Remote Multizone Controller Access
If you have programmed any of the Multizone Controllers to remotely control the loads attached to other
Multizone Controllers on the same LCnet, you should test that this is functioning properly. Run through
this test for any Controller that you have programmed for remote access to other Multizone Controllers.
Go to each controller you have programmed for remote access and:
1. Press the Page Zones button and select the first panel for remote access. As soon the panel number
is "selected" you should notice that the zone LED’s shift from displaying their local zones to the zone
information and light levels of the loads attached to the remote Multizone Controller just selected.
2. Press any zone’s dim or brighten button to verify that the lights wired to the correct remote panel
actually dim or brighten. If they do not.
• Reprogram the Controller you are at using the Setup Wizard. (See Page 19 for instructions.)
• If this does not work, check the wiring per Figure 4-3.
Perform these tests only in installations where the combine/separate feature is being used.
At this point you should make sure that the groups you have set up are appropriate for the various
partition setups you are trying to accommodate. If you have been given filled-in D3200 Partition Setup &
Checklist Forms, (which you probably used as your guide while programming combine and separate
configurations) please get those out now. You will notice a checkbox that you can use to verify that
Dimensions was programmed to these specs. If you were not given this completed form, use the blank
form in Appendix A of this manual to record this test and to compare it against any documents or verbal
instructions you may have been given regarding partitioning. (Make one copy for each configuration. We
suggest you run through every configuration and if you find a discrepancy, after all configurations have
been checked, you should go to the instructions on Page 25 and reprogram the group or configuration.
We suggest you check the grouping, the channel mapping, and the scene programming for
each configuration.
1. If possible, open all the partitions so that you have one big space and can see all lighting. Record or
verify where the various Multizone Controller Panels are located, and which bank of lights each
2. Set the system to the first configuration.
3. Individually check the zones in each Multizone Controller Panel.
• Press the Zone Info button for each zone, and confirm that each zone is part of the correct group. IF
NOT, reprogram the zone for the correct group.
• Turn on each zone and verify the lights each zone is controlling. IF A PARTICULAR CHANNEL IS
CONTROLLING THE WRONG ZONE, reprogram the channel mapping so the desired channels
control the desired lights.
4. Verify that the scene groups are correctly programmed.
• Through the Setup\Panel menu, identify the Scene Group to which the Multizone Controller
Panel is programmed.
• Press the Max button. All of the zones in the Scene Group you just identified will turn on to Max
a. Check to see if the zone is locked. If it is, unlock it.
b. If a. is not the problem, the zone may not be in the same group. Reprogram either the Scene
Group, or the individual zone’s group assignment.
5. Return to Step 2 and select the next available configuration until you have run through
every configuration.