Disclaimer of Liability / Disposal
Disclaimer of Liability
• Since the use of this Safety, Installation and
Operation instruction s and the conditions or
method s of installation, operation , use and
maintenance of the pan el are beyond the control of
LG Electronics, LG Electronics doe s not assume
responsibility and expressly disclaims liability for
loss, damage, injury or expense arising out of or in
any connected with such installation , operation ,
use or maintenance of the pane l.
• LG Elec tron ics assumes no responsibility f or any
infringement of patents or other rights of third
parties that may result from use of the pane l. No
license is granted by implicationor otherwise under
any patent or patent rights.
Disposal of your old appliance
1. This c rossed-out
wheeled bin symbo l
ind ic ates t hat waste
elec tric al and elec tron ic
produ c ts (WEEE)
shou ld be dispo sed of
separately f rom the
munic ipal waste stream.
2. Old elec tric al produc ts c an c on tain hazardous
substanc es so c orrec t dispo sal of your old app lianc e
will help prevent po tential negative c on sequenc es
f or the environ ment and human health. Your old
app lianc e may c on tain reusable parts that c ould be
used to repair other produc ts, and other valuable
materials that c an be rec yc led t o c on serve li mited
resourc es.
3. You c an take your applianc e either to the shop
where you purc hased the produc t, or c on tac t your
loc al government waste off ic e f or details of your
nearest authorized WEEE c ollec tion point.
For the most up t o date inf ormation f or your c oun try
please see
www. lg . c om/ g loba l/ rec yc ling
Transporting and Storage
• Do no t loo se the band ing, when modu le is
transpo rtedby truc k, ship and etc.
In c ase of loo se band ing , modu le will be shaken,
which may c ause damage, like glass breaking.
• Do no t stack on more than on e pallet. Maximum
height is two pallets.
Severe stacking c an give stress to the modu le and
may c ause produ ct damage.