Lenovo M700 Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 12




Scanning an item


Make sure the printer is connected to a computer, 
and both the printer and the computer are on.


Load an original document facedown on the 
scanner glass.


Press .
The All-In-One Center appears on the 
computer screen with a preview of the scan.


If you want to scan only a portion of the document, 
click and drag the dotted line box to select 
a specific area of the preview image to scan.


From the “Send scanned image to:” menu, 
select a program.



Scan Now


Working with photos

For more information on working with photos, 
see the complete 

User’s Guide

 on the CD.

Copying 4 x 6 photos


Place the 4 x 6 photo facedown on the 
scanner glass.


Load 4 x 6 photo paper.


Press .

Using a PictBridge-enabled 

camera to print photos

You can connect a PictBridge-enabled camera 
to the printer and use the buttons on the camera 
to select and print your photos. See the 



 and the instructions that came with the 

camera for more information.


the software

Using the All-In-One Center

Use the All-In-One Center to perform creative tasks 
such as repeating an image several times on a page, 
enlarging or reducing an image, printing an image 
as a multiple-page poster, faxing using a PC 
modem, and modifying an image with a photo editor.
To open the All-In-One Center, use one of these 

Using the Solution Center

The Solution Center provides help, as well as 
information about the printer status and ink level.
To open the Solution Center, use one of these 

Method 1

Method 2










All programs



Lenovo M700 Series




All-In-One Center


Method 1

Method 2

From the desktop, 
double-click the 

Imaging Studio 


and then click the 










All programs



Lenovo M700 Series




Solution Center


Содержание M700 Series

Страница 1: ... ᠿᦣ ᠿᦣ ᠿᦣ 5 ᠿᦣ ԧ 5 5 ॄ 4 x 6 5 Փ PictBridge ݐ ᆍ ⷕⳌᴎᠧॄ 5 њ㾷ᠧॄᴎ䕃ӊ њ㾷ᠧॄᴎ䕃ӊ њ㾷ᠧॄᴎ䕃ӊ њ㾷ᠧॄᴎ䕃ӊ 5 Փ ࡳ㛑ϔԧЁᖗ 5 Փ 㾷 އ ᮍḜЁᖗ 5 Փ ᠧॄሲᗻ 6 Փ 㓪䕥 6 ᠧॄ䯂乬㾷ㄨ ᠧॄ䯂乬㾷ㄨ ᠧॄ䯂乬㾷ㄨ ᠧॄ䯂乬㾷ㄨ 6 ᦤ催ᠧॄ䋼䞣 6 Փ 䅵ㅫᴎ ℷᠧॄ Ⲧ 6 ᠧॄ Ⲧ 6 ᠧॄ Ⲧⱘ 㾺 7 䇋খ䯙 Ⲭܝ Ёⱘᅠᭈⱘ ݠ 㦋প ҹϟӏࡵⱘ 䆺㒚ֵᙃ ᅝ㺙ᠧॄᴎ њ㾷ᠧॄᴎ 㺙ܹ㒌ᓴ ḷॳӊ ᠧॄ ॄ ᠿᦣ Ӵⳳ 㔥㒰ЁՓ ᠧॄᴎ 㓈ᡸᠧॄᴎ ᤶᠧॄ Ⲧ 䅶䌁㗫ᴤ 䯂乬㾷ㄨ ᠧॄǃ ॄǃᠿᦣ Ӵⳳ䯂乬㾷ㄨ व㒌 䖯㒌䫭䇃䯂乬㾷ㄨ 䫭䇃ֵᙃ䯂乬㾷ㄨ 䗮ਞ M700 Series ᖿ䗳ܹ䮼 ㅔԧЁ ...

Страница 2: ... ࡵ䋼䞣DŽ ℸˈ៥Ӏ ᴗᇍᴀ ݠ Ёᦤࠄⱘӏԩѻક 䕃ӊҹঞ Ҫֵᙃ䱣ᯊ䖯㸠ׂᬍˈᘩϡ 㸠䗮ⶹDŽ ᴀ ⱘⳂⱘݠ ᰃᐂࡽᙼℷ ഄՓ 㘨ᛇѻકˈϡࣙ ӏԩ ѻક䕃ӊ ӊ䜡㕂ⱘᦣ䗄DŽབᵰ䳔㽕ѻક䜡㕂ᮍ䴶ⱘֵᙃˈ䇋খ䯙Ⳍ ⱘড়㑺 བᵰ ⱘ䆱 ҹঞ㺙ㆅ ऩˈ 㗙ϢЎᙼᦤկѻકⱘ㒣䫔ଚणଚDŽᴀ ݠ Ёⱘ ҙկখ㗗DŽབᵰᶤѯ ѻકⱘᅲ䰙 ᔶϡヺˈ䇋ҹѻકᅲ䰙 ᔶЎ ޚ DŽ 2006 㘨ᛇ Ҁ 䰤 ৌDŽᴀ ݠ ফࠄ ᴗ ᕟ 㾘ⱘֱᡸDŽ 㒣䖛㘨ᛇ Ҁ 䰤 ৌⱘк䴶ᥜᴗˈᙼϡ㛑Փ ӏԩᮍᓣ ࠊ ॄᴀ ˈݠ 㗙䗮䖛ӏԩ 㒓 ᮴㒓㔥㒰ҹӏԩᔶᓣӴ䗕ᴀ ˈݠ 㗙ᇚᴀ ݠ 㗏䆥៤ӏԩ䇁㿔DŽ 㘨ᛇ Lenovo ᰃ㘨ᛇ Ҁ 䰤 ৌⱘ ݠ ଚ ଚ DŽᴀ ݠ Ёᦤࠄⱘ Ҫৡ ѻકৃ㛑ᰃ㘨ᛇ Ҫ ৌⱘ ݠ ଚ ଚ DŽ བᵰᙼ Փ ℸѻકⱘ䖛 Ёথ ѻક ݠ П䯈 ϡϔ㟈ⱘഄᮍˈ 㗙ᙼᏠᳯ㦋প ᮄⱘֵᙃˈ 㗙ᙼ ӏԩⱘ䯂乬 ᓎ...

Страница 3: ... Ҫ ӊ ᠧॄᴎ Ҫ ӊ ᠧॄᴎ Ҫ ӊ ᠧॄᴎ Ӵⳳ ᠧॄᴎ Ӵⳳ ᠧॄᴎ Ӵⳳ ᠧॄᴎ ӴⳳDŽ 2 ঠߏ Lenovo M700 Series DŽ 3 ऩߏ Āᠧॄᴎ ᠧॄᴎ ᠧॄᴎ ᠧॄᴎā㦰ऩˈ䇋 䅸 Ā᱖ ذ ᠧॄā 䗝乍ᮕ䖍 䗝Ё 䆄DŽ 4 䇋 䅸 Ā䆒Ў咬䅸ؐā Ā䆒㕂Ў咬䅸ā Ā䆒Ў咬䅸ᠧॄᴎā䗝乍ᮕ䖍 䗝Ё 䆄DŽ 䈵 䈵 䈵 䈵 㾷 އ ᮍ 㾷 އ ᮍ 㾷 އ ᮍ 㾷 އ ᮍ ᣛ ϡ 1 Ң ᦦᑻ ᠧॄᴎϞᮁᓔ 㒓DŽ 2 ᇚ 㒓ⱘϔッᅠܼᦦܹᠧॄᴎ ⱘ ᦦষЁDŽ 3 ᇚ 㒓ⱘ ϔッ䖲 ϔϾℷ ഄϨ Ҫ ᄤ䆒 Փ 䖛ⱘ ᦦᑻϞDŽ 4 བᵰ ᣛ ϡ ˈ䇋ᣝ ᣝ䪂DŽ 䕃ӊϡ㛑ᅝ㺙 ᔧᙼᦦܹᠧॄᴎ䕃ӊ ˈৢⲬܝ བᵰ 䕃ӊ 㞾ࡼ䖤㸠 1 䯁᠔ ᠧᓔⱘᑨ ᑣDŽ 2 ᱖ᯊ 䯁᠔ ⱘ䰆 䕃ӊDŽ 3 䅵ㅫᴎḠ䴶Ϟঠߏ Ā៥ⱘ ៥ⱘ ៥ⱘ ៥ⱘ 㛥 㛥 㛥 㛥ā DŽ Windows XP ...

Страница 4: ...ॄ ݠ 㗙ᠧॄ䌎वDŽ 1 ᠧᓔ ḷˈҢᑨ ᑣЁऩߏ ӊ ӊ ӊ ӊ ᠧॄ ᠧॄ ᠧॄ ᠧॄDŽ 2 བ㽕ᅮࠊᠧॄ䆒㕂ˈ䇋ऩߏ Āሲᗻ ሲᗻ ሲᗻ ሲᗻā ǃ Ā佪䗝 佪䗝 佪䗝 佪䗝 乍 乍 乍 乍ā ǃ Ā䗝乍 䗝乍 䗝乍 䗝乍ā Ā䆒㕂 䆒㕂 䆒㕂 䆒㕂ā DŽ ᠧॄሲᗻ 䴶ᇚӮߎ ˈৠᯊ Ā៥Ꮰᳯā㦰ऩ ᠧᓔDŽ 3 䗝ᢽ䗖ᔧⱘ乍Ⳃ ᇐˈ 㗙ऩߏ Āњ㾷 ⱘ њ㾷 ⱘ њ㾷 ⱘ њ㾷 ⱘ ᠧॄᮍḜ ᠧॄᮍḜ ᠧॄᮍḜ ᠧॄᮍḜā DŽ 4 ᣝ 䅵ㅫᴎሣᐩϞⱘᣛᇐᅠ៤ᙼⱘ乍ⳂDŽ ॄ ॄ ॄ ॄ 䖯㸠 䖯㸠 䖯㸠 䖯㸠 ॄ ॄ ॄ ॄ 1 㺙ܹ㒌ᓴDŽ 2 ᇚ ḷॳӊℷ䴶ᳱϟᬒ㕂 ᠿᦣҾ ϞDŽ 3 ᣝ ᣝ䪂DŽ ᣝℸᣝ䪂 ᣝℸᣝ䪂 ᣝℸᣝ䪂 ᣝℸᣝ䪂 ᙼৃҹ ᙼৃҹ ᙼৃҹ ᙼৃҹ 1 䖯㸠ᔽ㡆 ॄDŽ 2 ᔽ㡆 ॄ 4 x 6 ⱘ᮴䖍 DŽ 3 ᠧᓔ ࡳ㛑ϔԧЁᖗˈ 䅵 ㅫᴎሣᐩϞ乘㾜ᠿᦣ㒧ᵰDŽ ᣝԣ...

Страница 5: ... ৢՓ ⷕⳌᴎϞⱘᣝ䪂䗝ᢽᑊᠧॄᙼⱘ DŽ䇋খ䯙 ݠ 䱣ৠᙼⱘ ⷕⳌᴎϔ䍋ⱘ䇈 ᯢ ḷ㦋প ⱘֵᙃDŽ њ㾷ᠧॄᴎ䕃ӊ њ㾷ᠧॄᴎ䕃ӊ њ㾷ᠧॄᴎ䕃ӊ њ㾷ᠧॄᴎ䕃ӊ Փ ࡳ㛑ϔԧЁᖗ Փ ࡳ㛑ϔԧЁᖗ Փ ࡳ㛑ϔԧЁᖗ Փ ࡳ㛑ϔԧЁᖗ Փ ࡳ㛑ϔԧЁᖗৃҹᅠ៤ 䗴ᗻ乍Ⳃˈ བ ᇚϔϾ ڣ ϔ义㒌Ϟ ࠊ Ͼǃᬒ 㓽ᇣ ڣ ǃᇚϔϾ ڣ ᠧॄ៤ 义ⱘ ǃՓ 䅵ㅫᴎ䇗 ࠊ㾷䇗 থ䗕ӴⳳǃՓ 㓪䕥 㓪䕥 ڣ ㄝDŽ ᙼৃҹ䗮䖛ҹϟ ᮍ ᠧᓔ ࡳ㛑ϔԧЁᖗ Փ 㾷 އ ᮍḜЁᖗ Փ 㾷 އ ᮍḜЁᖗ Փ 㾷 އ ᮍḜЁᖗ Փ 㾷 އ ᮍḜЁᖗ 㾷 އ ᮍḜЁᖗৃҹЎᙼᦤկᐂࡽˈҹঞᠧॄᴎ ᗕ 䞣ㄝᮍ䴶ⱘֵᙃDŽ ᙼৃҹ䗮䖛ҹϟ ᮍ ᠧᓔ㾷 އ ᮍḜЁᖗ ᮍ ᮍ ᮍ ᮍ 1 ᮍ ᮍ ᮍ ᮍ 2 ᣝ ᣝ䪂DŽ 1 ऩߏᓔྟ ᓔྟ ᓔྟ ᓔྟ ᑣ ᑣ ᑣ ᑣ ᠔ ᑣ ᠔ ᑣ ᠔ ᑣ ᠔ ᑣ Lenovo M70...

Страница 6: ...ᡸ 㓈ᡸ 㓈ᡸ 䯂乬㾷ㄨ 䯂乬㾷ㄨ 䯂乬㾷ㄨ 䯂乬㾷ㄨā DŽ 4 ऩߏ Ā㓈ᡸ 㓈ᡸ 㓈ᡸ 㓈ᡸā䗝乍वDŽ 5 ऩߏ Ā䖯㸠 ℷҹ 䰸 䖍 䖯㸠 ℷҹ 䰸 䖍 䖯㸠 ℷҹ 䰸 䖍 䖯㸠 ℷҹ 䰸 䖍 ā DŽ 6 ऩߏ Āᠧॄ ᠧॄ ᠧॄ ᠧॄā DŽ ᠧॄᴎᇚӮᠧॄߎϔᓴ ℷ 䆩义DŽ 7 ᣝ 䅵ㅫᴎሣᐩϞⱘᣛᇐ䖯㸠 DŽ ᠧॄ Ⲧ ᠧॄ Ⲧ ᠧॄ Ⲧ ᠧॄ Ⲧ 1 㺙ܹ㒌ᓴDŽ 2 䅵ㅫᴎḠ䴶Ϟঠߏ Āᕅ ڣ Ꮉ ᅸ ᕅ ڣ Ꮉ ᅸ ᕅ ڣ Ꮉ ᅸ ᕅ ڣ Ꮉ ᅸā DŽ 3 ऩߏ Ā㓈ᡸ 㓈ᡸ 㓈ᡸ 㓈ᡸ 䯂乬㾷ㄨ 䯂乬㾷ㄨ 䯂乬㾷ㄨ 䯂乬㾷ㄨā DŽ 4 ऩߏ Ā㓈ᡸ 㓈ᡸ 㓈ᡸ 㓈ᡸā䗝乍वDŽ 5 ऩߏ Ā䖯㸠 ҹ 䰸 ᑇᴵ㒍 䖯㸠 ҹ 䰸 ᑇᴵ㒍 䖯㸠 ҹ 䰸 ᑇᴵ㒍 䖯㸠 ҹ 䰸 ᑇᴵ㒍ā DŽ 6 ऩߏ Āᠧॄ ᠧॄ ᠧॄ ᠧॄā DŽ ᠧॄᴎᇚӮᠧॄߎϔᓴ 䆩 ˈՓ ᖿ 䗳䗮䖛ᠧॄ ˈҢ㗠...

Страница 7: ... Ё Ё Ё Ё ᠧॄ Ⲧⱘ 㾺 ᠧॄ Ⲧⱘ 㾺 ᠧॄ Ⲧⱘ 㾺 ᠧॄ Ⲧⱘ 㾺 1 পߎᠧॄ ⲦDŽ 2 ᇚϔഫᑆ ޔ Ϩϡᥝ ⱘ䕃Ꮧ DŽ 3 䖭ഫ Ꮧ䴴ԣᠧॄ ऎඳ 㑺ϝ 䩳ˈ ৢ ⴔ ⱘᮍ 䕏䕏ഄ এ ᑊ ᑆDŽ 4 䖭ഫ Ꮧⱘ Ҫᑆ ޔ 䚼ߚ䴴ԣ㾺 ऎඳ 㑺 ϝ 䩳ˈ ৢ ⴔ ⱘᮍ 䕏䕏ഄ এ ᑊ ᑆDŽ 5 䖭ഫ Ꮧⱘ Ҫᑆ ޔ 䚼ߚ䞡 ℹ偸 3 ℹ偸 4DŽ 6 ㄝᕙ 㾺 ᅠܼᑆ DŽ 7 䞡ᮄᅝ㺙ᠧॄ ⲦDŽ 8 䞡ᮄᠧॄᙼⱘ ḷDŽ ...

Страница 8: ... Editor 6 Print troubleshooting 6 Improving print quality 6 Aligning the print cartridge using the computer 6 Cleaning the print cartridge nozzles 6 Wiping the print cartridge nozzles and contacts 7 See the complete User s Guide on the CD for more detailed information about the following tasks Setting up the printer Learning about the printer Loading paper and original documents Printing Working w...

Страница 9: ...e Lenovo products in a correct way which does not represent any description of software or hardware configuration for the product In relation to product configuration refer to relevant contract if any and packing list or consult with the distributor who delivered the product to you Pictures contained in the manual are for reference only In case of inconsistency between particular pictures and actu...

Страница 10: ...the power supply on the printer 3 Plug the cord into an electrical outlet that other electrical devices have been using 4 If the light is not on press Software does not install If the software does not launch automatically when you insert the CD 1 Close all open software applications 2 Temporarily disable any anti virus programs 3 Double click the My Computer icon In Windows XP click Start to acce...

Страница 11: ...nt settings The Print Properties dialog appears along with the I Want To menu 3 Select one of the available projects or click See more printing ideas 4 Follow the instructions on the computer screen to complete the project Copying Making a copy 1 Load paper 2 Load an original document facedown on the scanner glass 3 Press Use this button To 1 Make a color copy 2 Make a 4 x 6 borderless color copy ...

Страница 12: ...inter and use the buttons on the camera to select and print your photos See the User s Guide and the instructions that came with the camera for more information Understanding the software Using the All In One Center Use the All In One Center to perform creative tasks such as repeating an image several times on a page enlarging or reducing an image printing an image as a multiple page poster faxing...

Страница 13: ...er 2 From the desktop double click the Imaging Studio icon 3 Click the Maintain Troubleshoot button 4 Click Maintenance 5 Click Align to fix blurry edges 6 Click Print An alignment page prints 7 Follow the instructions on the computer screen Cleaning the print cartridge nozzles 1 Load paper 2 From the desktop double click the Imaging Studio icon 3 Click the Maintain Troubleshoot button 4 Click Mai...

Страница 14: ...tly hold the cloth against the nozzles for about three seconds and then wipe in the direction shown 4 Using another clean section of the cloth gently hold the cloth against the contacts for about three seconds and then wipe in the direction shown 5 With another clean section of the cloth repeat steps 3 and 4 6 Let the nozzles and contacts dry completely 7 Reinsert the print cartridge 8 Print the d...
