background image




Check the following before calling for service.

No image appears

Is the power cord of the display connected?


Check and see if the power cord is connected properly to the power outlet.

Do you see an "Out of Range" message on the screen?


This message appears when the signal from the PC (video card) is out of horizontal or vertical frequency range of the display. See the 'Specifications' section of this 
manual and configure your display again.

Do you see a "NO SIGNAL" message on the screen? 


After the monitor is on "NO SIGNAL", the monitor goes to DPM mode. 


This is displayed when the signal cable between the PC and the monitor is missing or disconnected. Check the cable and reconnect it.

Can 't you control some functions in OSD?

Can't you select some menu in OSD?


You can unlock the OSD controls at any time by entering the OSD lock menu and changing items to off.




Control Panel







 and see if the frequency or the resolution were changed.  If yes, readjust the video card to the recommend resolution.


If the recommended resolution (optimal resolution) is not selected, letters may be blurred and the screen may be dimmed, truncated or biased. Make sure to select the recommend resolution.


The setting method can differ by computer and O/S (Operation System), and resolution mentioned above may not be supported by the video card performance. In this case, please ask to the computer or the video card 

Display image is incorrect

The screen color is mono or abnormal.


Check if the signal cable is properly connected and use a screwdriver to fasten if necessary.


Make sure the video card is properly inserted in the slot.


Set the color setting higher than 24 bits (true color) at 

Control Panel





The screen blinks.


Check if the screen is set to interlace mode and if yes, change it to the recommend resolution.

Do you see an "Unrecognized monitor, Plug&Play (VESA DDC) monitor found" message?

Have you installed the display driver?


Be sure to install the display driver from our web site:



Make sure to check if the video card supports Plug&Play function.

The screen is flickering.

Did you select the recommended resolution?


If the selected resolution is HDMI 1080i 60/50 Hz, the screen may be flickering. Change the resolution to the recommended resolution 1080P.

Содержание 24ML600M

Страница 1: ...Dbacklights Pleasereadthismanualcarefullybeforeoperatingyoursetand retainitforfuturereference OWNER S MANUAL LEDLCDMONITOR LEDMonitor www lg com Copyright 2018LGElectronicsInc AllRightsReserved 24ML600M 27ML600M 24ML600S 27ML600S 27MN60T ...

Страница 2: ...nthelicense ThetermsHDMIandHDMIHigh DefinitionMultimediaInterface andtheHDMILogoaretrademarksorregisteredtrademarksof HDMILicensingAdministrator Inc TABLE OF CONTENTS LICENSE 2 ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING 3 USINGTHE MONITOR 8 USER SETTINGS 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 21 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 22 ...

Страница 3: ...tbecoveredbytheproductwarranty Donotcarrythemonitorupsidedownbyjustholdingthebase Thismaycausethemonitortofalloffthestand andcouldresultinpersonalinjury Whenliftingormovingthemonitor donottouchthemonitorscreen Theforceappliedtothemonitorscreen maycausedamagetoit NOTE Thecomponentsmaylookdifferentfromthoseillustratedhere Withoutpriornotice allproductinformationandspecificationscontainedinthismanual...

Страница 4: ...dor damagedandtoensuresafetransportation regardlessofitsshapeorsize Placethemonitorintheoriginalboxorpackingmaterialbeforeattemptingtomoveit Beforemovingorliftingthemonitor disconnectthepowercordandallothercables Holdthebottomandsideofthemonitorframefirmly Donotholdthepanelitself Whenholdingthemonitor thescreenshouldfaceawayfromyoutopreventitfrombeingscratched Whentransportingthemonitor donotexpos...

Страница 5: ... outlet Ifyouneedanotherpowercord pleasecontactyourlocaldealerorthenearestretailstore Adjusting the Angle 1 Placethemonitormountedonthestandbaseinanuprightposition 2 Adjusttheangleofthescreen 24ML600M 24ML600S Theangleofthescreencanbeadjustedforwardorbackwardfrom 2 to15 foracomfortableviewing experience 27ML600M 27ML600S 27MN60T Theangleofthescreencanbeadjustedforwardorbackwardfrom 5 to15 foracomf...

Страница 6: ...ces NOTE Thewallmountplateissoldseparately Formoreinformationoninstallation refertothewallmountplate sinstallationguide Becarefulnottoapplytoomuchforcewhilemountingthewallmountplateasitmaycausedamagetothe screen Removethestandbeforeinstallingthemonitoronawallmountbyperformingthestandattachmentin reverse Installing on theWall Installthemonitoratleast100mm 3 94inches awayfromthewallandleaveabout100m...

Страница 7: ...ackoftheMonitor Standardscrew M4xL10 WallMountPlate BackoftheMonitor Max 8mm 0 3inches Toinstallthemonitortoawall attachawallmountingbracket optional tothebackofthemonitor Makesurethatthewallmountingbracketissecurelyfixedtothemonitorandtothewall Wall Mount mm 24ML600M 24ML600S 27ML600M 27ML600S 27MN60T 75x75 100x100 Standard screw M4xL10 Number of screws 4 NOTE Anon VESAstandardscrewmaydamagethepr...

Страница 8: ...e PlugandPlay Afeaturethatallowsyoutoaddadevicetoyourcomputerwithouthavingtoreconfigure anythingorinstallanymanualdrivers D SUB connection TransmitsanalogvideofromyourPCtotheMonitorset NOTE WhenusingaD SubsignalinputcableconnectorforMacintosh Mac adapter ForAppleMacintoshuse aseparateplugadapterisneededtochangethe15pinhighdensity 3row D SUBVGA connectoronthesuppliedcabletoa15pin2rowconnector HDMI ...

Страница 9: ...ctionerrormayoccur RecommendedHDMIcabletypes High SpeedHDMI TM cable High SpeedHDMI TM cablewithEthernet Connecting Peripherals Headphones Connection Connectperipheralstothemonitorviatheheadphonesport NOTE Peripheraldevicesaresoldseparately DependingontheaudiosettingsofthePCandexternaldevice headphonesandspeakerfunctionsmaybe limited Ifyouuseangledearphones itmaycauseaproblemwithconnectinganothere...

Страница 10: ... menu enabled Exitsthemainmenu Holdingdownthebuttonmorethan3secondstoturnoffthemonitor Youcanturnoffthemonitorthiswayatanytime includingwhentheOSDison Main menu disabled Adjuststhemonitorvolumelevel 24ML600M 27ML600M 27MN60T forHDMIonly 24ML600S 27ML600S HDMI D Sub Main menu enabled EnterstheInputfeatures Main menu disabled Adjuststhemonitorvolumelevel 24ML600M 27ML600M 27MN60T forHDMIonly 24ML600...

Страница 11: ...r Off Input Settings Auto Configuration Exit forD SUBonly Main Menu Description Input Setsinputmode Power Off Turnsoffthemonitor Settings Configuresthescreensettings Picture Mode Setsthepicturemode Exit Exitsthemainmenu Auto Configuration OperatetheAutoconfigurationforoptimaldisplayinD SUB ...

Страница 12: ...s 2 Movethejoystickup downandleft righttosettheoptions 3 Toreturntotheuppermenuorsetothermenuitems movethejoystickto orpressing it 4 IfyouwanttoexittheOSDmenu movethejoystickto untilyouexit 24ML600M 27ML600M 27MN60T Quick Settings Input Picture General 24ML600S 27ML600S Quick Settings Input Picture Sound General ...

Страница 13: ...rbetweenaredandbluetone Cool Setsthescreencolortoabluishtone Auto Configuration D SUB only Do you want to Auto Configuration No Canceltheselect Yes OperatetheAutoconfigurationforoptimaldisplayinD SUB Input Settings Input Description Input List Selectstheinputmode Aspect Ratio Adjuststheaspectratioofthescreen FullWide Displaysthevideoinwide screen regardlessofthevideosignalinput Original Displaysvi...

Страница 14: ...sthescreentoimprovethevisualeffectsofavideo Color Weakness Thismodeisforuserswhocannotdistinguishbetweenredandgreen Itenablesuserswithcolorweaknesstoeasilydistinguish betweenthetwocolors Game Optimizesthescreenforgameplay NOTE IfthePicture Modeischanged thescreenmayflickerortheresolutionofyourPCscreenmaybeaffected Thisissubsidiaryforcolorweaknessuser Thereforeifyoufeeluncomfortablewiththescreen pl...

Страница 15: ...ntoincreasethesharpnessoflowresolutionpictures itisnotrecommendedtousethefunctionfor normaltextorfordesktopicons Doingsomayresultinunnecessarilyhighsharpness Black Level Setstheoffsetlevel forHDMIonly Offset asareferenceforavideosignal thisisthedarkestcolorthemonitorcandisplay High Keepsthecurrentcontrastratioofthescreen Low Lowerstheblacklevelsandraisesthewhitelevelsfromthecurrentcontrastratiooft...

Страница 16: ...stdriver Formoreinformationandrequirement refertoAMDwebsiteathttp www amd com FreeSync FreeSyncand1ms Motion Blur Reductioncannotbeenabledsimultaneously On FreeSyncfunctionon Off FreeSyncfunctionoff Black Stabilizer Youcancontroltheblackcontrasttohavebettervisibilityindarkscenes IncreasingtheBlackStabilizervaluebrightensthelowgraylevelareaonthescreen Youcaneasilydistinguishobjectsondark gamescreen...

Страница 17: ...nblur brightnessisreducedwithbacklightcontrol 1ms Motion Blur ReductionandFreeSyncfeaturecannotusedatthesametime Thisfunctionisgame optimized Itisrecommendedtoturnoffwhenyouarenotusingthegamingfunction Flickermayoccurduring1ms Motion Blur Reductionoperation Crosshair CrosshairprovidesamarkonthecenterofthescreenforFirstPersonShooter FPS games UserscanselecttheCrosshairthatfits theirgamingenvironmen...

Страница 18: ...B only Horizontal Tomoveimageleftandright Vertical Tomoveimageupanddown Clock Tominimizeanyverticalbarsorstripesvisibleonthescreenbackground Thehorizontalscreensizewillalsochange Phase Toadjustthefocusofthedisplay Thisitemallowsyoutoremoveanyhorizontalnoiseandclearorsharpentheimageofcharacters Resolution D SUB only Usercansetthedesiredresolution Thisoptionisenabledonlywhenthescreenresolutiononyour...

Страница 19: ...ription Volume ToadjusttheVolumeofheadphoneorspeaker Main Audio Tochoosetheaudiosourceinput MaxxAudio On MaxxAudio bywaves recipientofaTechnicalGRAMMYAward isasuiteofstudio qualitysoundtoolsforasuperiorlistening experience Off DisablestheMaxxAudiofunction ...

Страница 20: ...nitorwillautomaticallyswitchtostandbymodeafteracertainperiod OSD Lock Preventsincorrectkeyinput On Keyinputisdisabled NOTE AllfunctionexceptfortheOSDLockmode brightness Contrast Input InformationandVolumearedisabled Off Keyinputisenabled Information ThedisplayinformationwillbeshowntheModel Total Power OnTime Serial Number Resolution Reset Do you want to reset your settings No Canceltheselect Yes R...

Страница 21: ...therecommendedresolution optimalresolution isnotselected lettersmaybeblurredandthescreenmaybedimmed truncatedorbiased Makesuretoselecttherecommendresolution ThesettingmethodcandifferbycomputerandO S OperationSystem andresolutionmentionedabovemaynotbesupportedbythevideocardperformance Inthiscase pleaseasktothecomputerorthevideocard manufacturer Display image is incorrect Thescreencolorismonoorabnor...


Страница 23: ...inches Weight Without Packaging WithStand 3 5kg 7 7lbs WithoutStand 3 1kg 6 8lbs Thespecificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice Thepowerconsumptionlevelcanbedifferentbyoperatingconditionandmonitorsetting TheOnmodepowerconsumptionismeasuredwithLGEteststandard FullWhitepattern Maximumresolution ThemonitorgoestotheSleepModeinacoupleofminutes Max5minutes ...

Страница 24: ...LIENCHANGELECTRONICENTERPRISE ortypeLCAP26A B manufacturedbyLIENCHANGELECTRONICENTERPRISE ortypeADS 45SQ 19 319032E manufacturedbySHENZHENHONORELECTRONIC ortypeADS 45FSQ 1919032EPG 1 manufacturedbySHENZHENHONORELECTRONIC ortypeADS 45FSQ 1919032EPK 1 manufacturedbySHENZHENHONORELECTRONIC ortypeADS 45FSQ 1919032EPCU 1 manufacturedbySHENZHENHONORELECTRONIC ortypeADS 45FSQ 1919032EPBR 1 manufacturedby...

Страница 25: ... 0 mm 21 2x16 3x7 1 inches WithoutStand 539 1x321 5x66 5 mm 21 2x12 6x2 6 inches Weight Without Packaging WithStand 3 6kg 7 9lbs WithoutStand 3 2kg 7 0lbs Thespecificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice Thepowerconsumptionlevelcanbedifferentbyoperatingconditionandmonitorsetting TheOnmodepowerconsumptionismeasuredwithLGEteststandard FullWhitepattern Maximumresolution ThemonitorgoestotheSleepModein...

Страница 26: ...edbyLIENCHANGELECTRONICENTERPRISE ortypeLCAP26A B manufacturedbyLIENCHANGELECTRONICENTERPRISE ortypeADS 45SQ 19 319032E manufacturedbySHENZHENHONORELECTRONIC ortypeADS 45FSQ 1919032EPG 1 manufacturedbySHENZHENHONORELECTRONIC ortypeADS 45FSQ 1919032EPK 1 manufacturedbySHENZHENHONORELECTRONIC ortypeADS 45FSQ 1919032EPCU 1 manufacturedbySHENZHENHONORELECTRONIC ortypeADS 45FSQ 1919032EPBR 1 manufactur...

Страница 27: ...4 mm 24 0x17 8x8 2 inches WithoutStand 611 2x362 6x72 7 mm 24 0x14 2x2 8 inches Weight Without Packaging WithStand 4 8kg 10 5lbs WithoutStand 4 3kg 9 4lbs Thespecificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice Thepowerconsumptionlevelcanbedifferentbyoperatingconditionandmonitorsetting TheOnmodepowerconsumptionismeasuredwithLGEteststandard FullWhitepattern Maximumresolution ThemonitorgoestotheSleepModein...

Страница 28: ...5SQ 19 319040E manufacturedbySHENZHENHONORELECTRONIC ortypeADS 45FSQ 1919040EPG 1 manufacturedbySHENZHENHONORELECTRONIC ortypeADS 45FSQ 1919040EPK 1 manufacturedbySHENZHENHONORELECTRONIC ortypeADS 45FSQ 1919040EPCU 1 manufacturedbySHENZHENHONORELECTRONIC ortypeADS 45FSQ 1919040EPBR 1 manufacturedbySHENZHENHONORELECTRONIC ortypeAD10530LF manufacturedbyPIElectronics H K Ltd ortypeAD2137S20 manufactu...

Страница 29: ...nches Weight Without Packaging WithStand 4 8kg 10 5lbs WithoutStand 4 3kg 9 4lbs Thespecificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice Thepowerconsumptionlevelcanbedifferentbyoperatingconditionandmonitorsetting TheOnmodepowerconsumptionismeasuredwithLGEteststandard FullWhitepattern Maximumresolution ThemonitorgoestotheSleepModeinacoupleofminutes Max5minutes ...

Страница 30: ... Frequency Hz Polarity H V Remarks 720x400 31 468 70 08 640x480 31 469 59 94 640x480 37 5 75 800x600 37 879 60 317 800x600 46 875 75 1024x768 48 363 60 1024x768 60 023 75 029 1152x864 67 500 75 1280x1024 63 981 60 023 1280x1024 79 976 75 035 1680x1050 65 290 59 954 1920x1080 67 500 60 RecommendMode ...

Страница 31: ...marks 720x400 31 468 70 08 640x480 31 469 59 94 640x480 37 5 75 800x600 37 879 60 317 800x600 46 875 75 1024x768 48 363 60 1024x768 60 023 75 029 1152x864 67 500 75 1280x1024 63 981 60 023 1280x1024 79 976 75 035 1680x1050 65 290 59 954 1920x1080 67 500 60 RecommendMode 1920x1080 83 89 74 97 ...

Страница 32: ...HDMITiming Video Factory support mode Preset Mode Horizontal Frequency kHz Vertical Frequency Hz HDMI 480P 31 50 60 O 576P 31 25 50 O 720P 37 50 50 O 720P 45 00 60 O 1080P 56 25 50 O 1080P 67 50 60 O RecommendMode ...

Страница 33: ...231Slider Picture PictureAdjust SUPERRESOLUTION 324 Picture PictureAdjust SUPERRESOLUTION Off 3241 Picture PictureAdjust SUPERRESOLUTION High 3242 Picture PictureAdjust SUPERRESOLUTION Middle 3243 Picture PictureAdjust SUPERRESOLUTION Low 3244 Picture PictureAdjust BlackLevel 325 Picture PictureAdjust BlackLevel High 3251 Picture PictureAdjust BlackLevel Low 3252 Picture PictureAdjust DFC 326 Pict...

Страница 34: ...OnlyD sub Off 365 Picture Resolution OnlyD sub 1280 960 361 Picture Resolution OnlyD sub 1600 900 362 Picture Resolution OnlyD sub Off 363 Picture Resolution OnlyD sub 1440 900 361 Picture Resolution OnlyD sub 1600 900 362 Picture Resolution OnlyD sub Off 363 Picture PictureReset 37 Picture PictureReset No 371 Picture PictureReset Yes 372 General 4 General Language 41 General Language English 411 ...

Страница 35: ...ononesideoftheproduct Recordthembelowincaseyoueverneedservice Model SerialNo Supplier s Declaration of Conformity TradeName LG ResponsibleParty LGElectronicsUSA Inc Address 111SylvanAvenue NorthBuilding EnglewoodCliffs NJ07632 E mail lg environmental lge com ...
