switch system will be a DHCP server.
DHCP Server Settings
1. DHCP Server: Enable or disable the DHCP Server function. Enable – the switch
will be a DHCP server on your local network.
2. DHCP IP Address Pool: User has to set a range of IP addresses for the DHCP
server assigning an IP address to the DHCP client by giving the starting IP
address and how many IP addresses within this address pool. For instance, user
can set to be the beginning IP address and 50 (can’t be greater
than 253) to be the maximum number. The range of the address pool should be
from to
3. Netmask: the dynamic IP assign range subnet mask.
4. Default Gateway: the gateway in your network.
5. DNS Servers: Domain Name Server IP Address in your network.
6. Lease Duration(hours): Assign the lease duration time in hours
7. And then, click