Fill Volumes
All machines in the RBM
Ribbon Blender range work on fill volume, rather than maximum weight
capacity of the Mixing Tank, because the weight of a powder mix can vary depending on its bulk
The maximum fill volume represents only a percentage of the total volume of the Mixing Tank and
is dependent on the bulk density of the powder product.
Calculating Bulk Density
Tools and Materials Needed
• Raw material formulation
• Measuring apparatus (e.g. 1 liter cylinder)
• Scale
Note: Wear latex/rubber gloves (and appropriate food grade attire if applicable) during this
1. Place the measuring apparatus onto the scale.
1.1 Note: Ensure that the scale displays zero.
2. Fill the measuring apparatus with the raw material to the top.
2.1 Note: Ensure not to tap down or disturb the material while it is being poured.
3. Record the weight of the material in mL.
4. Divide the weight of the material by the volume of the measuring apparatus in mL.
Resources for Calculating Bulk Density
To help with calculating bulk density of a material, LFA offers two resources on our website.
To watch a video on how to calculate the loose bulk density of a material, go to
To see further information on bulk density and use our bulk density calculator, go to