Copyright © Liberty Pumps, Inc. 2022 All rights reserved.
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Storage Before Use
Protect the power and control cords from the environment.
Unprotected power and control (switch) cords can allow water
to wick through ends into pump or switch housings, causing
surroundings to become energized.
At no time shall the pump be stored within an incomplete wet
pit. The pump shall not be placed into the pit until it can be
fully operational.
LEP-Series pumps are shipped from the factory ready for
installation and use. The pump shall be held in storage if the
pump station is not complete. If storage is necessary, the pump
should remain in its shipping container. It should be stored in a
warehouse or storage shed that has a clean, dry temperature-
stable environment where the pump and its container shall be
covered to protect it from water, dirt, vibration, etc. The cord ends
must be protected against moisture. Do not allow the pump to
pumps that are idle for periods of time greater than
three months should have cutters and impellers manually rotated
once a month to lubricate the upper (inner) and lower (outer)
Pump System Components
Control Panel
All LEP-Series pumps require a separate, approved pump control
panel for operation. Operation of these models will be according
to the control selected; see separate operation instructions
supplied with the unit.
When connecting an LEP-Series pump to an existing
control panel, verify the panel is correctly sized and equipped for
the pump.
Control and power cords shall not be spliced, although a junction
box may be used. Verify the electrical specifications for the control
panel properly match those of the pump. 3-phase models require
overload elements selected or adjusted in accordance with the
control panel instructions.
The panel must have provisions for the thermostats that open the
motor contactors. Do not exceed voltage/current combinations
for the thermostat: 24
VA, and 110–600
VA. All
models have a temperature (T) class rating of T4 (135°C) with
thermostats connected.
1-phase pumps require a motor start circuit. Liberty Pumps
control panels for 1-phase models contain the required start
circuitry. If using a non-Liberty Pumps control panel, a start circuit
will need to be installed. Table
1 contains information on the
required Start Kit and its components. A complete kit may be
purchased, or components can be purchased separately using the
part numbers shown. Other options such as pre-wired kits are also
Control Panels in Hazardous Locations
Float switches must be connected to an intrinsically safe
circuit in the control panel as per the requirements of
5 of the National Electric Code®.
For hazardous locations,
the control panel must be installed
outside the hazardous area and appropriately isolated and sealed
to prevent any potential ignition or explosion. Control and power
cords shall not be spliced; a junction box may be used providing it
is rated for hazardous locations and has approved cord
connectors. Only approved controls that have intrinsically safe
float switch connections shall be used. Failure to use the proper
circuitry and to connect the thermostat will void the T4
temperature class of the pump and will drop the temperature
class to T2 (300°C).
Dual seal LEP-Series motors have hermetically sealed heat sensors
(thermostats) embedded in the motor windings to detect
overheat conditions and prevent damage to the motor. The
thermostats are a normally closed (NC) switch that will open in the
presence of excessive motor temperature. The thermostats will
automatically reset when the motor has cooled to a safe
temperature. The thermostats shall be wired to interrupt power to
the motor contactor with a relay in the panel (cut power to the
motor) if the thermostats open due to motor overheating. The
pump will resume operation once the thermostats automatically
reset. If there is a need to log or monitor over-temperature events,
an external device will be needed. Tripping of the thermostats
indicates an issue that should be investigated. Liberty Pumps
control panels contain the proper circuitry to protect the motor in
the event of overheat conditions.
1-phase motors contain two thermostats and 3-phase motors
contain three thermostats, connected in series. The thermostats
are set to open at 257°F (125°C) and automatically close at 221°F
(105°C). These pumps are designed to operate under class B
thresholds with a maximum temperature of 266°F (130°C), even
though the motors are constructed with class H materials.
Table 1. 1-Phase Motor Start Kit
Component and
Pumps P/N
1-phase Start Kit
(contains all items listed
separately below)
Start Capacitor
µF 330
Mars 11070 or
Run Capacitor
µF 370
Mars 12199 or
Start Switch
Stearns SINPAC
Bleed Resistor, 15k
Ω, 2