GA01300_0902 - 04/2006 - © by Leybold Vacuum
TRIVAC BCS pumps are oil-sealed rotary vane pumps. The TRIVAC D 16
BCS and D 25 BCS are dual-stage pumps. The number in the type desi-
gnation (16 or 25) indicates the pumping speed in m
· h
The TRIVAC BCS-PFPE have been prepared especially for operation with
TRIVAC BCS pumps can pump gases and vapours, and evacuate vessels
or vacuum systems in the fine vacuum range.
They have been designed particularly for use in connection with corrosive
or aggressive media. Moreover, the pump has been prepared for the instal-
lation of an electric monitoring facility. Leybold have developed for the TRI-
VAC BCS a range of accessories which considerably extend the range of
applications for this kind of pump. These accessories which in connection
with the TRIVAC BCS vacuum pump make up the TRIVAC system, are
described briefly in Chapter 1.5.
The drive motor of the TRIVAC BCS is directly flanged to the pump at the
coupling housing. The pump and motor shafts are directly connected by a
flexible coupling. The bearing points of the pump module are force lubrica-
ted sliding bearings.
All controls as well as the oil-level glass and the nameplate are arranged on
the front. All connections are to be found at the sides of the pump. The oil-
level glass is provided with prisms for better observation of the oil level.
Fig. 1 TRIVAC BCS pump with accessories
Drive concept
Areas of application