The LR700 is an electronic laser receiver/detector and comes with a staff
clamp bracket which allows you to attach the receiver to a measuring staff.
Bubble Vial
Laser Reception
LED indicators
Power up by pressing the power button, hold the receiver so the reception
window is facing the rotating laser (upright for horizontal and on its side
for vertical rotation). When the reception window is level with the rotating
beam the LED indication lights and Sound will alert you, When the laser
beam is absolutely level with the receiver the central green LED is illuminated
the red LED’s above and below indicate when the laser beam is just above or
below the central line on the receiver.
The Bubble vial will help you hold the receiver and staff vertical when taking
readings. The line on the staff clamp lines up with the level mark on the
receiver. Note that the receiver only works on the rotating beam and not the
dot, and that high speed rotation tends to work better than medium or slow.
LR700 Receiver operation