This item gives access 5 elements; manual degaussing, beep
ON/OFF, signal input selection, Video level (0.7V or 1.0V) and exit.
Press the Enter button to select the desired item to change. Rotate
the adjustment control either to perform the function highlighted (red
color) or to select the desired item. When you have finished, use the
exit ( ) icon to retun to main menu to take another selection.
For example, if the selected signal input is BNC in D-SUB, the picture
is muted and in DPM for a few seconds. Then, if the micom confirms
the input signal jack, the input signal searches for D-SUB again so
that the picture is automatically displayed.
This item recalls and restores your display to one of the factory preset
modes. After highlighting this icon, press the Enter button and the
image will revert to one of the factory presets. The information shown
on-screen will include video memory mode number and the horizontal
and vertical refresh rate for that mode. To exit this item, double click
the Enter button.
R e c a l l O K
m o d e n o : 2
3 1 . 5 K H z / 6 0 H z
m r
c c
e n t e r :
s e l e c t :
o p t i o n s e l e c t
o p t i o n s e l e c t
s e l e c t :
a d j u s t :
b e e p :
: D e g a u s s
: B N C D - S U B
: 0 . 7 V 1 . 0 V