left corner of the screen will change in confirmation. Press the capture button (9) to start
recording and press it again to stop.
Press the Photo/Video/Playback button (20) to switch to playback mode. The icon in the
upper left corner of the screen will change in confirmation. Select the desired photo or
video clip with Up (17) and Down (19) buttons and press OK (18) to play it.
Deleting files
When browsing saved files, press the Setup button (16), select Delete… and press OK (18)
to confirm selection (you can choose to delete everything or just the selected file from the
displayed menu).
Protecting files
When browsing saved files, press the Setup button (16), select Protect and press OK (18)
to confirm selection (you can choose to protect everything or just the selected file from
the displayed menu).
Polarizing filter
You can use a polarizing filter to reduce light reflection while observing objects with a
shiny surface like metal, crystals, etc. Rotate the polarizing wheel (5) by 90 degrees to
activate or deactivate the polarizing effect.
Mass storage on PC
Insert a microSD card in the slot. Connect the microscope to your PC with the USB cable
to download images from the card to your computer.
Preview on PC
Only works with the software installed. Remove the microSD card from the slot. Connect
the microscope to your PC with the USB cable.
Connecting the microscope to a TV-set
Plug the AV cable into the microscope and connect it to your TV-set (refer to the User
Guide of your TV-set for additional information). Turn on the TV and select the correct
channel from the corresponding menu of the TV-set (refer to the User Guide of your TV-
set for additional information).
Display menu
Press Setup button (16) to open the main display menu. From this menu you can set
image and video resolution, the interface language, date and time, turn on the power
saving mode, set up the TV connection, format the SD card, reset settings and check
the hardware version. Also, this menu provides access to the Loop recording mode
and Date Stamp option.
Select the image or video Resolution from the main menu and choose the required
resolution by pressing the Down button (19), then confirm by pressing the OK button (18).
This model supports the following image resolutions: 12M, 10M, 8M, 5M, 3M; video
resolutions: 1080P, 720P.
Capture mode
In photo mode, press the Setup button (16) and choose the Capture mode to setup the
sequence capture. For example, you can set up the microscope to take a photo every 5
Loop recording
In video mode, press the Setup button (16) and choose the Loop recording mode. You
can select the duration of the video clip or turn the Loop recording mode off. While the
Loop recording mode is on, each video clip of selected duration will be recorded over the
previous one.
Date Stamp
Select Date Stamp from the main menu and then select a target option.
Date and time
Select Date/Time from the main menu by the Down button (19) and set the current date
and time.
TV connection
Select TV Mode from the main menu and then select, between NTSC and PAL, the correct
mode compatible with your TV. Press the OK button (18) to confirm selection.
Power saving
Select Auto Power Off from the main menu and set the idle time before the microscope
automatically shuts down. Press the OK button (18) to confirm selection.
Settings reset
Select Default Setting from the main menu to revert back to factory settings.
Select Language from the main menu and choose one of the existing settings. Press the
OK button (18) to confirm selection.
MicroSD card formatting
Select Format SD from the main menu to format the installed memory card. All the
files on the card will be deleted after card formatting. Normally card formatting is not
necessary, unless your card is not able to store the captured image.
PortableCapture software
Insert the installation CD into your CD drive. Choose the folder according to the
operating system of your device. Double click the installation file to install the
application and follow the instructions on screen. The installation CD contains a copy of
the user manual, which you can find in the User Manual folder. Connect the microscope
to your PC with a USB cable and run the PortableCapture application. A pop-up
message will warn you if the microscope is not connected to the PC.