Setting the station name
Lenze · E84AYCER communication module (PROFINET) · EDS84AYCER EN 3.0 - 02/2019
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Setting the station name
The station name currently used is shown in code
The station name ...
• is required for unambiguous addressing of the Inverter Drive 8400 by the I/O controller.
• can either be assigned by the I/O controller via PROFINET or set manually in the »Engineer«.
• has to be allocated in accordance with the PROFINET specification:
• 1 or several labels separated by ".".
• Max. length per label: 63 characters
• Max. total length: 240 characters
• Permissible characters: [a ... z], [0 ... 9], [.], [-]
• Labels must not begin or end with [-].
• Prohibited syntax:
• "n.n.n.n" (n = 0 ... 999)
• "port-xyz" (x, y, z = 0 ... 9)
• "port-xyz-abcde" (a, b, c, d, e, x, y, z = 0 ... 9)
• The "Node blinking test" PROFINET function by means of which an accessible device
can be identified is supported. During execution of the function, the red LED
) blinks.
• Operation on the PROFINET requires a valid station name.
• In the case of impermissible settings, the red
) blinks
and the error message
PROFINET: Station name error [0x01bc6532]
is output.
The communication module then continues to work internally with the name deleted.
• If the station name is assigned by the IO controller via PROFINET or the PROFINET con-
figurator of the »Engineer«, changes will be effective immediately.