You are now the proud owner of a
Lewis Multi-Drill DH3-W
Whether you have the DH3-WD Direct Drive or the
Universal Drive version
– this
Lewis Multi-
Drill Owner’s Manual
deals with both
We welcome and very much appreciate any
photos, movies and comments you care to send us
in regards to your
Lewis Multi-Drill
or any
Lewis Product.
Also, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have
any questions about the assembly or operation of
your Lewis power tools and equipment.
Choosing the right Chainsaw
The size of your chainsaw is important
Using a chainsaw with minimum 3 horsepower
(48 cc’s, 18”+ bar w/ 3/8” chain) is best, because it
ensures a commercial-grade clutch that although it
may sometimes slip under a heavy load, the clutch will not burn up.
chainsaw size is 100cc’s or 7 horsepower. Electric chainsaws and smaller
gas chainsaws will give satisfactory performances with lighter loads only.
If you have purchased a model
DH3-WD Direct Drive
version, then your saw
must have an accessible outboard sprocket. Most modern saws are built this way. If you
have purchased a model
DH3-WU Universal Drive
version, then you can mount your
Lewis Multi-Drill
on any chainsaw.
Chainsaws must be properly maintained and serviced (see your chainsaw owner’s
manual or check with your local chainsaw dealer). Please ensure that your chainsaw’s
throttle and clutch are in proper working order
– because they directly affect the safe
performance of the
Lewis Multi-Drill
The operator assumes all risk when using an engine with more than
100cc’s or 7 horse power.