Leuze electronic
Basic information
Before you begin with the selection and mounting of the muting sensors (Selecting optoelectronic muting
sensors), please note the following:
• Muting must be triggered by two independent muting signals and must not be fully dependent on soft-
ware signals, e.g. from a PLC.
• Always mount muting sensors so that the minimum distance to the protective device is maintained (see
chapter 6.2.3 "Minimum distance for optoelectronic muting sensors").
• Always mount the muting sensors so that the material is detected and not the transport device, e.g. the
• Material must be allowed to pass through unimpeded.
Unintentionally triggered muting may result in serious injury!
Mount the muting sensors in such a way that muting cannot be unintentionally triggered by a
person, e.g. by simultaneously activating the muting sensors with a foot.
Mount the muting indicator so that it is always visible from all sides.
Selecting optoelectronic muting sensors
Muting sensors detect material and supply the signals necessary for muting. If muting conditions are ful-
filled, the safety sensor can use the signals from the muting sensors to bridge the protective function. The
signals can be generated by e.g. optoelectronic sensors from Leuze electronic.
Any transducers which output a +24 VDC switching signal when detecting the permitted transport material
can still be used as muting sensors:
• Photoelectric sensors (transmitter/receiver or retro-reflective photoelectric sensors) whose beam paths
intersect behind the protective field within the danger zone.
• Diffuse sensors that scan along the side of the transport material (make sure scanning range is set cor-
• A photoelectric sensor and an acknowledgment signal from the conveyor drive or a PLC signal, pro-
vided they are activated independently of each other and fulfill the simultaneity conditions.
• Switching signals from induction loops that are activated e.g. by a high-lift truck.
• Roller conveyor switches which are activated by the transport material and arranged so that they can-
not be simultaneously actuated by a person.
When arranging the muting sensors, take the filter times of the signal inputs into account (switch on fil-
ter time approx. 60 ms, switch-off filter times approx. 300 ms).
When using muting sensors with push-pull output, a time difference of at least 20 ms is neces-
sary for the muting signals.
Minimum distance for optoelectronic muting sensors
The minimum distance is the distance between the protective field of the AOPD and the detection points of
the muting sensor light beams. This distance must be maintained when mounting the muting sensors to
prevent the pallet or material from reaching the protective field before the muting signals can bridge the
protective function of the AOPD. The minimum distance is dependent on the time needed by the system to
process the muting signals (approx. 120 ms).
Calculate the minimum distance depending on the application case for the timing controlled 2-sensor
muting (see chapter 6.2.4 "Arrangement of the muting sensors for timing controlled 2-sensor muting").
When arranging the muting sensors, make certain that the calculated minimum distance to the protec-
tive field is maintained.