Installation Instructions & Release Notes
Install disc found in drive — [960L V2.50R BUILD 1]
Update / Install 960L:
press ’1’ to install
press ’0’ to continue with no install
Install complete. Please remove CD from drive.
Please note the following before proceeding to the steps below:
The installation process requires the 960L serial number, which is located on the back of
the mainframe. The serial number consists of four digits, followed by a dash, followed
by four more digits. It is recommended to note this number before beginning
installation. (The unit will not ask to have the serial number re-entered if this process
was completed during a previous installation.)
Refer to page 1-5 in the 960L Owner’s Manual for instructions to open the 960L front panel.
Use the front panel standby button whenever the instructions call for the 960L to be powered
up or down. Do not use the back panel power switch.
The installation process will take approximately 15 minutes.
1. While the 960L is powered up, insert the Version 2.5 CD. Using the front panel standby
button, power down the system, wait a few seconds, then power up the system again. After
a few minutes, the following message will appear:
2. Press 1 to begin installation. A number of progress messages will appear. When this phase of
installation is complete (after about one minute), the following message will appear:
Update needed on Larc2: Press ’1’ to update
Press ’0’ to ignore
These service instructions are for use by qualified personnel only. Do not perform
any servicing other than that contained in these instructions unless qualified to do
so. Refer to safety summary prior to performing any service.
3. Remove the CD from the drive. Using the front panel standby button, power down the 960L,
wait a few seconds, then power up the system again. The 960L will take a little longer to boot
than normal.
If the LARC2 requires an update, the LARC2 will display the following menu: