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Equipment Setup Analysis Notes
• Make sure all connectors and connections are tight and secure on user device, RJP-110S and TV.
• Check to assure user device, RJP-110S and TV are all powered up and working properly and that the TV
Installer menu items are set correctly.
• Audio and Video can be from different sources. Default is TV tuner Audio and Video, if no other
audio/video source is connected.
• Audio source must be viable. The audio output from the customer’s device must be present when connect-
ed to be heard at the TV.
• RJP AC circuit breaker maximum is 7 Amps. If the 7 Amp current limit is exceeded, the breaker will trip;
unplug all accessory devices from RJP AC outlets and press RESET on back of unit.
Test Procedures
• Test and connect only one user device to determine if RJP is providing audio/video to TV.
• Test user device on another RJP (perhaps located in a different room) to determine if user device is com-
patible with RJP.
• On LCD or Plasma TV, Installer menu items:
040 Auto Camport needs to be disabled by setting it to 000.
093 RJP Available needs to be set to 001 to enable RJP mode.
Following are some possible solutions to problems:
Possible Cause(s) Check RJP, User Device and In-Room TV
No Power
• Power not connected?
• Circuit breaker on RJP tripped?
(Unplug all accessory devices from RJP AC outlets, press RESET on back of unit.)
No Audio
• Have all audio connections been made?
• Audio output available?
• Volume level turned up?
• Sound muted?
• TV setup correct for RJP? (Installer menu item 040 is set to 000 and 093 set to 001.)
• Try another RJP.
• Priority level? (Disconnect other devices.)
• Connections made after 040 and 093 menu items set.
(Make connections before adjusting menu items 040 and 093.)
No Video
• Video output available?
• All video cables connected?
• TV setup correct for RJP? (Installer menu item 040 is set to 000 and 093 set to 001.)
• Priority level? (Disconnect other devices.)
Poor Video
• Check connections. (Video pass-through no user action possible.)