Installing Vent Panels
Attach the long adhesive foam weather
seals to the top and bottom sides of the
window vent panel assembly. Attach the
short foam weather seals to the right and left
sides of the panel assembly.
(Attaching the foam weather seals to the
panel assembly rather than the window sash
and frame makes for easier cleanup when
removing the panel assembly.)
Insert the panel assembly in the bottom sash
channel. Use care when installing the
assembly, which will now fit very tightly in
the opening. Close the sash tightly against
the top of the panel assembly.
Measure and cut the included non-adhesive
foam to fit the window opening. Stuff it
between the window sashes to prevent air
and insects from getting into the room.
foam seal
Long adhesive foam seal
Short adhesive
foam seal
Short adhesive
foam seal
Long adhesive foam seal
If needed, install the included security
bracket with type B screws.