Lenze · Decentralised frequency inverter 8400 motec (EtherNet/IP™ option) · EDS84DMOTEIP EN 2.0 - 10/2013
Configuring the host system (scanner)
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Configuring the host system (scanner)
To be able to communicate with the Communication Unit, the host system (scanner) must be
configured first.
The configuration of EtherNet/IP networks always requires an EtherNet/IP configuration software
(e.g. »RSLogix 5000« from Rockwell) for the host system (scanner).
The configuration software is necessary for the programming of controller programs, EtherNet/IP
configuration, real-time execution and diagnostics.
The basic parameters of the Communication Unit are stored in the internal configuration memory
and can be used for the node detection by the scanner.
For node detection (fieldbus scan), the corresponding device descriptions of the Lenze device family
are used.
Here you will find information on configuring with the »RSLogix 5000« programming
software from Rockwell:
I/O configuration with »RSLogix 5000« version 19 or lower