LG 21HK512D Скачать руководство пользователя страница 16





Check to see

Nothing is displayed on the screen


The signal cable should be completely connected to the display card/computer.


The display card should be completely seated in its slot.


Check the AC switch. Should be in the On position.


OSD Control Knob and computer power switch should be in the On position.


Check to make sure that a supported mode has been selected on the display card or system being used. (Please consult display card or system manual 
to change graphics mode)


Check the monitor and your display card with respect to compatibility and recommended settings.


Check the signal cable connector for bent or pushed-in pins.

Image persistence (Image Sticking)


Image persistence is when a residual or ghost image of a previous image remains visible on the screen. To alleviate image persistence, turn off the 
monitor for as long as the previous image was displayed.


Try not to operate the LCD with a fixed image on the screen for more than thirty minutes.

The screen has defective pixels


The screen has defective pixels (e.g. slightly light or dark). This is due to the characteristics of the panel itself and not the LCD product.

Image is unstable, unfocused or swimming is apparent


Signal cable should be completely attached to the computer.


Check the monitor and your display card with respect to compatibility and recommended signal timings.


If your text is garbled, change the video mode to non-interlace and use 50Hz refresh rate.

OSD is not sized properly


Use the OSD Image Adjust controls to increase or decrease the coarse total.


Check to make sure that a supported mode has been selected on the display card or system being used.

Is the [No Signal] message displayed?


Signal cable should be completely attached to the computer.


Make certain the computer is not in a power-saving mode. (Touch the keyboard or mouse)


If no video is present on the screen, turn the Power button off and on again.

LED on monitor is not lit (No Green or Light Orange can be seen)


Power Switch should be in the On position and power cord should be connected.


Check the power cable should be connected surely. Press the OSD Control Knob or switch display condition with source or resolution.

Содержание 21HK512D

Страница 1: ...nual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference 21HK512D www lg com Copyright 2019 LG Electronics Inc All Rights Reserved OWNER S MANUAL MEDICAL MONITOR MFL71428803 2008 REV02 Printed in Taiwan ...

Страница 2: ...fforce Thecleanercouldcauseseriousdamageifitleaksinsidethemonitorwhilecleaning Thedisplaycouldbedamaged soonlycleanthepartsofthemonitorotherthanthescreen sLCDpanel Donotusebenzene thinner acidsoralkalinecleanersorothersuchsolvents Cleaningguidelinesfordisplaysmustonlybecarriedoutbymedicalprofessionals doctorsornurses and mustnotbehandledbypatients CONTENTS ON CLEANING 2 ASSEMBLY AND PREPARING 3 IN...

Страница 3: ...ofaccessoriesshownbelow Unauthorizedcomponents cancausedamageandmalfunctiontotheproduct Component Standard DisplayPort Cable UL Impedance100ohm DVI D Cable UL Impedance100ohm Power Cord US ApprovedUSsafetyregulation Others Approvedcountrysafetyregulation NOTE Thecomponentsmaylookdifferentfromthoseillustratedhere Withoutpriornotice allproductinformationandspecificationscontainedinthismanualaresubje...

Страница 4: ... Indicator LED Status Operation Description Green Normaloperation Orange Nosignal Powersaving LightOrange Powersavingwhenpeopleleave LEDoff Poweroff NOTE Undernormaloperation PowerLEDIndicatorwillbeoffafter20secondsinordernottoaffecttheimage readingqualityindarkroom TobringbackthePowerLEDIndicator presstheOSDControlKnoborswitchdisplaycondition ...

Страница 5: ...rttoanexternalstoragedevice itiscompatiblewithFAT32only Fortechnicianuseonly 3 RJ45 ForsendingcalibrationreporttoatargetPCandsynchronizewithtimeserver Fortechnician useonly 4 DisplayPort20pin DigitalConnection 5 Dual LinkDVI D DigitalConnection 6 ACpowerinput ForoperationwithACpower 7 Equipotential terminal Connecttootherequipment spotentialequalizationconductor 8 ACswitch ForoperationwithACpower ...

Страница 6: ...thepowercordtothemonitorandtheotherendtothepoweroutlet 5 TheACswitchonthebackofthemonitormustbeturnedon ThenturnonthemonitorwiththeOSD ControlKnob 6 Forfurtheradjustments refertotheOSDsectionofthismanual NOTE Incorrectcableconnectionsmayresultinirregularoperation damagedisplayquality componentsofLCD moduleand orshortenthemodule slife PleaserefertoCautionof AssemblyAndPreparing sectionforpropersele...

Страница 7: ...itssideortiltitsideways CAUTION Avoidtouchingthemonitorscreenasmuchaspossible Thismayresultindamagetothescreenorsomeofthepixelsusedtocreateimages Ifyouusethemonitorpanelwithoutthestandbase itsOSDControlKnobmaycausethemonitortobecome unstableandfall resultingindamagetothemonitororhumaninjury Inaddition thismaycausetheOSD ControlKnobtomalfunction Installing on aTable Liftthemonitorandplaceitonthetab...

Страница 8: ...forwardorbackwardfrom 5 to25 foracomfortableviewing experience WARNING Toavoidinjurytothefingerswhenadjustingthescreen donotholdthelowerpartofthemonitor sframeas illustratedbelow Becarefulnottotouchorpressthescreenareawhenadjustingtheangleofthemonitor Swivel stand Swivel45degreesandadjusttheangleoftheMonitorsettosuityourview Pivot Feature Thepivotfeatureallowsthemonitortorotate90degreesclockwiseor...

Страница 9: ...toruptothemaximumheight 2 Adjusttheangleofthemonitorinthedirectionofthearrowasshowninthefigure 3 Rotatethemonitorclockwiseorcounter clockwiseasshowninthefigure 4 Completetheinstallationbyrotatingthemonitor90 asshowninthefigure ...

Страница 10: ...rddriversmayusedifferentsettingsforthe screenpivotkeyormaynotsupportthepivotkeyatall Windowsoperatingsystemscreenpivotshortcutkey 0 Ctrl Alt keyboardupkey 90 Ctrl Alt keyboardleftkey 180 Ctrl Alt keyboarddownkey 270 Ctrl Alt keyboardrightkey WARNING Takecarewhenrotatingthemonitorifthecableisconnected Toavoidinjurytoyourfingers donotputthembetweenthescreenandthestandbasewhenturningthe monitor sscre...

Страница 11: ...TheOSDControlKnobisamulti functionaldevicelocatedbehindthePowerLEDIndicatorontherightsideof thefrontbezel Ithasthreemovements rotateupward rotatedownwardandpressinwardasabutton PowerOn Off PresstheOSDControlKnobtopowertheunitonfromtheoffstage theLEDisoff Toturnthepoweroff presstheOSDControlKnob andholdforatleast3seconduntiltheLEDturnsoff OSDControl Whilethemonitorison greenLEDandimageonthescreen P...

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Страница 13: ...2 GammaDICOM SetGammacurveformedicalstandard DIN6868 157 GammaUser SetGammacurveforusermode LightBox Fullscreeninwhite Info Info Description SystemInformation ShowModelname FirmwareVersion GPUVersion MonitorSN H Freq V Freq LifeTime IP ALS LUX NOTE InformationofLUXisonlyforreference Forqualityassurancetest pleaseusestandardequipment ...

Страница 14: ...orizontalandverticalpositionofOSDMenu OSDTimer 10sec SetOSDdisplaytimearound10seconds 20sec SetOSDdisplaytimearound20seconds 30sec SetOSDdisplaytimearound30seconds 45sec SetOSDdisplaytimearound45seconds 60sec SetOSDdisplaytimearound60seconds 120sec SetOSDdisplaytimearound120seconds OSDLock Yes Select Yes toenablelock No LongpressOSDControlKnobinlock OSDTransparency SettransparencyofOSDMenu ...

Страница 15: ...omUp Original Keepimageinnormalresolution Full Scaleuptheresolutionto2048x1536 2XScale Scaleupthespecificpartofimage SelfCalibration Yes EnablemonitortestluminanceandcalibrateDICOMwithcolortemperatureaccordingtoOSDsetting No Exitthispage Cal Date NOTE Show Cal Date inwhich SelfCalibration isdone The Cal Date willbebasedonthedatethatisshownintheOSDmenu itcanbesyncedtotherealtime dateviainternet RJ4...

Страница 16: ...anthirtyminutes Thescreenhasdefectivepixels Thescreenhasdefectivepixels e g slightlylightordark ThisisduetothecharacteristicsofthepanelitselfandnottheLCDproduct Imageisunstable unfocusedorswimmingisapparent Signalcableshouldbecompletelyattachedtothecomputer Checkthemonitorandyourdisplaycardwithrespecttocompatibilityandrecommendedsignaltimings Ifyourtextisgarbled changethevideomodetonon interlacean...

Страница 17: ...2115mm Resolution MaxResolution 2048x1536 60Hz RecommendedResolution VideoSignal HorizontalFrequency 63kHz 96kHz VerticalFrequency 50Hz 75Hz InputConnector Equipotentialterminal PowerSource PowerRating 100 240V 50 60Hz 1 2 0 5A Powerconsumption Max 85W EnvironmentalConditions OperatingConditions Temperature 0 Cto40 C 32 Fto104 F Humidity 0 to80 Pressure 540hPato1060hPa StoringConditions Temperatur...

Страница 18: ...g 15 4 lbs MedicalSpecifications Classificationbyprotectiontypeagainst ElectricShock Class equipment Modeofoperation ContinuousOperation EnvironmentofUse Thisequipmentisnotsuitableforuseinthepresenceofflammableanestheticoroxygen TheOperatingModeofPowerConsumptionismeasuredwithLGEteststandard FullWhitepattern Maximumresolution ThePowerConsumptionlevelcanbedifferentbyoperatingconditionandmonitorsett...

Страница 19: ...1024 108 63 96 60 0 VESA V V 1600x1200 162 75 00 60 0 VESA V V 1920x1080 148 5 67 50 60 0 VESA V V 1920x1200 193 6 74 60 60 0 VESA V V 2048x1536 260 96 71 60 0 V V NOTE Modesnotlistedinthetablemaynotbesupported Foroptimalresolution werecommendyoutochooseamodelistedintheabovetable Supported Graphic Card List Vendor Graphic Card ...

Страница 20: ...ice Model SerialNo WARNING ThisequipmentiscompliantwithClassAofCISPR32 Inaresidentialenvironmentthisequipment maycauseradiointerference Supplier s Declaration of Conformity TradeName LG ResponsibleParty LGElectronicsUSA Inc Address 111SylvanAvenue NorthBuilding EnglewoodCliffs NJ07632 E mail lg environmental lge com ...
