Lenovo™ recommends Windows
perforMance you neeD
The ThinkStation is a high performance, high quality workstation
designed to run graphically and computationally intensive applications
for professional users who require a level of performance unattainable
with a standard desktop pc.
- lenovo has partnered with workstation graphics leader nVidia
offer the QuaDro line of workstation graphics adapters
- The ThinkStation’s superior engineering allows simultaneous design
and analysis (run caD (design) + cae (analysis) parallely)
- The ThinkStation S10 and ThinkStation D10 both support raiD
configurations without requiring an additional adapter card
- The ThinkStation supports both windows Vista
and windows
giving you the flexibility you need
iSV cerTifieD
lenovo is working closely with leading software partners to ensure
optimum performance and stability in the demanding applications
you use everyday. independent Software Vendors (iSVs) test system
and application compatibility, providing you the assurance of a robust
and reliable platform.
leaDing inTel TechnologieS
The new performance-driven intel
core micro architecture combines
with six key technologies to provide unparalleled efficiency.
- intel
wide Dynamic execution delivers more instructions per
clock cycle, enhancing the efficiency of instruction execution
- intel
advanced Digital Media boost enables 128-bit SSe
instructions to be completed at a rate of one per clock cycle,
effectively doubling the instructions’ execution speed as
compared to previous generations
- intel
advanced Smart cache is a multi-core optimized cache
which increases the probability of each execution core of a
multi-core processor accessing data
- intel
Smart Memory access contains an important new built-in
intelligence to process out-of-order instructions more efficiently
- intel
intelligent power capability improves energy-efficient
performance and reduces noise and energy consumption
- Macro fusion combines instructions into a single instruction
for execution, delivering more efficient processing and faster