LG 34WL550 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 8





Illustrations in this manual may differ from the actual product.

Press the joystick button, go to [settings]   [Input], and then select the input option.



Do not press the screen for a prolonged time. This may cause image distortion.


Do not display a still image on the screen for a prolonged time. This may cause image retention. use a PC 
screensaver if possible.


When connecting the power cord to the outlet, use a grounded (3-hole) power strip or a grounded power 


The monitor may flicker when turned on in an area where the temperature is low. This is normal.


sometimes red, green, or blue spots may appear on the screen. This is normal.

Connecting to a PC


This monitor supports the *Plug and Play feature.

*  Plug and Play: a feature that allows you to add a device to your computer without having to reconfigure 

anything or install any manual drivers.

HDMI Connection

Transmits digital video and audio signals from your PC to the monitor. 



using a DVI to HDMI / DP (DisplayPort) to HDMI cable may cause compatibility issues.


use a certified cable with the HDMI logo attached. If you do not use a certified HDMI cable, the screen may not 
display or a connection error may occur.


recommended HDMI cable types



High-speed HDMI







High-speed HDMI




 cable with Ethernet

Connecting aV Devices

HDMI Connection

HDMI transmits digital video and audio signals from your aV device to the monitor. 



using a DVI to HDMI / DP (DisplayPort) to HDMI cable may cause compatibility issues.


use a certified cable with the HDMI logo attached. If you do not use a certified HDMI cable, the screen may not 
display or a connection error may occur.


recommended HDMI cable types



High-speed HDMI







High-speed HDMI




 cable with Ethernet

Connecting Peripherals

Headphones Connection

Connect peripherals to the monitor via the headphones port. 



Peripheral devices are sold separately.


Depending on the audio settings of the PC and external device, headphones and speaker functions may be 


If you use angled earphones, it may cause a problem with connecting another external device to the monitor. 
Therefore, it is recommended to use straight earphones.




Содержание 34WL550

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Страница 10: ...ttings Menu Settings 1 Toviewthesettingsmenu pressthejoystickbuttonatthebottomofthemonitorandthenenterthe Settings 2 Configuretheoptionsbymovingthejoystickup down left right 3 Toreturntotheuppersettingsorsetothersettingsitems movethejoystickto orpressing it 4 Ifyouwanttoexitthesettingsmenu movethejoystickto untilyouexit QuickSettings Input Picture General CAUTION Yourmonitor sOSD OnScreenDisplay m...

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Страница 15: ...phiccardthatsupportsAMD sFreeSyncisnecessary SupportedVersion Makesuretoupdatethegraphiccardtothelatestdriver Formoreinformationandrequirement refertoAMDwebsiteathttp www amd com FreeSync On FreeSync functionon Off FreeSync functionoff BlackStabilizer Youcancontroltheblackcontrasttohavebettervisibilityindarkscenes Increasingthe BlackStabilizer valuebrightensthelowgraylevelareaonthescreen Youcaneas...

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Страница 17: ...vementonthescreenforaperiodoftime Youcansetatimerfortheauto offfunction 8H 6H 4HandOff HDMICompatibilityMode On Enables HDMICompatibilityMode Off Disables HDMICompatibilityMode Note Iftheconnecteddevicedoesnotsupport HDMICompatibilityMode thescreenorsoundmaynotworkproperly When HDMICompatibilityMode ison HDRfunctionisnotsupported OSDLock Thisfeaturedisablestheconfigurationandadjustmentofmenus On E...

Страница 18: ...ings Doyouwanttoresetyoursettings Yes Returnstothedefaultsettings No Cancelthereset Note SavingDatadependsonthePanel Thesevaluesvarybypanelandvendor Iftheoption SMARTENERGYSAVING isset High or Low thenmonitorluminancebecomeshigherorlowerdependinguponthesource ...

Страница 19: ...splayed AresomefunctionsnotavailablewhenyoupresstheMenubutton TheOSDislocked GotoSettings GeneralandsetOSDLocktoOff The screen retains an image Doesimagestickingoccurevenwhenthemonitoristurnedoff Displayingastillimageforaprolongedtimemaycausedamagetothescreen resultingintheretentionoftheimage Toextendthelifetimeofthemonitor useascreensaver Screen display is unstable and shaky Images displayed on t...

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Страница 21: ... LIENCHANGELECTRONICENTERPRISEproduction Output 19V 2 1A Environmental Conditions OperatingConditions Temperature 0 Cto40 C 32 Fto104 F Humidity Lessthan80 StoringConditions Temperature 20 Cto60 C 4 Fto140 F Humidity Lessthan85 Dimensions MonitorSize WidthxHeightxDepth WithStand 825 6x570 7x230 0 mm 32 5x22 4x9 0 inches WithoutStand 825 6x369 8x51 2 mm 32 5x14 5x2 0 inches Weight Without Packaging...

Страница 22: ... Remarks 640x480 31 469 59 94 640x480 37 5 75 800x600 37 879 60 317 800x600 46 875 75 0 1024x768 48 363 60 1024x768 60 123 75 029 1152x864 53 697 60 1280x720 45 00 60 00 1280x1024 63 981 60 02 1280x1024 79 976 75 025 1600x900 60 00 60 00 1680x1050 65 29 59 954 1920x1080 67 5 60 2560x1080 66 636 59 98 2560x1080 83 915 74 99 ...

Страница 23: ...t Mode Horizontal Frequency kHz Vertical Frequency Hz Remarks 480P 31 5 60 576P 31 25 50 720P 37 5 50 720P 45 60 1080P 56 25 50 1080P 67 5 60 2160P 67 5 30 Power LED Mode LED Color OnMode White Forafewseconds SleepMode Off OffMode Off ...

Страница 24: ...donthebackandononesideoftheproduct Recordthembelowincaseyoueverneedservice Model SerialNo Supplier s Declaration of Conformity TradeName LG ResponsibleParty LGElectronicsUSA Inc Address 1000SylvanAveEnglewoodCliffs NJ07632 Telephone 201 266 2215 ...
