White Balance
Auto / Sunny / Cloudy /
Tungsten / Fluorescent
Night Mode
On / Off
Filter Effects
Normal / Sepia / Mono /
Shutter Sound
Shutter1 / Shutter2 /
Shutter3 / Shutter4
3. Take a picture by pressing
4. Press .
The picture is stored in Picture Album.
Using the Side Camera Key
You can use the Side Camera Key
to take a
picutre when the flip is closed. The picture is shown
on the outside display.
1. Press the Side Camera Key
for about 3
seconds to enter the Take Photo mode.
2. Take a picture by pressing Side Camera Key
3. Press the Side Camera Key
for about 3
seconds to exit camera mode.
4. My Albums
4.1 Sound Album
1. Press
, , , .
2. Select your desired sound with
and press
Right Soft Key
3. Select one of the following options:
Send Message
Sends a message.
Yes / No
Rename the selected Sound.
Delete All
Yes / No
Name / Size / Type
Upload Online Album
Accesses the Online Album.
When the Flash is On, take the photo within 12
inches of the subject.
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