Copyright © Lexibook 007
. Press the CLUE button again to return to the Crossword and simply
type in the answer using the letter keyboard.
. If you enter an answer at the ‘junction’ of two words, after entering
the first letter, two small arrows will appear in adjacent squares. The
Crossword is asking you which clue you are answering, across or down.
Press the cursor pad down or right once, to indicate which way you are
going. You can then continue typing your answer in the normal way.
7. When you have completed a Crossword, the screen will display
8. If you think you have finished the Crossword but the screen does
not display ‘GAME COMPLETED’, press SHIFT + CHECK [C]. This will
indicate any errors in your Crossword by showing the symbol in the
position where all the incorrect letters are. You can press the CHECK
key at anytime during game play.
If you wish to reset the current grid, press SHIFT + RESET [A]. The dis-
play will then ask you “RESET GAME Y/N”. Press ‘Y’ on the keyboard.
New game
If you wish to start a new game at any time, press SHIFT and the level
1, or keys. The display will then ask you ‘NEW GAME LEVEL Y/N’.
Press ‘Y’ on the keyboard to commence a new game.
CR3000GBIM.indd 10
09/03/2007 12:07:51