ARIA SOHO IP Hardware Description and Installation Manual
Issue 1
December, 2008
1.3 Manual Usage
This document provides general information covering the hardware description and installation of the ARIA SOHO IP
System. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information LG-Nortel makes no warranty of
accuracy or interpretations thereof.
Section 2. System Overview
Provides general information on the ARIA SOHO IP System, including the system specifications and capacity.
Section 3. KSU Installation
Describes detailed instructions for planning the installation site and procedures to install the ARIA SOHO IP System.
Section 4. Board Installation
Describes detailed instructions for installing components of the ARIA SOHO IP Board.
Section 5. Terminal Connections and Wiring Method
Describes the kinds of terminals, maximum distance, and other device connections for the terminal.
Section 6. Starting the ARIA SOHO IP System
Provides general information for starting the System and basic Admin programming.
Section 7. Troubleshooting
Provides information on the ARIA SOHO IP System and deals with common troubleshooting issues.