My Ringtones/ My Music/
My Sounds/ My Contacts/
Move All To Card
8.3 Card Memory
Shows the memory usage
information for the memory card
and lists the files, by type.
1. Swipe your finger across the
screen in any direction to unlock
and touch the
Menu Key
2. Touch
3. Touch
4. Touch
Card Memory
5. Touch
Memory Usage/
My Pictures/ My Videos/
My Ringtones/ My Music/
My Sounds/My Contacts/
Move All To Phone
9. Phone Info
Allows you to view the information
specific to your phone and
1. Swipe your finger across the
screen in any direction to unlock
and touch the
Menu Key
2. Touch
3. Touch
Phone Info
9.1 My Number
Allows you to view your phone
1. Swipe your finger across the
screen in any direction to unlock
and touch the
Menu Key
2. Touch
3. Touch
Phone Info
4. Touch
My Number
9.2 SW/HW Version
Allows you to view the versions of
various applications such as SW,
PRL, ERI, Browser, Media Center,
AVR, EMS, MMS, Bluetooth, MSUI,
HW, MEID, OTADM, Operating
System, and Warranty Date Code.
1. Swipe your finger across the
screen in any direction to unlock
and touch the
Menu Key
2. Touch
3. Touch
Phone Info
4. Touch
SW/HW Version