1. Important notice
8. Floor protection installation
8.1 Non-combustible floor protection
8.2 Removing the existing resilient flooring
2. Listed chimneys
2.1 Approved chimneys
9. Optional accessories installation
3. Before beginning the
9.1 Anti-smoke flap installation
9.2 Humidifier tray
3.1 Choosing the best location
9.3 Removable ash shelf
3.1.1 Chimney
3.1.2 Chimney minimum height
3.1.3 Minimum clearances from combustible materials
4. Factory-built chimney instructions
4.1 Listed parts
4.2 Maximum allowed offsets
4.3 Radiation shield/firestop
4.4 Chimney weight
5. Factory-built chimney installation
5.1 Securing the ceiling (or wall) support
5.2 Chimney lengths installation
5.3 Minimum chimney height above the roof
5.4 Flashing water tightness
5.5 Roof braces
5.6 Chimney top
6. Stove pipe installation
6.1 Stove pipe
6.2 Stove pipe selection
6.3 Stove pipe securing
7. Heating duct installation (Optional)
7.1 Basement heating
7.2 Duct installation
7.3 Axial fan installation
7.4 Recommended heating ducts
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REV. 2010-01