Get Started
Complete the Setup Screens
The setup screens help you set up certain features and preferences on your phone. Once your phone has
been turned on, you will see an Accessibility message. You can then complete the setup process.
: You may be able to complete the setup screens before your phone has been activated on your
Sprint account.
1. On the Accessibility screen, touch
Accessibility settings
to set the desired options or touch
to get continue with the setup process.
2. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete each section. For each topic, you will have the
option to skip it and continue to the next screen.
Language selection
- Select a desired language.
Set internet connection
- If prompted, follow the prompts to sign in to an available Wi-Fi
network. For secured Wi-Fi networks, you will need to enter a password. See
Got another device?
- If you use another Android device, you can quickly copy your current
setup to this device.
Add your account
- Sign in to your Google Account to get the most out of your device.
Google Services
- Read all of the information for the available Google Services and, if you
agree, tap
. Otherwise, uncheck the options and tap
Let Google's location service help apps
- Helps apps determine location. This means
sending anonymous location to Google, even when no apps are running. Tap
for additional information.
Improve location accuracy
- Allows apps and services to scan for Wi-Fi networks even
when Wi-Fi is off.
Help improve your Android experience
- Allows your device to send diagnostic and
usage data to Google automatically. Tap
Learn more
for additional information.
Add another email
- You can add another personal or Exchange email address.
Protect your phone
- Prevent others from using this phone without your permission by
activating device protection features.
Get your apps & data
- If you add a Google Account, you will be prompted to restore data
from a backup of another device.
EULA (End-User License Agreement)
- Read the End-User License Agreement and tap the
I agree
check box if you agree to the terms.
3. Your setup is now complete. Follow the onscreen instructions to learn about basic touch menu
navigation, view tutorials, or just get started.