Enter any know letters, e.g.
Press the [ES] key and select Ext.Search to search the
whole database. The unit will give -
This is the only answer from the unit and the subject this
belongs to is ʻTrades, professions and occupationʼ. The
words “ODD JOB” will flash to prompt you that this was
your required match.
Hyphenated words
The solution may contain hyphenated words, for example
“co-pilot”. Follow the procedure for finding phrases BUT
press the [-] key instead of the [SPACE] key, i.e.
Press [CLR] to clear the screen ready for a search.
Word size?
Press [2] then [-] then [5] and then [ENTER]
If you know any of the letters in the solution, substitute the
?ʼs with them. For example, you may know that the 1st
letter of the 1st word is an “C. Press the keys to move
the cursor to the desired ʻ?ʼʼs, and type the known
Press (ENTER) to search for matching phrases. The screen
displays the first matching phrase it can find.
[ ]will flash to indicate if there are more matching
phrases. Press
repeatedly to search for other phrases
until you find the desired one. Press
to scroll back up the
Press [CLR] to clear the screen ready for another search for
hyphenated phrases of “3-5” words, or press [CLR] again to
if you wish to search for a different sized phrase.
Searching by subject
In order to help narrow down your search for a solution, the
Crossword Puzzle Solver database has been categorised
into 250 subjects to enable you to search by subject.