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Additional charges may apply when you download new content. Contact AT&T for more 


This menu option connects to AT&T’s ringtone download site.


This menu option contains the games to enjoy.

Cool Tool/Apps


This menu option allows to download the video files from network.

Color Graphics

This menu option connects to AT&T’s graphics download site.

Fun Packs 


This menu option allows to download the wallpaper themes.

Answer tones

This menu option allows to set the tone for answering a call.

MEdia Net Home

This menu option connects to AT&T’s web portal that you can customize to display your favorite 

Содержание eXpo

Страница 1: ...epending on the software of the phone or your service provider AT T marks contained herein are trademarks of AT T Intellectual Property and or AT T affiliated companies 2009 AT T Intellectual Property All rights reserved Actual color of the phone may vary User Guide ...

Страница 2: ...owever the AT T privacy tools do not apply to applications available outside of AT T Please review the terms and conditions and the associated privacy policy for each location based service to learn how location information will be used and protected In addition your AT T phone may be used to access the Internet and to download and or purchase goods applications and services from AT T or elsewhere...

Страница 3: ...ing theproducttotheCustomerService DepartmentofLG LGshallbearthecostof shippingtheproductbacktotheconsumer afterthecompletionofserviceunderthis limitedwarranty 2 WHATTHISWARRANTYDOESNOTCOVER 1 Defectsordamagesresultingfromuseof theproductinotherthanitsnormaland customarymanner 2 Defectsordamagesfromabnormaluse abnormalconditions improperstorage exposuretomoistureordampness unauthorizedmodification...


Страница 5: ...icationtechnology This user guide contains important information on the use and operation of this phone Please read all the information carefully for optimal performance and to prevent any damage to or misuse of the phone Any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this user guide could void your warranty for this equipment Introduction ...

Страница 6: ...uide for the LG eXpoTM Windows Phone Smartphone All rights for this document are reserved by LG Electronics Copying modifying and distributing this document without the consent of LG Electronics are prohibited User Guide English ...

Страница 7: ... Disconnecting the Charger 23 How to Use a MicroSD Memory Card Optional 24 Power On the Device 25 Turn on off the eXpoTM Go to sleep mode Wake up from sleep mode 26 Lock or unlock your phone Calibrate the touch screen 27 Windows DefaultToday Screen 28 LG Home Screen 29 LG S class UITutorial 30 Taking a look at LG home screen 31 Favorite Media Contact 32 Indicators 33 MenuTree 35 Using the Start Me...

Страница 8: ...n call options Sharing aVideo during your Phone Call 46 Initiating aVideo Share Session Receiving aVideo Share Session 48 AdditionalWays to Initiate aVideo Share Call Contacts 50 Overview of Contacts Searching for a contact Adding a new contact To Create a Contact 51 To Change Contact Information To Find a Contact 52 To Copy SIM Contact to Handset Sending Messages 53 Entering texts 54 Using text i...

Страница 9: ...t with XT9 mode Email 59 About Email Set up a Personal Email 60 Wireless Corporate Email Send an Email 61 Downloading Messages To Reply to or Forward a Message 62 Messaging Managing Messages AppCenter 63 Ringtones Games CoolTool Apps Videos Color Graphics Fun Packs Themes Answer tones MEdia Net Home MobileWeb 64 Music Player Adding Music to your Handset 65 ...

Страница 10: ...Games 72 Apps Using your Alarm Using the RSS Reader 73 Weather To Change the City and State Using your Calculator 74 Tip calculator Using your Stopwatch Sprite Backup 75 AT T GPS 76 AT T Navigator Menu Overview 79 Wireless Manager 84 Changing your Phone Settings 85 Using the Screen Outputs Displaying theToday screen 86 Using Bluetooth ...

Страница 11: ...My Multimedia 95 To Copy a Picture orVideo Clip to your device 96 FM Radio To Set Sound Notifications of Actions 97 Using Fingerprint Sensor 98 Voice Command 99 Voice Command Options 100 Task Manager 104 Internet Sharing ActiveSync 105 Setting withWindowsVista 106 Setting upWindows XP 107 Synchronizing Information 108 Synchronizing using Bluetooth 110 Synchronizing Music Video and Pictures 111 Tou...

Страница 12: ...er Java Mobile Zip 120 Mobile ZipView 121 To navigate menus To Extract ZIP Archive Archives To Associate Mobile Zip with other files 122 Reset the Device 123 To perform a soft reset To perform a hard reset Accessories 125 Safety Guidelines 126 TIA Safety Information Safety Information 130 FDA Consumer Update 133 10 Driver SafetyTips 140 Consumer Information on SAR Specific Absorption Rate 142 AT T...

Страница 13: ... Exposureto excessivecoldorheatwillresultinmalfunction damageand orcatastrophicfailure Becarefulwhenusingyourphonenearotherelectronicdevices RFemissionsfromyourmobilephone mayaffectnearbyinadequatelyshieldedelectronicequipment Youshouldconsultwithmanufacturers ofanypersonalmedicaldevicessuchaspacemakersandhearingaidestodetermineiftheyare susceptibletointerferencefromyourmobilephone Turnoffyourphon...

Страница 14: ...inglightningstormstoavoidelectricshockorfire v Whenridinginacar donotleaveyourphoneorsetupthehands freekitneartotheairbag If wirelessequipmentisimproperlyinstalledandtheairbagisactivated youmaybeseriouslyinjured v Donotuseahand heldphonewhiledriving v Donotusethephoneinareaswhereitsuseisprohibited Forexample aircraft v Donotexposethebatterychargeroradaptertodirectsunlightoruseitinplaceswithhighhum...

Страница 15: ...es Faultyinstallationorservice mayresultinaccidentsandconsequentlyinvalidatethewarranty v Donotholdorlettheantennacomeincontactwithyourbodyduringacall v Anemergencycallcanbemadeonlywithinaservicearea Foranemergencycall makesurethatyou arewithinaserviceareaandthatthephoneisturnedon v Useaccessories suchasearphonesandheadsets withcaution Ensurethatcablesaretuckedaway safelyanddonottouchtheantennaunn...

Страница 16: ...gethephone voidyourwarrantyand orresultinviolationofFCCregulations Donot usethephonewithadamagedantenna Ifadamagedantennacomesintocontactwithskin aminor burnmayresult Contactyourlocaldealerforareplacementantenna Body wornOperation Thisdevicewastestedfortypicalbody wornoperationswiththebackofthephonekept0 79inches 2cm betweentheuser sbodyandthebackofthephone TocomplywithFCCRFexposurerequirements am...

Страница 17: ...fulinterference and 2 this deviceanditsaccessoriesmustacceptanyinterferencereceived includinginterferencethatmaycause undesiredoperation CautionsforBattery v Donotdisassemble v Donotshort circuit v Donotexposetohightemperature 60 C 140 F v Donotincinerate BatteryDisposal v Pleasedisposeofyourbatteryproperlyorbringtoyourlocalwirelesscarrierforrecycling v Donotdisposeinfireorwithhazardousorflammable...

Страница 18: ...Bdigitaldevice pursuant toPart15oftheFCCRules Theselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereasonableprotectionagainstharmful interferenceinaresidentialinstallation Thisequipmentgeneratesusesandcanradiateradiofrequency energyand ifnotinstalledandusedinaccordancewiththeinstructions maycauseharmfulinterference toradiocommunications However thereisnoguaranteethatinterferencewillnotoccurinaparticularinstallation if...

Страница 19: ...ighestcertifiedpower level theactualSARlevelofthephonewhileoperatingcanbewellbelowthemaximumvalue Because thephoneisdesignedtooperateatmultiplepowerlevelstouseonlythepowerrequiredtoreachthe network ingeneral thecloseryouaretoawirelessbasestationantenna thelowerthepoweroutput Beforeaphonemodelisavailableforsaletothepublic itmustbetestedandcertifiedtotheFCCthat itdoesnotexceedthelimitestablishedbyth...

Страница 20: ...ciation CTIA websiteathttp http www ctia org IntheUnited StatesandCanada theSAR limitformobilephonesusedbythepublicis1 6watts kg W kg averagedoveronegramoftissue The standardincorporatesasubstantialmarginofsafetytogiveadditionalprotectionforthepublicandto accountforanyvariationsinmeasurements For Your Safety ...

Страница 21: ...oximity to your face during a call Fingerprint Navigation sensor Scrolls right and left or up and down to navigate menus Hands free Connector Charger Cable Connector Back button Returns to the previous menu Multitasking Key MicroSD Card Slot Camera key Activates the camera Stylus Connector Slot Volume Keys v When the screen is idle Adjust the phone volumes v During a call Adjust the in call earpie...

Страница 22: ... How to hold your LG eXpoTM For better RF antenna reception LG suggests that you hold the handset as depicted in the figure below Do not cover the RF antenna area with your hand during a call or when using a Bluetooth connection This may degrade speech quality RF antenna LG eXpo TM Features ...

Страница 23: ...uct to severe impact as this may damage the touch key sensors 3 Use the tip of your finger to press precisely on the touch key you want being careful not to tap any other keys 4 Touch keys may not work properly if a mobile phone case or plastic cover is covering them 5 Keep metallic or other conductive materials away from the surface of the touchscreen Contact with them may result in errors 6 This...

Страница 24: ...waysdisconnectthe chargerandotheraccessoriesfromyourhandsetbeforeinsertingorremovingyourSIMcard Slidethe SIMcardintotheSIMcardholder MakesurethattheSIMcardisproperlyinsertedandthegoldcontact areaonthecardisfacingdownwards ToremovetheSIMcard pressdownlightlyandpullitgently outwards ToremovetheSIMcard ToinserttheSIMcard Note v The metal contact of the SIM card can easily be damaged by scratches Pay ...

Страница 25: ...talcontactsonthebottomedgeofthebattery compartment Presstheotherendofthebatterydownuntilitclicksintoplace Finally placethebattery coveronthephoneasshownbelow Charging the Battery Beforeconnectingthechargertothephone youmustfirstcheckifthebatteryisinstalled Getting Started ...

Страница 26: ...e for the display to respond This is not a malfunction but completely normal If using a USB cable it may take over 10 minutes Do not force the connector in as this may damage the phone and or the charger If you use the charger out of your own country use an attachment plug adaptor for the proper configuration Do not remove your battery or the SIM card while charging There is risk of explosion if t...

Страница 27: ...23 Disconnecting the Charger Disconnectthetraveladapterfromthephoneasshowninthediagrambelow Makesureyoupullthe plug notthecord Getting Started ...

Страница 28: ...ctsthemicroSD slot 2 Insertthememorycardintotheslotwiththemetalcontactsfacingdown Donotforcethememory cardintotheslot ifthecarddoesnotslideineasily pleasecheckthatthecardisbeinginsertedinthe correctwayorifthereisaforeignobjectintheslot 3 Onceinserted pushthememorycarduntilitclicks meaningthatthecardhasbeencorrectlyengaged 4 Closetheplasticslotprotection 5 Donotremovethememorycardwhenreadingandwrit...

Страница 29: ...iteasilyintotheslot v Donotbendthecardorforceitintotheslot v DonotinsertanymemorycardsotherthanmicroSD WARNING Do not insert or remove memory card when the phone is switched on as this may damage memory card Power On the Device TopofDevice Turn on off the eXpoTM PressandholdthepowerkeyonthetoprightofthephoneforafewsecondstoturntheeXpoTM onoroff Getting Started ...

Страница 30: ...thepoweron pressthepowerkeyoncetogotosleepmode Toreturnfromsleepmode pressthe powerkeyagain Lock or unlock your phone PressEndkeyforabout3secondstolockthedevice Tounlockyourphone slidethebuttononthescreen toleftorright Getting Started Getting Started ...

Страница 31: ...tylus thecenterofacrossasitmovesaround thescreen Ifyourdevicedoesnotaccuratelyrespondtoscreentaps followthesestepstore calibrateit 1 TapStart Settings System Screen 2 OntheAlignmenttab tapAlignScreenbutton andfollowtheinstructionsonthescreen After calibrationiscompleted Alignscreenreappears ClickOKonupperrightcornertoreturntothehome screen Getting Started ...

Страница 32: ...ictures Showsthelistofimagesandvideos music Youcanplaythemusicdirectly gettingstarted Showstoday sdateandcurrenttime phone Youcanseethemissedcallhistory voicemail Youcanseenewvoicemail clock Showsthecurrenttimeanddate ifhighlighted text YoucanseetheunreadmessagefromInboxaccount calendar LinktoCalendar favorites Youcangobookmarkdirectly Slidingopentheqwertykeyboardwillrotatethescreentolandscape Get...

Страница 33: ...esofLGeXpoTM usingLGHome Youcanaddfavoritecontactsandmediatothe correspondingscreensforquickaccess Thereareshortcuticonsforsomeofthemenusandfunctionsatthebottomofthehomescreen allowing youtoaccessthemdirectlyfromthehomescreen TosetorchangetheTodayscreen includingtheLGHomeScreenandWindowsDefault tapStart Settings Today Items tab LGIdles WindowsDefault OK onthetoprightofthescreen Getting Started ...

Страница 34: ...sisthevideotutorial showingyouhowtoaccessandusethephonemenus suchasContactsandMessaging Itplays automaticallyeverytimeyouturnonthedevice iftheLGHomescreenisset Ifyouwanttoseethe movieagain taptheQuickSettingstabontheHomescreen Seethenextpageformoreinformation Getting Started Getting Started ...

Страница 35: ...er TaptoopentheWirelessManager WirelessManager Turnon offtheWi Fi Bluetooth Phoneand orDataConnection FlightMode SettoONtoturnoffthephone swireless communications Ringtone Alerts Changethenotificationsetting rightfromthehomescreen Youcanchoosefrom Normal VibrateAll SilentAll OutdoororAutomatic Theme Wallpapers Changethephonethemeor wallpaper LGS ClassUITutorial Launchesthetutorial Taptoopenthe Qui...

Страница 36: ...usetheslide outkeyboard Favorite Media Contact DragtheHomescreenfromsidetosidetorevealtheMediaandContactFavoritesscreens Youcan easilyaccessthefavoriteContactsorMultimediafilesfromthesescreens PressandholdtheAddContactsandAddFilesbuttonstoadd edititemsforthescreen Getting Started Getting Started ...

Страница 37: ...echannelopened BluetoothHighQualityAudiochannelopened Remainingbatterylife Batteryisverylow Batterycharging Soundon Soundoff Ringerinvibrationmode Connectionisactive Connectionisnotactive Synchronizationinprogress Synchronizationerror Maximumsignalstrength Nosignal Bluetoothserviceisactive No phone service Searching for phone service Voice call in progress Calls are forwarded Getting Started ...

Страница 38: ... EDGE Enhanced Data Rates For Global Evolution available WCDMA or HSDPA available New e mail or text messages New voice mail There are more notifications Tap the icon to view all SIM is not inserted You can not use Network service without SIM Shows the list of running Applications by tapping this indicator Getting Started Getting Started ...

Страница 39: ...ons Multimedia ApplicationsandSettings Communications LGContacts CallHistory Messaging E mail InstantMessaging WriteNewMessage WriteNewE mail RSSReader Multimedia AppCenter MobileWeb AT TMusic MobileVideo Mobi4Biz MusicPlayer PhotoAlbum My Multimedia Podcasts Games Apps FMRadio Camera Video Menu Tree Menu Tree ...

Страница 40: ...ocketExpress InternetExplorer Schedules Alarm Multitasking Weather Calculator Tipcalculator Stopwatch SpriteBackup Tools Settings PhoneSettings FingerprintSensor TouchFeedback Sensors XT9input ScreenOutputs HomescreenLayout Bluetooth TTY Menu Tree Menu Tree ...

Страница 41: ...thetop Image Menu Description Today TakesyoutotheTodayscreen Phone Opensthedialingscreenandkeypad Text OpenstheMessagemenu SMS MMS E mail OpenstheEmailaccountsscreen Calendar OpenstheMScalendar Internet Explorer WebBrowsertoaccesstheInternet Contacts OpensMSContacts AT TWi Fi LinktotheAT TWi FiClientDownloadpage Instant Messaging OpenstheAIM MSN andYahooMessengerclient AppCenter LinktoanAT Twebsit...

Страница 42: ...iz Multimedia OpensthefoldercontainingMultimediaapplications suchas FMRadio MusicVideo andPodcast Tools OpensthefolderthatcontainsTools suchasTaskManager Java MobileZipandmore Games OpensthefoldercontainingGames LGMenu OpenstheLGMenu AT TMusic Opensthefoldercontainingavarietyofmusicapps Windows Live LetsuserssynctheiremailfromWindowsLiveHotmailaswell astheirWindowsLiveContacts Office Mobile Openst...

Страница 43: ...ed Allowsyoutoeasilysetupthemostcommonlyusedfunctions onyourphone Search Phone SearchPhonewidgetthatwillsearchyourphoneanditsvarious apps includinge mail calendar contacts messages tasks and Worddocuments tofindresults Pictures Videos AllowsyoutobrowseyourphonefoldersforPicturesandVideos Windows Media OpensWindowsMediaPlayer ...

Страница 44: ...nu Theavailablefunctionsareorganizedby category ThecategoriesareCommunications Multimedia Applications andSettings Volume keys ThesidevolumekeyswillcontroltheSystemvolumewhenthescreenisidle theEarpiecevolumeduring acall andtheMusic Soundvolumewhenplayingatrack ...

Страница 45: ... function YoucanpresstheMultitaskingKeytogodirectlytotheMultitaskingmenu Fromhereyoucanviewthe applicationsthatarecurrentlyrunningandaccess orclose themwithonetouch IfyoutouchMenu youcanendalltasksatatimeoractivateMStaskmanager ...

Страница 46: ...okofyourphone GotoStart Settings Today Items tab toconfiguretheTodayscreen TochangetotheLGHomescreen otherwiseknownastheLGIdlescreen seepage27fordetails select LGIdles ToselectthedefaultMSTodayscreen selectWindowsDefault ChecktheTodaytimeoutandselectthenumberofhoursfromthedropdownlist Ifyoudon tuseyour phoneafterthespecifiedlengthoftimehaselapsed thescreenswitchestotheTodayscreen ...

Страница 47: ...43 TheTodayscreen below isavailable ifyouchoosetodeselectboththeWindowsDefaultscreen andtheLGIdlescreenoptions Thisscreenisabletodisplaymoreoptionsandmenus makingitmore customizable ...

Страница 48: ...e Send key then select Call History Yourphonesavesthemostrecentmissed receivedanddialedcalls alongwiththecalllengthsinthe Callhistorymenu Fromthismenu youcaneasilyplaceacalltothemostrecentdialed receivedor missedcalls Make a call Making a Call from Phone 1 OntheHomescreen presstheSendkey toopenthekeypad 2 KeyinthenumberusingthekeypadandtaptheSendkey ortheSendbuttononthescreen 3 Toendthecall presst...

Страница 49: ... Touch toturnthespeakerphoneon Touchagaintoturnoff Mute Touch toturnthemicrophoneoffsothepersonyouaretalking tocannothearyou Hold Touch toputacallonhold Menu Choosefromalistoffurtherin calloptions Endsthecall Searchyourcontactsduringacall Invitea3rdpersonintothecall Keypad Touchtoopenanumericalkeypadfornavigatingmenuswith numberedoptions whendialingcallcentersorotherautomatedtelephone services ...

Страница 50: ...rength icon Initiating a Video Share Session 1 Oncethevoicecallhasbeenestablished afterafewsecondsyoucanseetheVideoShareReadyon thescreen providedthattheotherparty sphoneisalsoVideoSharecapable Then youarereadyto startsharingyourvideowiththeotherparty 2 TosuggestLiveVideoSharesessiontotheotherparty simplytapVideoShareReadyonthescreenor thecamerakeyontherightside Note v If you set Audio Alert Tap S...

Страница 51: ...ideoShareCall 4 SelecttheSTOPmenuitematanytimewhenyouwanttoquitsendingvideo orpressthe to finishboththevoicecallandthevideosharesession Note 1 The Video Share Call will be terminated in the following cases v When you accept a 3rd party Conference Call or a 2nd incoming call during a Video Sharing v When the voice call is placed on hold v When the voice call is disconnected v When moving out of a A...

Страница 52: ...nal Ways to Initiate a Video Share Call FromContacts CallHistoryandtheCamerapreviewscreen youcaninitiateaVideoSharecall Initiating a Video Share Call From Camera Preview Whenyouseescenerythroughthecamerapreviewscreen youmaywanttoshare Thenyoucaninitiate thevideosharecallwithwhohasavideosharecapablephone 1 OpentheCamerafunction The tapthe iconontheleftbottomofthecamerapreviewscreen 2 Selectacontact...

Страница 53: ...VideoShareCallfromCallHistory 1 PresstheSendkey andselectCallHistory Highlightthedesiredcontact 2 TaptheMenu VideoShareandyoucanchoosethesharingtypebetweenLiveandRecorded 3 Afterasuccessfulcallsetupandcheckingtheotherparty scapabilityofVideoShare Videoshare invitationwillbeautomaticallyrequested Saving your Video Share YoucanrecordavideostreamasaclipduringaliveVideoSharesession Therewillbeaprompt ...

Страница 54: ...call sendamessageandsoon Searching for a contact 1 Start LGMenu LGContacts IntheCommunicationstab 2 BrowsetheContactslisttofindtheContactyouarelookingforortouch onthetopofthelistand enterthecontactnameusingthekeypad 3 Selectthecontactyouwant thentheoptionsappearonthescreen Choosewhatyouwoulddofrom theSendMessage Blog VideoShare SendVcard Edit ChangeStorage andDeletefunctions Youcanalsoviewtheconta...

Страница 55: ...ho is not in your list of contacts calls you or sends you a message you can create a contact from Call History by tapping Menu Save to Contacts If you want to save the number of the contact who sent you a message tap Menu and Save Number from the message To Change Contact Information 1 TapStart LGMenu LGContactsintheCommunicationstab 2 Choosethecontactfromthelist 3 TapMenu Editandenterthechanges 4...

Страница 56: ...lsoseealistofavailableactionsforacontactbytappingthecontact snameonthelist v Toseealistofcontactsemployedbyaspecificcompany tapMenu ViewbyCompany Then tap thecompanyname To Copy SIM Contact to Handset IfyouhavesavedcontactsonyourSIMcard youcancopythemtotheHandsetmemory Theycanbe copiedoneatatime severalatatime orallatonce 1 TapStart LGMenu LGContactsintheCommunicationstab 2 TapMenu ChangeStorage C...

Страница 57: ...multiple contacts by separating each number with a semi colon When you have finished tap the text field below to compose the message text When you have finished entering the text tap OK and then tap Send SMS on the top of the screen to send the message Note that when you are entering the text you can add text templates emoticons or names and numbers by touching Menu at the lower right of the messa...

Страница 58: ...a listofavailableinputmethods To enter text symbols and numbers you can either type using the QWERTY Keyboard to type ABC characters or the standard on screen Keyboard Transcriber is a handwriting recognition program that allows you to write in cursive block letters or a combination of both Transcriber works transparently in the background of programs recognizing words with its integrated dictiona...

Страница 59: ...screen Transcriber keyboard if no text is selected Make the gesture by drawing a line straight down and back up Change the capitalization of a selected letter word or block of text Make the gesture by drawing a line straight up Undo the last action Make the gesture by drawing a line straight up and back down Copy the selected text Make the gesture by drawing a line from left to right and back Cut ...

Страница 60: ...device using the QWERTY Keypad Whenyoupressonce it allowsyoutousetheUpper character suchasspecial charactersandnumberson eachbutton Pressandhold theFNbuttonifyouwant tocontinueenteringupper characters Whenyoupressthisbuttononce itacts asaShiftbutton Pressandholdthisbuttonif youwanttousetheShiftfunctioncontinuously ...

Страница 61: ...nter text by touching the keys displayed on the screen This is the most common way to enter text in portrait mode v The XT9 Keypad is available when text entry is possible v Enter letters by touching the labeled keys Full QWERTY In portrait mode Full QWERTY mode lets you enter characters by touching the labeled key ...

Страница 62: ...Y and Half QWERTY Entering symbols Symbol mode allows you to enter various symbols and special characters In full or Half QWERY mode Tap FN and then choose what you want to enter Or tap FN and the space key to enter additional symbols Entering numbers Full Qwerty Tap FN to enter just one number Tap and hold FN to enter numbers continuously Half Qwerty Tap the 123 key CAPS key Tap briefly to activa...

Страница 63: ...Menu E mail in the Communications tab About Email Your Windows Phone smartphone can connect to Personal email accounts from Internet service providers ISP like Yahoo AOL and Hotmail You can wirelessly synchronize these personal email accounts with your LG eXpoTM Corporate email accounts on Microsoft Exchange Server or IBM Lotus Domino You can wirelessly synchronize corporate email accounts with yo...

Страница 64: ...theAccountdisplaynameandUsernamefieldsareautomatically populated TapNext andthenFinishtocompletesettingupyouraccount ortapOptionstoaccess additionalsettings IfAutoconfigurationisunsuccessful contactyourISPornetworkadministratorforthesetupinformation andenteritmanually Wireless Corporate Email Corporate Wireless Email Setup To set up corporate wireless email on your LG eXpo contact your IT administ...

Страница 65: ... want 5 After finishing tap Send at the lower left of the screen Downloading Messages How you download messages depends on the type of account To send and receive email for an Outlook E mail account begin synchronization with Exchange Server through ActiveSync To send and receive email for an email account that you have with an Internet Service Provider ISP download messages through a remote email...

Страница 66: ...he phone notifies you that there is no more space for more messages you can free space by deleting messages media and applications Messaging This menu includes functions related to text messaging and MMS Managing Messages v Tap Start LG Menu From there you can select the Messaging menu in the Communications tab to view your accounts including Messages and email 1 Inbox View received messages Selec...

Страница 67: ...ontains the games to enjoy Cool Tool Apps Videos This menu option allows to download the video files from network Color Graphics This menu option connects to AT T s graphics download site Fun Packs Themes This menu option allows to download the wallpaper themes Answer tones This menu option allows to set the tone for answering a call MEdia Net Home This menu option connects to AT T s web portal th...

Страница 68: ...eless representative for more information Music Player Tap Start LG Menu Music Player in the Multimedia tab Allows you to use the music player and displays your music You can play digital audio files stored on your device or on a memory card If you tap Menu on the right side you can check menus as below v New Playlist Create personal playlists v Add to Playlist Add new song to playlist v Delete Pl...

Страница 69: ...eproduce or copy the material In some countries national law prohibits copying of copyrighted content for personal archiving as well Prior to downloading or copying files make sure that you adhere to applicable local laws and the laws of corresponding countries or regions regarding the Terms of Use of content Adding Music to your Handset Before You Start To transfer music from your PC to your devi...

Страница 70: ...d song and then select Transfer Track s to Portable Device from the drop down menu This step begins the download process Adding Music to your Handset Add music files to your handset using one or more of the following methods Download music and ringtones over the AT T network directly to your device using the Shop Music feature Start AT T Music Shop Music From your existing digital media collection...

Страница 71: ...target PC 3 Mobile Device will display on the computer screen 4 In the Windows Media Player application click the Library tab 5 On the left side of the Library tab click All Music The right side of the page then displays all the songs the player previously found 6 Right click the song entry and then select Add to Additional Playlists 7 In the Add to Playlist dialog click the New button and then en...

Страница 72: ...ile you are transmitting has expired C Whether the file you are transmitting is the right format for your phone MP3 WMA AAC 4 If you transfer files as listed below the transferred files will not display in third party applications or in Windows Media Player A Transmit a file by directly inserting external memory into a PC 5 To delete files from your phone after transferring them with Music Sync re...

Страница 73: ...you can purchase music from third party stores and AT T Music ID MusicID is an application that uses the onboard microphone to analyze song samples and then compare them to a remote database of songs Once the application completes the analysis of a song sample it tells you the name of the song the artist and album artwork as well as opportunities to buy related content ...

Страница 74: ...data volume charges incurred Music Videos Selecting Music Videos from the AT T Music submenu launches MobiVJ With this application you will have access to music videos from the most popular artists and more With this application Simply click on a Channel and start watching Music Sync SelectingMusicSyncfromAT TMusicsubmenulaunchesanapplicationthatgivesyouaccesstothe musiccollectiononyourPC Communit...

Страница 75: ...ss to news sports weather and entertainment video clips Catch up on TV s hottest shows funniest comedians biggest headlines and latest sports scores You can even personalize your homepage for quick access to your favorites In addition the CV service streams local weather information to your personalized News Weather page every day Mobi4Biz Tap Start LG Menu Mobi4Biz in the Multimedia tab Mobi4BIZi...

Страница 76: ...ifier for iSkoot and WikiMobile can be found Using your Alarm Tap Start LG Menu Alarm in the Applications tab 1 Choose New Alarm and then use your fingers to set the time on the clock 2 Select Repeat and then choose the days on which to repeat the alarm 3 Tap Sound Vibration and then choose the type of alarm Always Sound Vibrate Always Sound Always Vibrate and so on 4 Tap Save or More to further c...

Страница 77: ...cribe to feeds by entering their links into the reader Users can update the subscribed feeds regularly for new content and downloads any updates it finds Weather Tap Start LG Menu Weather in the Applications tab Check today s weather and the weather forecast in any city you choose To Change the City and State 1 Tap the Settings tab 2 Scroll and select the Region Country State and City where you wa...

Страница 78: ...f the total bill according to the number of people v Bill Type the bill amount v Tip Type the percentage of the Tip v Split Enter the number of people Using your Stopwatch Tap Start LG Menu Stopwatch in the Applications tab Thismenuallowsyoutorecordtheelapsedtimeofanevent Youcanalsodisplayanindividuallaptime andthetotaltime 1 To start timing tap Start The running time is displayed as HH MM SS hh h...

Страница 79: ...results v Schedule Thisoptionallowsyoutosetabackupschedule v Options YoucanviewandaccessallBackup Restore Networking SecurityHistory andHelpoptions General Restore Options Used for standard restore operations Restore to the same device or similar device with identical hardware and OS version Upgrade Mode Options Used when restoring between different devices Hardware types or devices with different...

Страница 80: ... to minimize delays on your trip v A Search feature that allows you to find businesses or points of interest near your current location an airport a waypoint or any address entered You can read ratings and reviews of businesses and easily call the business you found to check on the availability of an item or make a reservation You can navigate to the business location now or save the address for l...

Страница 81: ...ation if you are in a restricted GPS signal area such as a building underground or a location surrounded by metal or concrete v If you are indoors use near a window for better GPS antenna sensitivity v It is suggested that you use the vehicle power adapter in your car v It may take up to two to three minutes to get your GPS position This time depends on the environment and network ...

Страница 82: ... TeleNav service then the next Login screen will ask you to enter the 4 digit PIN you provided when registering for TeleNav at www telenav com You can also use many of AT T Navigator s features on the TeleNav website such as driving directions Route Planning and the Search function to find businesses churches schools and government offices You can also use the TeleNav website to add an address to ...

Страница 83: ...tion choose No Note v The product tour is only displayed the first time you log into AT T Navigator and does not appear after subsequent logins You can always access the Product Tour again in the Tools Extras menu AT T Navigator Menu Overview This section gives you a brief overview of the AT T Navigator menus Main Menu The AT T Navigator Main Menu options are Drive To Directory Maps Extras ...

Страница 84: ...the directory and find the addresses and phone numbers of businesses Sort businesses by average star rating and read user reviews Once you find what you are looking for you can get audible and visual driving or walking directions place a call view a map or save it to your My Favorites list Address Enter a street address by typing or speaking You can leave the address field blank and type in a city...

Страница 85: ...e in a keyword for the search Recent Searches Access a list of the businesses you have recently viewed Food Coffee Search from a variety of categorized restaurants Gas Stations Search for nearby gas stations Gas By Price Find the cheapest gas in your area Bank ATM Search for nearby banks Hotels Motels Search for nearby hotels and motels Parking Search for nearby parking facilities Other Search the...

Страница 86: ...aps menu to view a map and traffic information for one of the following Your Current Location A Favorite Place A Recent Place A Business this is the same as the Search menu option An Address An Intersection An Airport ACity ...

Страница 87: ...ntacts Manage your contacts by organizing them into categories or editing contact information Refer a Friend Invite another person to try the AT T Navigator service Preferences Set your preferences for the AT T Navigator application Compass View a compass showing your current heading About View information such as your AT T Navigator version number the Customer Support phone number and your accoun...

Страница 88: ...Wi Fi option to turn On Off A bubble window appears if a new network has been detected v Select the network that you are permitted to access and then tap OK v Then select The Internet to get Internet service and tap Connect Note v If your Wi Fi service provider or network administrator sets an encryption key for network security you must enter the key in the pop up window If encryption is not set ...

Страница 89: ...t up the Power and Backlight settings for Battery and External Lock Set the lock mode status Fonts Adjust the text size to see more content or increase the readability in many programs Memory Manager Your eXpoTM has three possible memories the phone itself the SIM Card and an external memory card that you may need to purchase separately You can use memory manager to determine how each memory is us...

Страница 90: ...ible to connect it with compatible Bluetooth headsets computer applications and so on Note v If you use PC Sync via Bluetooth you can exchange data within the phonebook v When you receive data from another Bluetooth device the phone requests confirmation After confirming the transfer the data transfer will continue v Bluetooth must be turned on to use these features There are three tabs for Blueto...

Страница 91: ...k E mail Contacts Tasks Notes Calendar Items Audio Ring Tones Images and Videos to a another Bluetooth device Note vIf you want your phone to be discovered by other Bluetooth devices change the discoverability setting as indicated below Go the Settings tab and select Not Discoverable and change to Always Visible or Visible for 60 seconds Using TTY Tap Start LG Menu TTY in the Settings tab Allows y...

Страница 92: ...message reception operator required TTY Hear For speech impaired audible text message transmission voice reception operator required 1 TTY Full Users who cannot talk or hear send and receive text messages through TTY equipment 2 TTY Talk Users who can talk but cannot hear receive text messages and send voice messages through TTY equipment 3 TTY Hear Users who can hear but cannot talk send text mes...

Страница 93: ...nd set the desired TTY mode For a TTY mode see above 3 After setting a TTY mode check the LCD screen of the phone for the TTY icon 4 Connect the TTY equipment to a power source and then turn it on 5 Call a number 6 When a connection is made use the TTY equipment to enter and send text or voice messages 7 The voice or text message from the receiver end appears on the TTY equipment display ...

Страница 94: ... and hold the Camera button on the right side of the phone for 1 2 seconds 1 Holding the phone horizontally point the lens towards the subject you want to take a picture of 2 Hold down the camera button on the right side of the phone for 1 2 seconds or tap the camera button on the screen ...

Страница 95: ... Reset Settings Image Size Scene Mode Colour Effect White Balance Timer Shot Mode Preview Style ISO Image Quality Memory In Use Hide Icons Shutter Sound Grid View Flashlight Choose Auto Always On Always Off Macro Auto Brightness Adjust the brightness VideoShareCall Back Change mode Drag this icon to switch to camera record mode Opens the Photo Album ...

Страница 96: ...er taking a photo Send Send Via Message Email Bluetooth or HP s Snapfish Use As Allows you to use as a Wallpaper and Contact Image Back Delete OpensthePhotoAlbum Returns to the camera preview Rename Edits the filename ...

Страница 97: ...cene Mode Colour Effect White Balance Video Quality Duration Memory In Use Voice Hide Icons Recording Mode Choose from Auto Portrait Landscape and Sports Flashlight Choose Always On Always Off Brightness Adjust the brightness Back Change mode Drag this icon to switch to camera record mode Opens the Photo Album ...

Страница 98: ...94 Settings After recording Play Replays the recorded video clip Send Send Via Message Email or Bluetooth Back Delete Opens the Photo Album Record Return to record mode Rename Edits the filename ...

Страница 99: ...your files including Audio and Pictures files stored in the Handset and Memory Card You can also see how much storage space is being used The Pictures and Videos program collects organizes and sorts images and video clips in the following formats File Type File Extensions Image BMP JPG Video WMV MP4 3GP Audio AAC MP4 3GP 3G2 3GA MP3 WMA WMV M4A AMR MID You can view pictures as a slideshow delete t...

Страница 100: ...rite stations on the go Tune in to radio stations by searching for them manually or automatically They will then be saved to specific channel numbers so you don t have to search for them each time To set your listening environment tap Menu on the FM Radio screen and then choose an option you want to set such as Scan and Alarm Note v You must attach your headphones to listen to the radio Insert the...

Страница 101: ...e Enable Alarm box for setup v Options Allows you to enable RDS and switch Alternative Frequency Note v Enable RDS Displays the received data message from the radio station on the screen To Set Sound Notifications of Actions 1 Tap Start Settings Sounds Notifications In the Sounds tab choose how you want to be notified by selecting the appropriate check boxes In the Notifications tab under Event ta...

Страница 102: ...and out by touching the fingerprint sensor You can lock the eXpoTM using fingerprint recognition Go to Tap Start LG Menu Phone Settings Lock Unlock device with fingerprint sensor In the Start Menu navigate icons by touching the fingerprint Sensor Note v Register at least two fingerprints to best use this function v If the phone is locked and the fingerprint is not recognized tap the Emergency Call...

Страница 103: ...commandfunction therearemanyavailablecommands seethefollowingpagesformoreinfo Allowsyoutosee optionsforchosenitem ofthelist Allowsyoutochoose theNotificationOptions VoicecommandisactivatedwhenyoupressandholdBackkey undertheFingerprintNavigationsensor Youcanseetheiconon theuppersideofthescreen TheeXpoTM activatesasyouspeakandcommand TapStart Settings Personal VoiceCommand ...

Страница 104: ...le Announcestoremindthecalendar Mediaoptions Enable Disable Announcesthealbum artist genreofmusic Messageoptions Enable Disable Highpriority Announcestoarrivenewmessage Phoneoptions Confirmwhencallingbyname Confirmwhencallingbynumber Announceincomingcalls ...

Страница 105: ...y ifshownincontactslistview Call contact at on location ex Say CallFrankatHome Home Home2 Work Work2 Mobile Car Pager Assistant Dial ex Say Dial11122222222 Dial 491722335645 LocalCall InternationalCall Callback Redial ShowingContacts Show lookup Contact ex Say ShowFrank Nickname FirstLast FirstLastSurfix FirstMiddleLastSuffix Company onlyifavailable ...

Страница 106: ...ataremyappointments tomorrow Whataremymeetingstomorrow What smycalendarfortomorrow What smyscheduletomorrow PlayingMusic GotoStart Settings Personal Voice Commandto EnabletheMedia VoiceCommands Playanything Playmusic music SayAlbum Artist GenreorAnything Whilethe optionsarebeingreadoutloud holddownthe Backkeytothesayoption Playalbum HolddowntheBackkeytosaytheAlbum name Playartist HolddowntheBackke...

Страница 107: ...senger GettingPhone Status Whattimeisit Whatdateisit Whatismybatterylevel Turnflightmodeon Turnflightmodeoff Whatismysignalstrength WhatcallshaveImissed WhatmissedcallsdoIhave SetRingerHigh SetRingerLoud SetRingerMedium SetRingerMiddle SetRingerLow SetRingerSoft SetRingerOff SetRingerMute SetRingerVibrate GettingHelp Help WhatcanIsay Whataremychoices ...

Страница 108: ...m 3 End the programs manually by touching End Task at the lower left of the screen This will close the highlighed task one at a time Internet Sharing Note v ActiveSync software version 4 5 or later is required on your PC v Windows XP SP2 or later is required 1 Connect the USB cable to the PC 2 Tap Start Tools Internet Sharing 3 Set PC Connection to USB or Bluetooth PAN v The data connection indica...

Страница 109: ...e Server so that you can stay up to date even when your PC is turned off v Exchange files between your device and your PC without synchronizing v Select which types of information are synchronized and specify how much information is synchronized For example you can choose how many weeks of past Calendar appointments to synchronize You can synchronize your e mail contacts calendar songs pictures an...

Страница 110: ...s Phone Device Center configures itself and then opens v On the license agreement screen click Accept v On the Windows Phone Device Center s Home screen click Set up your device Note v Choose Connect without setting up your device if you only want to transfer media files check for updates or explore your device but not sync Outlook information v Select the items you want to synchronize and then cl...

Страница 111: ...and Installation and then follow the on screen instructions to install ActiveSync 2 After installation has completed connect your device to your PC using the sync cable Connect the smaller end of the USB cable into your LG eXpoTM Connect the larger end of the USB cable into the USB port of your computer 3 The Synchronization Setup Wizard automatically starts and guides you in creating a synchroniz...

Страница 112: ...a given information type in the Settings for the information type You can set up your device to synchronize with more than one PC or with a combination of one or more PCs and Exchange Server When synchronizing with multiple computers the items that you synchronize will appear on all of the computers with which they are synchronized For example if you have set up synchronization with two PCs PC1 an...

Страница 113: ...o end synchronization before it completes click Stop To change which information is synchronized 1 In ActiveSync on the device tap Menu Options 2 Do one or both of the following v Select the box for any items you want to synchronize If you cannot select a box you might have to clear the box for the same information type elsewhere in the list v Clear the box for any items you want to stop synchroni...

Страница 114: ...ext 4 Enter the user name password and domain and then tap Next To change the rules for resolving synchronization conflicts tap Advanced 5 Select the boxes for the types of information items that you want to synchronize with Exchange Server 6 To change available synchronization settings select the type of information and then tap Settings 7 Tap Finish Synchronizing using Bluetooth You can connect ...

Страница 115: ...hronized v Insert a storage card into your device 32 MB or more is recommended v Set up a sync partnership between the storage card and Windows Media Player Change Media synchronization settings Once you select the Media information type you want to synchronize in ActiveSync you can synchronize any of your favorite music video or picture files in Windows Media Player playlists All you have to do i...

Страница 116: ... set up Sound Type and Sound Tone you must set Sound to ON Button Tab Select whether you want sounds for every button press Once you set to ON you will be able to select the sound type and volume Sensors Tap Start LG Menu Sensors in the Settings tab Accelerometer Sensor If set to On the rotation sensor automatically detects the orientation of your device and decides the view mode of the screen dis...

Страница 117: ...the proximity sensor protection material Damage to the cover can lead the sensor to malfunction IM You can only use the Instant Messaging feature with the support of the network operator or communities such as AIM Windows Live and Yahoo Messenger For Instant Messaging you need a valid User ID and Password to log in and exchange messages as well as check online status The menu items below might not...

Страница 118: ...st create one on the community website using a personal computer Web browser 4 Tap Sign In Note v To avoid having to enter your user name and password each time you log in select the Save Password box To set your device to sign in to the community automatically each time you start the device select Auto Sign In Switching between Communities You can Sign in to all the communities at the same time A...

Страница 119: ...Contact list screen click the right softkey Menu Contact Options and then Add Contact On the next screen enter the User ID of the desired contact and then click the left softkey Add v Block On the Contact list screen highlight a contact click the right softkey Menu Contact Options and then choose Block Contact A confirmation screen will display Select the Yes softkey to confirm the action The Bloc...

Страница 120: ...ption To close a conversation without ending it choose the Back option from the same menu IM Settings To access IM Settings tap Menu Settings on the Contact List screen v Global Settings Play sound on new messages Select this box to play the community default sound notification when a new IM arrives Auto Start on PowerOn Select this box if you want to automatically start the application when the p...

Страница 121: ...nd formatting may be lost when you save the workbook to your device Note the following regarding Excel Mobile formatting v Alignment Horizontal vertical and wrap text attributes remain the same but vertical text appears as horizontal text v Borders Appear as a single line v Cell patterns Patterns applied to cells are removed v Fonts and font sizes Fonts not supported by your device are mapped to t...

Страница 122: ...ly but names that refer to other workbooks arrays e g 1 2 3 4 array formulas or intersection ranges are removed from the name list If a name is removed from the list it is left in formulas and functions causing those formulas to be resolved as NAME All hidden names are not hidden v AutoFilter settings Are removed However you can use the AutoFilter command in Excel Mobile to perform similar functio...

Страница 123: ...Mobile is only a viewer v File formats Files created in PPT format earlier than PowerPoint 97 and HTML files in HTM and MHT formats are not supported Word Mobile Word Mobile is a streamlined version of Microsoft Word Word documents created on your PC can be opened and edited on your device You can also create and edit documents and templates in Word Mobile and save them as DOC RTF TXT and DOT file...

Страница 124: ...u use the Browser through GPRS you should select Restore Proxy and tap OK to enable proxy usage Note v Restore Proxy is selected by default Java LG eXpoTM supports Java so you can easily download Java games and other Java applications from the Internet This menu has two subfolders Games and Applications Each folder has an embedded link for downloading Games or Applications from the Internet Please...

Страница 125: ...will be disabled automatically To Set up your device as an USB modem 1 On your device tap Start Programs EnableDUN 2 Plug in the USB cable adapter between your device and the computer 3 Tag Activate To add your device as a USB modem to your Computer 1 On your computer click Start Control Panel 2 Double click Phone and Modem Options 3 Click the Modems tab Select the new modem from the Modem list th...

Страница 126: ...descriptive name for this connection then click Next 10 Enter the telephone number as 99 or Vender support number ex 99 1 then click Next 11 Under Internet Account Information you may not need to enter a user name and paddword when using GPRS Just click Next to proceed 12 Click Finish to exit the wizard 13 The Connect dialog box then opens Click Properties to check again whether the LGEWML USB Mod...

Страница 127: ... manager and other dynamic commands Shortcut Menu is accessible while on the screen that displays your files Simply tap and hold for the Shortcut menu to display ToolbarMenusisclearlyvisibleatthetopbaroffolderview Thesemenusaredesignedtohelpthe usernavigatefoldersandsortitems To Extract ZIP Archive Archives Intheselectedfolderview tapandholdontheselectedarchive archives Onthefoldershortcutcontext ...

Страница 128: ...canselectMobileZiptobeassociatedwithsupportedfileextensions IntheOptionstab selectFileAssociation Inthedialog usethesoftkeys toclearoraddallsupportedfiles Youcanmanuallydeleteextensions thatyoudonotwanttobeassociatedwithMobileZip Fig 15 SearchDialog ...

Страница 129: ...shuts down all active programs This is useful when your device is running slower than normal or a program is not performing properly A soft reset is also necessary after the installation of some programs If you perform a soft reset when programs are running you will lose unsaved work To perform a hard reset You should only perform a Hard Reset after you have exhausted all other troubleshooting opt...

Страница 130: ...equence 1 Turn the device OFF by press the power button for a few seconds 2 Turn on your phone 3 When the phone begins the boot up process hold down the Down Volume key Multitasking Key and the End Key 4 Release when the status lights change multiple colors of the hard key reset is successful the Align screen will appear ...

Страница 131: ...ationrequirements TravelAdapter Datacable Stylus StandardBattery Headset Note v Always use genuine LG accessories Failure to do so may invalidate your warranty v Accessories may vary in different regions please check with our regional service company or agent for further information Accessories Accessories ...

Страница 132: ...RFexposureguidelineswith safetylevelsforhandheldwirelessphones Thoseguidelinesareconsistentwiththesafetystandards previouslysetbybothU S andinternationalstandardsbodies ANSIC95 1 1992 NCRPReport86 1986 ICNIRP 1996 Thosestandardswerebasedoncomprehensiveandperiodicevaluationsoftherelevantscientific literature Forexample over120scientists engineers andphysiciansfromuniversities government healthagenc...

Страница 133: ...ththeantennaaffectscall qualityandmaycausethephonetooperateatahigherpowerlevelthanotherwiseneeded Driving Checkthelawsandregulationsontheuseofwirelessphonesintheareaswhereyoudrive Alwaysobeythem Also ifusingyourphonewhiledriving please v Givefullattentiontodriving drivingsafelyisyourfirstresponsibility v Usehands freeoperation ifavailable v Pullofftheroadandparkbeforemakingoransweringacallifdrivin...

Страница 134: ...mizethepotentialforinterference v Ifyouhaveanyreasontosuspectthatinterferenceistakingplace turnyourphoneOFFimmediately HearingAids Somedigitalwirelessphonesmayinterferewithsomehearingaids Intheeventofsuchinterference youmaywanttoconsultyourserviceprovider OtherMedicalDevices Ifyouuseanyotherpersonalmedicaldevice consultthemanufacturerofyourdevicetodetermineifthey areadequatelyshieldedfromexternalR...

Страница 135: ...potentiallyexplosiveatmosphereandobeyallsignsand instructions Sparksinsuchareascouldcauseanexplosionorfireresultinginbodilyinjuryorevendeath Areaswithapotentiallyexplosiveatmosphereareoften butnotalways markedclearly Potentialareas mayinclude fuelingareas suchasgasolinestations belowdeckonboats fuelorchemicaltransferor storagefacilities vehiclesusingliquefiedpetroleumgas suchaspropaneorbutane area...

Страница 136: ...therhazard v Donotshortcircuitabatteryorallowmetallicconductiveobjectstocontactbatteryterminals v Replacethebatteryonlywithanotherbatterythathasbeenqualifiedwiththesystemperthisstandard IEEE Std 1725 2006 Useofanunqualifiedbatterymaypresentariskoffire explosion leakageor otherhazard v Promptlydisposeofusedbatteriesinaccordancewithlocalregulations v Batteryusagebychildrenshouldbesupervised v Avoidd...

Страница 137: ...t v Rechargethebatteryafterlongperiodsofnon usetomaximizebatterylife v Batterylifewillvaryduetousagepatternsandenvironmentalconditions v Useofextendedbacklighting MediaNetBrowsing anddataconnectivitykitsaffectbatterylifeand talk homescreentimes v Theself protectionfunctionofthebatterycutsthepowerofthephonewhenitsoperationisinan abnormalstate Inthiscase removethebatteryfromthephone reinstallit andt...

Страница 138: ...atgeneratedduring use v Whenthephoneisnotusedforalongperiodtime storeitinasafeplacewiththepowercord unplugged v Usingthephoneinproximitytoreceivingequipment i e TVorradio maycauseinterferencetothe phone v Donotusethephoneiftheantennaisdamaged Ifadamagedantennacontactsskin itmaycausea slightburn PleasecontactanLGAuthorizedServiceCentretoreplacethedamagedantenna v Donotimmerseyourphoneinwater Ifthis...

Страница 139: ...cingthosestudies orindeterminingthereasonsforinconsistentresults 2 WhatistheFDA sroleconcerningthesafetyofwirelessphones Underthelaw theFDAdoesnotreviewthesafetyofradiation emittingconsumerproductssuchas wirelessphonesbeforetheycanbesold asitdoeswithnewdrugsormedicaldevices However the agencyhasauthoritytotakeactionifwirelessphonesareshowntoemitradiofrequency RF energyat alevelthatishazardoustothe...

Страница 140: ...operateathigherpowerthandothewirelessphonesthemselves theRFexposuresthatpeople getfromthesebasestationsaretypicallythousandsoftimeslowerthanthosetheycangetfromwireless phones Basestationsarethusnotthesubjectofthesafetyquestionsdiscussedinthisdocument 3 Whatkindsofphonesarethesubjectofthisupdate Theterm wirelessphone refersheretohandheldwirelessphoneswithbuilt inantennas oftencalled cell mobile or ...

Страница 141: ...lioma meningioma oracousticneuroma tumorsofthebrainorsalivarygland leukemia orothercancers NoneofthestudiesdemonstratedtheexistenceofanyharmfulhealtheffectsfromwirelessphoneRF exposures However noneofthestudiescananswerquestionsaboutlong termexposures sincethe averageperiodofphoneuseinthesestudieswasaroundthreeyears 5 WhatresearchisneededtodecidewhetherRFexposurefromwirelessphonesposesahealth risk...

Страница 142: ...chwillincludebothlaboratorystudiesandstudiesofwirelessphoneusers TheCRADAwill alsoincludeabroadassessmentofadditionalresearchneedsinthecontextofthelatestresearch developmentsaroundtheworld 7 HowcanIfindouthowmuchradiofrequencyenergyexposureIcangetbyusingmywireless phone AllphonessoldintheUnitedStatesmustcomplywithFederalCommunicationsCommission FCC guidelinesthatlimitradiofrequency RF energyexposu...

Страница 143: ...Itismeasuredinwatts kg ormilliwatts g ofmatter This measurementisusedtodeterminewhetherawirelessphonecomplieswithsafetyguidelines 9 WhatstepscanItaketoreducemyexposuretoradiofrequencyenergyfrommywireless phone Ifthereisariskfromtheseproducts andatthispointwedonotknowthatthereis itisprobablyvery small Butifyouareconcernedaboutavoidingevenpotentialrisks youcantakeafewsimplestepsto minimizeyourexposu...

Страница 144: ...hsomeelectronicdevices Forthis reason theFDAhelpeddevelopadetailedtestmethodtomeasureelectromagneticinterference EMI ofimplantedcardiacpacemakersanddefibrillatorsfromwirelesstelephones Thistestmethodisnow partofastandardsponsoredbytheAssociationfortheAdvancementofMedicalinstrumentation AAMI Thefinaldraft ajointeffortbytheFDA medicaldevicemanufacturers andmanyothergroups wascompletedinlate2000 This...

Страница 145: ...efertothefollowingresources FederalCommunicationsCommission FCC RFSafetyProgram http www fcc gov oet rfsafety InternationalCommissiononNon lonizingRadiationProtection http www icnirp de WorldHealthOrganization WHO InternationalEMFProject http www who int emf Safety Guidelines ...

Страница 146: ...nstalledmounteddeviceforyourwirelessphoneora speakerphoneaccessory takeadvantageofthesedevicesifavailabletoyou 3 Positionyourwirelessphonewithineasyreach Makesureyouplaceyourwirelessphonewithineasy reachandwhereyoucanreachitwithoutremovingyoureyesfromtheroad Ifyougetanincomingcall ataninconvenienttime ifpossible letyourvoicemailansweritforyou 4 Suspendconversationsduringhazardousdrivingconditionso...

Страница 147: ...ourphoneatyourside helpisonly threenumbersaway Dial911orotherlocalemergencynumberinthecaseoffire trafficaccident road hazardormedicalemergency Remember itisafreecallonyourwirelessphone 9 Useyourwirelessphonetohelpothersinemergencies Yourwirelessphoneprovidesyouaperfect opportunitytobea GoodSamaritan inyourcommunity Ifyouseeanautoaccident crimeinprogress orotherseriousemergencywherelivesareindanger...

Страница 148: ...fiedpowerlevel theactualSARlevelofthephonewhile operatingcanbewellbelowthemaximumvalue Becausethephoneisdesignedtooperateatmultiple powerlevelstouseonlythepowerrequiredtoreachthenetwork ingeneral thecloseryouaretoa wirelessbasestationantenna thelowerthepoweroutput Beforeaphonemodelisavailableforsaletothepublic itmustbetestedandcertifiedtotheFCCthat itdoesnotexceedthelimitestablishedbythegovernment...

Страница 149: ...sociation CTIA websiteathttp www wow com com IntheUnitedStatesandCanada theSARlimitformobilephonesusedbythepublicis1 6watts kg W kg averagedoveronegramoftissue Thestandardincorporatesasubstantialmarginofsafetyto giveadditionalprotectionforthepublicandtoaccountforanyvariationsinmeasurements Safety Guidelines ...

Страница 150: ...erference youmaynotbeabletousearatedphonesuccessfully Tryingoutthe phonewithyourhearingdeviceisthebestwaytoevaluateitforyourpersonalneeds M Ratings PhonesratedM3orM4meetFCCrequirementsandarelikelytogeneratelessinterference tohearingdevicesthanphonesthatarenotlabeled M4isthebetter higherofthetworatings T Ratings PhonesratedT3orT4meetFCCrequirementsandarelikelytobemoreusablewithahearing device stele...

Страница 151: ......
