The disc rotates at high speed in the drive unit.
Use of worn, damaged, or non-standard CD-ROM
discs can adversely affect the drive and cause the
disc to shatter or crush while in use.
Disc crush can only occur when you use a damaged
CD-ROM disc in the drive. It is an extremely rare
occurrence, but there are steps which can be taken
to prevent it.
Always check your discs before inserting them
into the drive.
1. Take care not to use worn, cracked, damaged,
warped or poor quality CD-ROMs, as this may
cause damage to your drive.
2. Check the clear plastic on the center of the
disc, cracks here are the main cause of disc
3. Do not play CD-ROMs which are a non-standard
(I.e. non-circular)shape, such as heart shaped
discs, or discs in the shape of a business
How can you keep your discs from becoming
1. When not in use, remove discs from the drive.
2. Keep discs in the packaging supplied with
them and out of direct sunlight and away from
heat sources.
Excessive vibration or a sudden jolt to the drive
during operation may cause a malfunction.
Avoid exposing the drive to sudden changes in
temperature as it may cause condensation to collect
inside the drive.
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