Real 4D wind
Real 4D wind is realized by adding the Magic
Light wind to the existing 3D wind to provide
a stronger coolness.
Super energy saving inverter
Super energy saving inverter is the next gen-
eration cooling system with energy saving ef-
fect by adjusting the cooling capacity based
on the indoor, outdoor and set temperature.
Dual cooling turbo fan
By applying two improved fans compared to
the existing fan, dual cooling turbo fan pro-
vides a stronger and cooler wind.
Motion-eye sensor
State of the art human sensor detects the per-
son indoors and sends wind customized to
the activity and number of persons.
Magic light
Magic lighting with jewelry shine on dim light-
ing makes the Interior of the house more
Forest wind
This provides the most pleasant and comfort-
able wind by simulating the forest wind.
Long-power windblast
Long-power windblast provides a cool air to all
the distant locations within the house such as
kitchen etc.
Speed quick cooling
Use this to enjoy quick cooling after returning
from outdoors.
High efficiency heat exchanger
Heat exchanger with antibacterial coating
helps to keep the air conditioner clean and re-
duce the electricity bill by improving the en-
ergy saving performance.
Air purifying filter
TVF filter (Total anti-Virus Filter), charcoal de-
odorizer filter and 3M HEPA filter removes any
fine dust particle and odor, and
decomposes/removes various types of viruses
to keep the air inside the house clean.
Auto clean operation
This prevents the growth of fungus and germs
inside the air conditioner by drying inside of
the air conditioner.
By quickly removing the indoor humidity when
the humidity level is high, this changes the
damp indoor during the rain season to a pleas-
ant indoors.
Smart sleep
As the state of the art sleep function to adjust
the cooling in detail to fit the human sleep
cycle, the smart sleep function helps the user
sleep deeper and more conveniently.
Eco monitoring
This shows the power saving status of the air
conditioner to identify the energy saving and
environment friendly operating condition.
Smart energy saving
This reduces the electricity bill by providing
automatic pleasant cooling to fit the indoor en-
vironment and bio-rhythm.
* Supported function may vary by the model.