- For initial start-up, the best is to use the manual mode
for testing the sensing wires between the generator and
the AVR.
- For this it is necessary to have a manual mode card
plugged in the AVR. If not, see directly §2.
- Short-circuit terminals 47and 48 (AVR terminal block).
- Set the potentiometer P2 on manual card maximum
CCW, start the prime mover up to the nominal speed.
- Turn slowly the potentiometer CW to obtain the nominal
- Check the presence and the value of the three phases
at the AVR terminal block (terminals 1, 2, 3).
- Set the voltage to 5% above the nominal voltage.
- Check that the voltage between terminal 25 and 26 of
the AVR terminal block is about one volt.
- If yes, remove the strap between terminals 47 and 48 of
AVR terminal block.
- The voltage must reach the nominal value.
- Go to §3
- Start the prime mover up to the nominal speed..
- If the voltage does not appear, check wires between
AVR and the generator field (terminals 5 and 6 of AVR),
and the also the wires between AVR and power transfor-
mer (terminals 18 and 19 of AVR). Check also the fuse
inside the terminal 19 of AVR terminal block.
- If the voltage is too hight, check that the auxiliary vol-
tage at the terminals 16 and 17 of AVR and the sensing
voltages at the terminals 1, 2, 3 of the AVR terminal
block are present.
- Adjust the nominal voltage with Vref (P5) of the sensing
card for the middle position of the external voltage poten-
tiometer (if used).
3 - DE-ENERGIZING (optional)
- External contacts E01 and E02 must be used.
- E01 must be serie with terminal 19 of AVR (power
input) and is opened for de-energizing.
- E02 must short-circuit the booster output (if used)
(terminals 7 and 8 of AVR) and is closed for de-energizing.
- Refer also to card descriptions.
- The AVR is normally preset in factory.
- The nominal voltage can be set by Vref (P5) on sensing
card. Fine adjustment can be made by an external vol-
tage potentiometer (10K
), (terminals 21,22,23)
- If an adjustment must be moved, note carefully the ori-
ginal setting for resetting in case of problems.
- If the strap V/Hz of sensing card is on kV/Hz position,
the original setting is V/Hz and can be changed between
V/Hz and 2V/Hz by potentiometer P4.
-The stability is adjusted with the machine in factory. If
necessary, the response time can be changed by the
setting of potentiometer P4 of PID card.
- Other settings are difficult to adjust without specific
electronics equipments. It is better to not change them.
- Generally, field flashing is not necessary, but in some
cases like long stop time or fault trip, it can be possible
that the voltage does not appear naturally.
In this case, connect a 12Vdc to 24Vdc voltage source to
the terminals 4 and 8 of AVR terminal block, + to 4 for a
short time and remove it when the voltage increases.
- The generator voltages must be as equal as possible.
- Same for the droop. If it is not possible to measure it,
set the potentiometers P1 of the sensing cards all in the
same position (middle set for example).
If the droop setting is made from cosØ/KVAR card (when
used), see notice NT 1950080.
- The reactive currents (KVAR) must be shared, imme-
diatly after coupling, even the KW are not shared.
- If, immediatly after coupling, the current increases
abnormally, check if the parallel CT wires are not reversed
(9 et 10 of AVR terminal block).
- If the coupling is OK but if when the load increases, the
cosØ or the current have an abnormal value, check that
the sensing phases at the input of the AVR are right
connected. (U, V, W respectively to the terminals 1, 2, 3
if clockwise rotation or W, V, U, if counter clockwise
Model R630
NT1959000/a-11/92 f:1/2
Never energize the AVR when
the driver card is removed.
An overvoltage can appear and the power
transistor can be damaged.