Reset Default
: When click it, the device is reset to default, click Reboot to complete
: click it for rebooting.
TV Wall
: when the firmware is for TV Wall mode,(Host Name prefix is HVE-6601),
the webpage is showing below:
Please refere to How to Setting TV Wall document.
RS232 over IP Baudrate Setting
: default Baud rate is at 9600bps. Other speed of
2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,115200, 230400 is available for selection. It has
to be rebooted once the baud rate has been chosen.
Multicast ID Setting
: To configure Multicast Group ID, the value can be 0000,
0001, 0010,0011,
1111, etc. and it will be needed for rebooting once the ID
has been selected. This setting is with priority and 4 DIP Switch is no function.
In case, the ID shall be followed by DIP Switch, the device must be Reset to default.
If the configuration goes incorrectly, the setting will indicate the following message
for the status.