Image sticking may occur when displaying a fixed image for an extended period of time. It is recommended that you
display videos for 18 hours or less per day to decrease the likelihood of image sticking.
A few horizontal lines may appear on the screens while running the Clear Panel Noise feature (OFF-RS). This is
normal, so there is no need for concern. If the power is turned on or a power failure occurs while the Clear Panel
Noise feature (OFF-RS) is running, the feature may not work properly. Turn the power on five minutes after running
the Clear Panel Noise feature. The external speakers connected to the product may make a sound while you are
running the Clear Panel Noise feature (OFF-RS).
OFF-RS: Removes image sticking through TFT degradation compensation. Runs after 4 hours of use.
JB: Removes image sticking through OLED degradation compensation. Runs after 2000 hours of use.