE INTERIST OFSAFETY WERECOMMENDTHESEITEMSARE SER VICEDONLYBY YOURDEALER Copper disulphide grease Lithium grease NOTES l Se icemorefiequently whenridingin unusually wetordustyarcas 2 Athigherodometer readings stillfollowthefiequency interval established here TORQUESPECIFICATION Fig 21 By using a torsion wrench tighten up items below We rccommend ihat these ire...

Страница 12: ...theengine withinsulTicieni oilcancause serious inginedamage NOTE aWhenrunningin verydustyconditions oil changes shouldbepedomed more frequently thanspecified in themaintenance schedule a Please dispose of usedengine oil in a manner thatis conpatible with the environment Wesuggest youtakeit in a s aled container to yourlocalrecycling centeror servicestationfor reclamation Do notthrow it in therubbi...

Страница 13: ...ithout filter element otherwise the piston cylinderwall maybeworn excessively IDLE SPEED Fig 32 The enginemust be at normal operating temperahfe for accurateidle speedadjustment NOlE Do not attemptto compensate for faultsin othersys temsby adjusting idlespeed See yourd aler for regularly scheduled carbuetoradiustments l Wam uptheengine shifttoneuhalandplacethemotorcycle onitscenter stand 2 Adjusti...

Страница 14: ...lunsatisfactory contact yourdealer for hclp lrced Limirline lruster clockwise to decrcase thefrccplay whilelum it counterclockwise to in 3 Tumlooscthescrews andthenremove thecytinder cover addbrake fuid uptothe fd rse thefreeplay uppERlcvelmarkofihe vicwwindow UTION I hepcdalheight should bechecked afterthechainrsfeinstattcd or udrusred REPLACEMENT OF BRAKE FLUID i Thebrake lighishoul l bechecked ...

Страница 15: ... Once thealrive chainslackischanged it isnecessaryto rclocat therearwheel for adjustment will affecttherearbrakepedalfteeplay LUBRJCATION Useengine oil or a commercially prepared drivechainlubricants ill pr fer enceto machine oil or otherlubricants Saturate eachchainlinljoint sothatthe lubricant penetrates between thelink plates pins bushings androllers R EMOVALAND CLEANING men thedrivechainbecome...

Страница 16: ...CHEDULE Contact the dealerfor assistanceif any_backlash in the ftont or r ar wheel bearingis found or whe l rotation is uneven BATTERY Fig s0 sl Batteryelechol 1eispoisonous sobesurenotto discardit atwill Handl in accordance withnational or localenvironmental protection rul s Mainrain thebaltery in accordance wilh lhemainlenance schedule in the manual Thebatteryelectrolytelevelshouldbebetween theU...

Страница 17: ...sat both sides WH Iv L Loosen offthe screw fromth headlight Assy 2 Tum offthe leadingwire ofheadlight taketheheadlightAssyoutofthe bracket ihenremovethechimney 3 R movethesocketby tuming it counterclockwise withdrawthedamaged bulb NOTE Be car fulnot to bum yourselfandkeepflammablematerialsawaybecaus thebulb is veryhot duringoperation 4 Fit anewbulbto position andsecure it with socket spring 5 Rein...

Страница 18: ...s Pleasecontactyour deal rifthe repared Aumqrxc Do notsmoke or allowflames or sparksin th areawhereth fuelsvstem issubject to check TROIJBLESHOOTING BLOCK DIAGRAM CAUTION Do not dismstrtle or maintain the vehicte without the Drof sional knonledge CLEANING Cleanyourmotorcycleregularlyto protectthesurface finishesandinspectfor damage wear andoil or blakefluid leakage andto prolongservicelife ofparts...

Страница 19: negative leadfirst andthen thepositivelead Wheninstallingit theprocedure isjust opposite Duringthe operations above theignitionsrvitchmustbeturnedoff 6 Sealthemuffler outletwith plasticclothto preventthefomer ftom moisture Cover themotorcycle don tuseplastic or oth rcoated materials andstorein an unheated area fteeof dampness Do not storcthemotorcyclein directsunlight REMOVAL FROM STORAGE LTake...

Страница 20: ...aulicdrive SPring thydraulic drive Wef typeandmulti plated Five speed gearbox Spurgear 3 130 t 3 4 Chah driving 2 812 t3 615 2 642 1 684 260 r 000 0 821 Dual tubecraalle Casrer angle ELECTRICAL Batterytype Batterycapacity Magneio LIGHTS Headlight Tail brake light Tum signallight lnstrumentindicator Neutrallight High beamindicator Sub headlight OTHER Air cleaner Tyre pr ssure in cold position Max l...

Страница 21: ...atelyinformtheNationalHighway TraffrcSafetyAdminishation NHTSA in additionto notiffing Americar Lifan Industry lnc IfNHTSA rcceivessimilarcomplalnts itmayopenaninvestigation and ifit findsthatasafetydefectexistsin agoup ofvehicles itmayorderarecalland rcmedycampalgn However N Hl SAcamot becomeinvolvedin anyindividualproblensbetweenyouJour dealer or AmericanLifan Industry Inc TocontactNHTSA youmaye...

Страница 22: ... B B i Xi ililo m n l l e Enqine stoosNitch rnr r lol Gfo I i i tleddtisht dmierPissiry lisht t2vl t 12iir 7 Is liti0i s itch l r Fl rFr fl t l B R Dashhird indicator pil3 Headlioht 12 60 56Ii 2w 7t Fmnt Niiter Rll i2yl0r1 I2V10lt Idilliqlrt ul 21N 5lr 1iKer Rll PVIOl1 J HON Horn Dutton Turn stqnat sllitch fltsher ...
