Advanced Administration
Data - PC Database Screen
Known PCs
This lists all current entries. Data displayed is
name (IP Address)
. The "type" indicates whether the PC is connected to the
This button brings the configuration screen to setup Static IP
addresses for the PCs in your LAN. Once the PC has been
added to the PC Database, then the Router will always allocate
the same IP address to the PC.
See below for more detail.
Update the data on screen.
Advanced Screen
If your PC has been allocated an IP address from the Router
using DHCP, then it will be listed as a
“Known PC.” Click on the
PC and click on the “Edit” button. The details of the PC will be
copied below.
Now you can set the reserve IP address, so the router will always
allocate the specified address to this PC.
If your PC is turned off, it will not appea
r in the “Known PC” list.
In this case you will need to add the MAC address manually into
the form.
Figure 65: PC Database
– Advanced Screen