Fall 2009 1080P Plasma 50PS60
LVDS Cable Connector
Lay the Plasma down carefully on a padded surface.
Make sure AC is removed and remove the Back Cover and the
Carefully remove the LVDS Cable
from the Main Board by
lifting the Locking Tab upward and pull the ribbon cable free. (See
illustration to the right). This prevents possible damage to the cable.
(A) Remove the Stand (4 Screws removed during back removal)
Pull the stand out of the stand support bracket.
(B) Remove the Stand Metal Support Bracket (5 Screws).
(C) On the Main board, remove connectors P1108, P1101 and P900.
The LVDS connector should already be removed (see above).
(D) Remove the 4 screws from the Main Board Mounting Bracket.
(Note: Decorative Plastic Piece on right does not need to be removed)
Carefully reposition the Main Board and Mounting Bracket up and off to the right side.
(E) Remove the metal support Braces marked “E”. Note: There is a Left and a Right brace.
(3 Screws per/bracket).
(F) Remove the 13 screws holding the Heat Sink.
Removing the X Drive Circuit Board
Removing the X Drive Circuit Board
PROCEDURE: (See Figure on next page).
Flip up the Locking Tab
Disconnect all TCP ribbon cables from the defective X-Drive PWB.
Remove the 5 screws holding the PWB in place.
Remove the PWB. Reassemble in reverse order. Recheck Va / Vs / VScan / -VY / Z-Bias.