Installation of Corner Tie-Ins
The Tie-Ins provide structural strength for enhanced wind stability, and attach to both the tent and the rainfly.
Take the Aluminum Base Poles or Tie-Ins (BSPL-121BK)
and observe there is a shorter and longer section.
Insert the tip end of the short section in the hole
located underneath each corner area of trailer deck.
Tent Tie-In Installation
Wrap the Tie-In Loop Straps with double grommet around Main Tent
Frame Pole. Insert the tip end of the longer section into the brass
eyelet of strap. Repeat for all poles.
Rainfly Tie-In Installation
Insert the tip end of the longer section into the brass eyelet on the rainfly.
The eyelets are located at guy rope attachments. Repeat for all poles.
For Assistance, contact
Let’s Go Aero at 877-464-2376 or 719-630-3800, or [email protected].
Visit our websiite at www.LetsGoAero.com
For optimal performance in the outdoors, always utilize the Tie-Ins with the tent or rainfly.
Stake the Guy Lines
To secure guy lines, find the guy line plastic slider and look for the portion of the line opposite
the knot. Pull this portion, forming a loop (works like a slip knot). Extend guy line to ground and
stake. Repeat witih remaining guy lines.
Tip: Stakes provided are for solid ground. Camping in sand? We suggest corkscrew style.
Check with local retail outfitter for availability.
Always stake down tent to prevent wind pull.