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Copyright © Liberty Pumps, Inc. 2021 All rights reserved.
Model Specifica tions
For a complete listing of models and their specifications, refer to
www.LibertyPumps.com/About/Engineering-Specs. The pump
nameplate provides a record of specific pump information.
Ba sin Insta lla tion
This is a brief reference to the recommended methods and
procedures for installing Liberty Pumps basins to ensure that
damage or premature failure of the basin does not occur.
This section is
intended to serve as a basic instructional guide.
The installation of Liberty Pumps sump and sewage basins is a
specialized skill and is assumed that the individuals who install our
products and refer to this section will have basic understanding of
such procedures as excavating, backfilling, pipefitting, and
electrical work. No amount of written instruction by a
manufacturer or regulatory agency will convert an inexperienced,
under-supervised laborer into a skilled, experienced mechanic.
The ability to recognize and correctly respond to abnormal
conditions during a basin installation requires field experience as
well as mechanical aptitude. Figure
1 is provided for reference.
In addition to proper system engineering and competent
manufacturing, the use of basin installers who have both practical
experience and integrity to assist that the basin be installed
properly, constitutes the greatest protection from catastrophic
basin failure and liability exposure.
Basin Handling
General Handling
Although the exterior surfaces of the fiberglass basins are
designed to withstand normal handling, they can be damaged
during transportation and installation. Basins must not be
dropped, dragged, or handled with sharp objects, and with the
exception of the minimal movement involved in a visual
inspection, must not be rolled.
Unloading, Lifting, and Lowering
Under no circumstances are the use of chains or cables
around the basin shell permitted.
The proper way to move a basin is by lifting it, using chains or
cables with the optional lifting lugs (not more than a 30° angle), or
by using a non-marring sling around the basin. Before any
attempt is made to move a basin, verify that all equipment and
accessories have sufficient capacity and reach to lift and lower the
basin without dragging and/or dropping. Maneuver the basin with
guide ropes attached to the sides.
Pre-Installation Inspection
Confirm adherence to the project’s specifications before
installation. Physically and visually inspected basin, pumps, valves,
equipment, and piping materials before installation. Notify the
carrier immediately if there is any damage. If the basin or any of its
internal components are damaged, suspend installation until a
determination of the extent of damage can be made by Liberty
Pumps or its agent. Any repairs must be first authorized in writing
by Liberty Pumps and then be done in accordance with Liberty
Pumps instructions.
Store the basin in a secure, controlled area where the potential for
accidental damage or vandalism will be minimized. The storage
area must be free from sharp objects, rocks, and any other foreign
solutions or materials that could cause damage to the basin.
Chock the basin until it is needed for installation and, if windy
conditions are possible, secure the basin with non-marring
restraints of a size and number adequate for securing the basin.
Locate all overhead and underground utilities before
Excavation Considerations
The excavation must provide adequate space for the basin, piping,
and other buried equipment, and for the replacement and
compaction of backfill materials particularly around the basin
walls. The size, shape, and wall slope of the excavation should be
determined by soil conditions, depth of excavation, shoring
requirements, and if workers are required to enter the excavation,
safety considerations and federal, state, county, and municipal
Excavation Location
Excavation for an underground basin must be made with due care
to avoid undermining foundations of existing structures and
contact with underground utilities. In the absence of building
codes or regulations, maintain a minimum distance of 5
feet plus
a slope of 45° from the bottom of the compacted sub-base to the
bottom of the adjacent structures, foundations, footings, and
property lines. Additional distances may be required to ensure
that any loading carried or created by the foundations and
supports cannot be transferred to the basin.
Maximum Basin Burial Depth
If burial depth is greater than the basin height, contact Liberty
Pumps to determine if additional wall reinforcement is required
and secure written authorization.
Excavated Materials Handling
Carefully store excavated materials that cannot be removed from
the job site as far from the edge of the basin excavation as
possible. Unless approved for use as backfill, securely store
excavation materials separate from the approved backfill