Levenhuk Ra 200N F5 OTA Скачать руководство пользователя страница 5


Batteries safety instructions

•  Always purchase the correct size and grade of battery most suitable for the intended use.

•  Always replace the whole set of batteries at one time; taking care not to mix old and new ones, or batteries of different 


•  Clean the battery contacts and also those of the device prior to battery installation.

•  Make sure the batteries are installed correctly with regard to polarity (+ and −).

•  Remove batteries from equipment that is not to be used for an extended period of time.

•  Remove used batteries promptly.

•  Never attempt to recharge primary batteries as this may cause leakage, fire, or explosion.

•  Never short-circuit batteries as this may lead to high temperatures, leakage, or explosion.

•  Never heat batteries in order to revive them.

•  Remember to switch off devices after use.

•  Keep batteries out of the reach of children, to avoid risk of ingestion, suffocation, or poisoning.

•  Utilize used batteries as prescribed by your country laws.

Care and maintenance


Never, under any circumstances, look directly at the Sun through this device without a special filter, or look at another 

bright source of light or at a laser, as it may cause PERMANENT RETINAL DAMAGE and may lead to BLINDNESS.

•  Take the necessary precautions when using the device with children or others who have not read or who do not fully  

understand these instructions.

•  Do not try to disassemble the device on your own for any reason. For repairs and cleaning of any kind, please contact your 

local specialized service center.

•  Stop using the device if the lens fogs up. Do not wipe the lens! Remove moisture with a hair dryer or point the telescope 

downward until the moisture naturally evaporates.

•  Protect the device from sudden impact and excessive mechanical force.

•  Do not touch the optical surfaces with your fingers. Clean the lens surface with compressed air or a soft lens cleaning wipe. 

To clean the device exterior, use only the special cleaning wipes and special tools that are recommended for cleaning the 


•  Store the device in a dry, cool place away from hazardous acids and other chemicals, away from heaters, open fire, and 

other sources of high temperatures.

•  Replace the dust cap over the front end of the telescope whenever it is not in use. Always put eyepieces in their protective 

cases and cover them with their caps. This prevents dust or dirt from settling on the mirror or lens surfaces.

•  Lubricate the mechanical components with metal and plastic connecting parts. Components to be lubricated:

•  Optical tube;

•  Fine mechanics (focuser rail, telescope optical tube microfocuser);

•  Mounting;

•  Worm-and-worm pairs, bearings, cogs, threaded mounting gears.

 Use all-purpose silicon-based greases with an operating temperature range of −60 … +180°С (−76 … +356°F).

•  If a part of the device or the battery is swallowed, seek medical attention immediately.


Children should use the device under adult supervision only.

Levenhuk International Lifetime Warranty

All Levenhuk telescopes, microscopes, binoculars and other optical products, except for accessories, carry a 



against defects in materials and workmanship. Lifetime warranty is a guarantee on the lifetime of the product on the market. 

All Levenhuk accessories are warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for 

six months

 from date of retail 

purchase. The warranty entitles you to free repair or replacement of the Levenhuk product in any country where a Levenhuk 

office is located if all warranty conditions are met.
For further details please visit our web site: www.levenhuk.com/warranty
If warranty problems arise, or if you need assistance in using your product, contact the local Levenhuk branch.

Optical tube material



optical, 8x50mm

Cooling fan


Batteries (for cooling fan)

6pcs АА (not included)

Operating temperature range, °C/°F

−5 … +35 / 23 … 95

The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the product range and specifications without prior notice

Содержание Ra 200N F5 OTA

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Страница 27: ...r roboczych od 60 do 180 С W razie połknięcia jakiejkolwiek części lub baterii należy natychmiast skontaktować się z lekarzem Dzieci mogą używać teleskopu tylko pod nadzorem dorosłych Gwarancja międzynarodowa Levenhuk Wszystkie teleskopy mikroskopy lornetki i inne przyrządy optyczne Levenhuk za wyjątkiem akcesoriów posiadają dożywotnią gwarancję obejmującą wady materiałowe i wykonawcze Dożywotnia ...

Страница 28: ... ajuste até que a estrela ou o planeta esteja também centrado no apontador Montagem do telescópio EN OTA Refletores Levenhuk Ra Parabéns por ter comprado um telescópio Levenhuk de alta qualidade Estas instruções irão ajudá lo a configurar utilizar corretamente e manter o seu telescópio Leia as atentamente antes de começar Todas as peças do telescópio serão entregues numa caixa Tenha especial cuida...

Страница 29: ...sua visão com grande precisão Utilize o botão de focagem grossa para ajustar a visão até o seu objeto estar o mais próximo possível da focagem e depois faça ajustes finos com o botão de focagem fina Astrofotografia Os refletores Levenhuk Ra têm óticas de vidro BK 7 de alta qualidade que produzem imagens brilhantes e proporcionam uma exposição rápida No entanto a ótica rápida também produz intrinse...

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Страница 33: ...а Технические характеристики Однако чаще всего края изображений могут быть не в фокусе из за оптической комы Для получения четких и ярких снимков вам может потребоваться корректор комы не входит в комплект который устраняет подобные искажения по всему полю зрения Установка камеры Посадочный диаметр камер с ПЗС матрицей обычно составляет 1 25 или 2 что позволяет легко установить подобную камеру на ...

Страница 34: ...в изготовления изделия Продавец гарантирует соответствие качества приобретенного вами изделия компании Levenhuk требованиям технической документации при соблюдении потребителем условий и правил транспортировки хранения и эксплуатации изделия Срок гарантии на аксессуары 6 шесть месяцев со дня покупки на остальные изделия пожизненная гарантия действует в течение всего срока эксплуатации прибора Подр...

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Страница 36: ... T halka ve kamera adaptörüne ihtiyacınız vardır T halkayı kamera gövdesine takın ve kamera adaptörünü T halka üzerinde çevirin kamera adaptörünün borusunu odaklayıcı içerisine yerleştirin ve iki kelebek vida ile yerinde sabitleyin Levenhuk Ra 200N F5 OTA Optik tasarım Newton yansıtıcı Optik malzemesi BK 7 cam Optik parça kaplaması 92 96 alüminyum kaplama Birincil ayna şekli paraboloit Birincil ay...

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Страница 40: ...ge optical coatings of the lenses Leaves no smudges or stains levenhuk com Levenhuk Inc USA 928 E 124th Ave Ste D Tampa FL 33612 USA 1 813 468 3001 contact_us levenhuk com Levenhuk Optics s r o Europe V Chotejně 700 7 102 00 Prague 102 Czech Republic 420 737 004 919 sales info levenhuk cz Levenhuk is a registered trademark of Levenhuk Inc 2006 2021 Levenhuk Inc All rights reserved 20210514 ...
