Where can I download the driver
You can obtain the file from the SuperSign Support website
Where can I find the BIOS
update file?
You can download the file at the MP700 support website (
Where can I get a vaccine
This media player comes packaged with the Windows program only. Please pur
chase a vaccine program separately for use.
The screen resolution is not
Check whether the screen resolution of Windows is set properly.
In case of that the screen resolution is not set automatically, you should set the
screen resolution manually because of compatibility with the monitor.
The edges of the image are
cropped off.
For some models, you need to set the monitor input to PC mode. For more infor-
mation, please refer to the owner's manual of your monitor.
I want to use MST (Multi Stream
Transport) in the MP700.
- To use MST, you need the latest BIOS and video driver. (Supported versions:
BIOS Version MP700F05 or later and video driver v13.302 or later)
- MP700 has two DP with HBR2 ports. MST does not support these two ports
- To use MST, you need a monitor that supports MST and cables certified for
DisplayPort that support HBR2 or later.
- When four or more FHD videos are being played simultaneously, video perfor-
mance may be reduced depending on the operating environment of MST (i.e.,
bit rate, encoding method, video player, etc.).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)