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8.1.5 User notices abnormal problems under normal operation.
8.2 Under normal operation and continuous use, expected life time of ventilation fan is
about 20,000 hours.
8.3 Even though the backup batteries are maintenance free type, user still need to check
them every year to make sure that they are still at good condition by following the
procedure below,
8.3.1 Turn on UPS
8.3.2 Turn on loads which are connected to UPS OUTPUT
8.3.3 Disconnect all loads from utility power and check whether the loads are still
working normally.
8.3.4 If the loads are not working normally, that means backup batteries are spoiled.
To get the new batteries, contact us or our nearest service center.
8.4 For your safety, please turn off the UPS and disconnect the UPS from utility power
before maintenance.