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1. Video Controller Part.
This part amplifies the level of video signal for the digital conversion and converts from the analog video signal to
the digital video signal using a pixel clock.
The pixel clock for each mode is generated by the PLL.
The range of the pixel clock is from 25MHz to 149MHz.
This part consists of the Scalar, ADC converter, TMDS receiver.
The Scalar gets the video signal converted analog to digital, interpolates input to 1920 x 1080 resolution signal and
outputs 8-bit R, G, B signal to transmitter.
2. Power Part.
This part consists of the one 3.3V regulators to convert power which is provided 12V in Adapter board, 12V is
provided for convert circuit.
3. MICOM Part.
This part is including video controller part. And this part consists of Reset IC and the Micom.
The Micom distinguishes polarity and frequencies of the H/V sync are supplied from signal cable.
The controlled data of each mode is stored in scalar.