2. Remove the hose clamps with a flathead screwdriver.
Clean the Machine Parts
4. Flush out the corrugated tubes with cleaner and water and shake out any excess water.
5. Submerge the Vacuum Bag in the bowl of warm soapy water and rub off all dust and debris.
6. Rinse the Vacuum Bag and allow it to air dry.
7. Empty any powder into a plastic bag and dispose of it safetly.
8. Vacuum inside the drum and remove any excess powder.
9. Wash the inside of the drum with water, cleaner, and a cloth.
9.1 Note: Use the toothbrush for difficult-to-remove debris.
10. Rinse off the cleaner and immediately dry the drum's interior with a cloth.
11. Sanitize the drum's interior.
12. Wash the Powder Tamper with water, cleaner, and a cloth.
13. Rinse off the cleaner and immediately dry the Powder Tamper with a cloth.
14. Sanitize the Powder Tamper.
3. Lift up the powder tamper and untie the Vacuum Bag to remove it.