Micom Function
2-12. Functions performed when Ice Dispenser and Water Dispenser are mounted
1. This is function to dispense ice and water outside without opening doors.
2. If pressing the Dispenser Pressing Switch (rubber button) after selecting ice (cube ice, slice ice) or water, relevant ice
and water come out. However, when selecting ice, the duct door is opened by electric solenoid (duct door, solenoid) if
pressing the Dispenser Pressing Switch. The duct door is closed after it remains for 5 seconds in open status if pressing
and then releasing the Dispenser Pressing Switch.
3. Function to dispense ice and water out stops in the F-door open status.
4. If there is no OFF signal for 3 minutes after pressing the Dispenser Pressing Switch after selecting ice (cube ice, crushed
ice) or water, the refrigerator automatically turns off both gear motor and solenoid (cube, water).
However, the solenoid (duct door) stops when 5 seconds pass after turning off.
(This is for preventing coil-short due to heating of solenoid.)
5. Dispenser Lamp On/Off Function
If pressing the Dispenser Pressing Switch after selecting ice (cube ice, crushed ice) or water, the lamp on the dispenser
part turns on and if releasing it, turns off.
6. Water/Crushed Ice/Cube Select Function
1) This is function to operate the refrigerator as Water/Crushed Ice/Cube function on the function control part depending
on user s selection. If pressing the Select Dispenser button, display and selection are done.
2) For the initial Power On, cube ice is automatically selected.
3) If pressing the Press Switch when ices are generated in the ice bank for selecting Crushed Ice, the refrigerator
operates the gear motor so that crushed ices are supplied outside.
4) If pressing the Press Switch when ices are generated in the ice bank for selecting Cube Ice, the refrigerator operates
the gear motor so that crushed ices are supplied outside.