Installation Manual
Refrigerant piping installation
The Amount of Refrigerant
The calculation of the additional charge should take account of the length of pipe.
Regulation for refrigerant leakage
: the amount of refrigerant leakage should satisfy the following equation for human safety.
If the above equation can not be satisfied, then follow the following steps.
- Selection of air conditioning system: select one of the next
1. Installation of effective opening part
2. Reconfirmation of outdoor unit capacity and piping length
3. Reduction of the amount of refrigerant
4. Installation of 2 or more security device (alarm for gas leakage)
- Change indoor unit type
: installation position should be over 2m from the floor (wall mounted type
cassette type)
- Adoption of ventilation system
: choose ordinary ventilation system or building ventilation system
- Limitation in piping work
: Prepare for earthquake and thermal stress
Refer to model information since the CF value of correction factor differs depending
on model.
Total amount of refrigerant in the system
0.3 ( kg / m
Volume of the room at which indoor unit of the least capacity is installed
Additional charge (kg)
Product charge(1unit)=8kg
Total liquid pipe (m): Ø22.2mm
x 0.354(kg/m)
x 0.266(kg/m)
x 0.173(kg/m)
x 0.118(kg/m)
x 0.061(kg/m)
x 0.022(kg/m)
Total liquid pipe (m): Ø19.05mm
Total liquid pipe (m): Ø15.88mm
Total liquid pipe (m): Ø12.7mm
Total liquid pipe (m): Ø9.52mm
Total liquid pipe (m): Ø6.35mm
x 0.5 kg(4 Rooms)
Number of installed HR units
CF(kg) (Correction factor)
Total amount(kg)
If a negative result is obtained from
the calculation, no refrigerant needs
to be added.
Outdoor unit
HR unit (1EA)
Indoor unit
Ex) ARUB1208T1
Additional Charge = A X 0.118 + B X 0.061 + C X 0.061
+ D X 0.061 + E X 0.022 + HR + CF
= 50 X 0.118 + 10 X 0.061 + 10 X 0.061
+ 10 X 0.061 + 10 X 0.022 + 0.5(HR) + 1(CF)
= 7.45(kg)
A: Ø12.7, 50m
B: Ø9.52, 10m
C: Ø9.52, 10m
D: Ø9.52, 10m
E: Ø6.35, 10m