ThinkVision Pro2820
Flat Panel Monitor
User’s Guide
Страница 1: ...ThinkVision Pro2820 Flat Panel Monitor User s Guide ...
Страница 2: ...e and are sold to governmental entities ascommercial items asdefinedby48C F R 2 101withlimitedandrestrictedrightstouse reproductionanddisclosure LIMITEDANDRESTRICTEDRIGHTSNOTICE IFproducts data computersoftware orservicesaredeliveredpursuantaGeneralServicesAdministration GSA contract use reproduction ordisclosureissubjecttorestrictionssetforthinContractNo GS 35F 05925 Copyright Lenovo 2013 i ...
Страница 3: ...irectaccesscontrols 2 3 UsingtheOn ScreenDisplay OSD controls 2 3 Selectingasupporteddisplaymode 2 6 Understandingpowermanagement 2 6 Caringforyourmonitor 2 7 Detachingthemonitorstand 2 7 Chapter3 Referenceinformation 3 1 Monitorspecifications 3 1 Troubleshooting 3 2 Manualimagesetup 3 3 Manuallyinstallingthemonitordriver 3 4 Serviceinformation 3 7 AppendixA ServiceandSupport A 1 Registeringyourop...
Страница 4: ...fety information General Safety guidelines For tips tohelpyou use your computer safety goto http www lenovo com safety Before installing this product read the Safety Information Copyright Lenovo 2013 iii ...
Страница 5: ...AmpsorA foreach device Install yourmonitorneara power outlet thatyou can easily reach Disconnect the monitorby graspingtheplug firmly andpullingitfrom the outlet Neverdisconnect the monitorbypullingthe cord Do notallow anythingto rest on thepower cord Donotwalkon the cord WhileusingVESAmountapplication the ACInletmust face todownside Do not face any otherposition M M M Ma a a ai i i in n n nt t t ...
Страница 6: ...k overview please seethe SetupPosterthat wasshippedwith yourmonitor Shipping contents The product package shouldinclude the followingitems InformationFlyer FlatPanel Monitor PowerCord AnalogInterfaceCable USB3 0 Cable DP Cable Chapter1 Gettingstarted1 1 Note ToattachaVESAmount please see Detachingthemonitorstand on page2 7 ...
Страница 7: ...ot Typesofadjustments Tilt Pleasesee the illustrationbelow foran example ofthe tilt range Swivel With the built inpedestal you can tiltandswivelthemonitorforthe most comfortableviewingangle Height Adjustment Afterpressing the topofthemonitor you canadjust the height ofthe monitor 1 2ThinkVisionPro2820FlatPanelMonitorUser sGuide ...
Страница 8: ...ation the monitor Rotate clockwise untilthemonitorstopsat90 Usercontrols Yourmonitorhascontrolsonthefront whichareusedto adjustthe display Forinformation on how tousethese controls please see Adjusting yourmonitorimage on page 2 3 Chapter1 Gettingstarted1 3 ...
Страница 9: ...lpyou set upyourmonitor Connectingandturningonyourmonitor Note Be sureto readthe SafetyInformationlocatedintheMonitorSafety troubleshootingandWarranty Guide beforecarryingout thisprocedure 1 Poweroffyourcomputerandallattacheddevices andunplug the computerpowercord 2 Connect theanalog signal cableto the D SUBconnectorofthemonitorandtheotherendontheback of the computer 1 4ThinkVisionPro2820FlatPanel...
Страница 10: ...ctoronthemonitor 4 Connectone endofthe USBhub cable totheUSBconnectoron theback ofthe computer andthe otherendto theupstream USBconnectoronthemonitor 5 Connect one endoftheHDMI cabletotheHDMI connectoron theback ofthe computer andthe otherendto the HDMI connectoron themonitor Chapter1 Gettingstarted1 5 ...
Страница 11: ...ordinary polyvinyl chlorideflexible cordaccording toIEC60227 designationH05VV F3G0 75mm orH05VVH2 F23G0 75mm shallbeused Alternativea flexiblecordbe ofsyntheticrubberaccording to IEC60245 designation H05RR F 3G0 75mm shallbeused 7 Poweronthemonitorandthe computer 8 To install the monitor driver you must download it from Lenovo website http support lenovo com Pro2820D and follow the instructions on...
Страница 12: ... Thank youforpurchasingthisLenovo product Please takeafew momentsto registeryour productand provide uswith informationthatwill helpLenovotobetterserveyou inthefuture Your feedbackisvaluable to usindeveloping productsandservicesthatareimportant toyou aswellasindeveloping betterwaysto communicate withyou Registeryouroptionon the followingWeb site http www lenovo com register Lenovo willsendyouinform...
Страница 13: ...ition Use aviewingdistancethat ismostcomfortableforyou Monitorheight Positionthemonitorso yourheadandneckare inacomfortableandneutral vertical orupright position Ifyourmonitordoesnot have height adjustments youmighthave to placebooksorothersturdyobjectsunderthe base ofthemonitorto achieve the desiredheight Ageneralguideline isto positionthemonitorsuch thatthetopofthe screenisat orslightlybelow you...
Страница 14: ...iodoftime Periodicallymake minormodificationsin your posture to helpdeteranydiscomfortsthatmightarise Makeuseofanyadjustmentsthatyour office furniture orequipmentprovide toaccommodate changesin posture Short periodic breakshelpensure healthy computing Because computing isprimarilya staticactivity it isparticularlyimportant totake shortbreaksfromyourwork Periodically stand upin front ofyourworkarea...
Страница 15: ...viewedthrough theOn Screen Display OSD asshown below To use thecontrols 1 Press to open the mainOSD menu 2 Use or to moveamongtheicons Selectaniconandpress toaccessthat function Ifthereisasub menu you can movebetween optionsusing or then press to select thatfunction Use or tomakeadjustments Press to save 3 Press to movebackwardsthrough the sub menusandexitfrom theOSD 4 Pressandhold for10 secondsto...
Страница 16: ...eimage Manuallyoptimizestheimage See Manualimagesetup onpage3 3 Clock Phase Save AdobeRGB ImageProperties Colour Adjustsintensityofred green and blue Presetmode Neutral sRGB Reddish Bluish Custom Red Increasesordecreasesthe saturationof red intheimage Green Increasesordecreasesthe saturationof green intheimage Blue Increasesordecreasesthe saturationof blue intheimage Save Savesthecustom colourchoi...
Страница 17: ... Note ThelanguagechosenonlyaffectsthelanguageoftheOSD Ithasnoeffectonany softwarerunningonthecomputer MenuPosition Default Custom Menupositionadjustsmenulocationonthescreen Returnsthemenupositiontothedefaultsettings Horizontal ChangesthehorizontalpositionoftheOSD Vertical ChangestheverticalpositionoftheOSD Save FactoryDefault Accessibility Cancel Reset Resetsmonitortotheoriginalfactorysettings Con...
Страница 18: thefactory Table 2 3 Factory set display modes Addressability Refreshrate 640x480 60Hz 75Hz 720x400 70Hz 800x600 60Hz 75Hz 1024x768 60Hz 75Hz 1152x864 75Hz 1280x720 60Hz 1280x800 60Hz 1280x1024 60Hz 75Hz 1366x768 60Hz 1440x900 60Hz 1600x900 60Hz 1680x1050 60Hz 1920x1080 60Hz Understanding power management Power management is invoked when the computer recognizes that you have not using your mous...
Страница 19: ...nt damage toyourscreen Use anycleanerwhich containsananti static solution orsimilaradditives Thismay harm the coatingofthescreenarea Do Lightlydampenasoft clothwith wateranduse thisto gentlywipe thecoversandthe screen Removegreaseorfingermarkswitha dampclothandalittlemilddetergent Detaching the monitor stand 1 Afterplacingthemonitorfacedown on aclean surface orsoft cloth pushthe hookofthe standand...
Страница 20: ...240VAC 60 50Hz 1 5A Powerconsumption Note Powerconsumptionfigures areforthemonitorandthepowersupply combined MaxConsumption TypicalConsumption Standby Suspend Off 65W 60W 1 2W 0 5W Videoinput Analog Inputsignal Horizontaladdressability Verticaladdressability Clockfrequency AnalogDirectDrive 75ohm0 7V 1920pixels max 1080lines max 205MHz Videoinput Digital Inputsignal Horizontaladdressability Vertic...
Страница 21: ...tem restartthesysteminsafemode thenselectasupporteddisplay modeforyourcomputer Iftheseoptionsdonotwork contacttheCustomerSupport Centre Selectingasupporteddisplay mode onpage2 6 Theimagequalityis unacceptable Thevideosignal cableisnot connectedwiththe monitororsystem completely Besurethesignalcableisfirmly pluggedintothesystemand monitor Connectingandturning onyourmonitor on page1 4 Thecolorsettin...
Страница 22: ...rsystemDisplay Propertiessetting havenotbeen optimized Adjusttheresolutionsettingson yoursystemtomatchthenative resolutionforthismonitor 1920x1080at60Hz Adjustingyourmonitor image onpage2 3 Manualimagesetup Performautomaticimagesetup If automaticimagesetupdoesnot help performmanualimage setup Selectingasupporteddisplay mode onpage 2 6 Whenworkinginthenative resolution youmayfind additionalimprovem...
Страница 23: ...ofHardwareandSound andthen clicking Display 5 Click the Changethedisplay settingstab 6 Click the AdvancedSettings icon 7 Click the Monitortab 8 Click the Propertiesbutton 9 Click the Driver tab 10 ClickUpdate Driver thenclick Browse thecomputerto findthe driverprogram 11 SelectPickfromthe listof device driver programonthe computer 12 ClicktheHaveDiskbutton Click theBrowse buttonandnavigateto thedi...
Страница 24: ... Click the Properties button 9 Click the Driver tab 10 Click Update Driver then click Browse the computer to find the driver program 11 Select Pick from the list of device driver program on the computer 12 ClicktheHaveDiskbutton Click theBrowse buttonandnavigateto thedirectory that you put your download drivers in 13 Select the Pro2820D inf file and click the Open button Click the OK button 14 Sel...
Страница 25: ... 9 Click the Properties button 10 Click the Driver tab 11 Open the Update Driver Software Generic PnP Monitor window by clicking on Update Driver and then click the Browse my computer for driver software button 12 Select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer 13 ClicktheHaveDiskbutton Click theBrowse buttonandnavigateto thedirectory that you put your download drivers in 14 Select...
Страница 26: ...ns natural orpersonal disaster orunauthorizedalterations repairsormodifications The followingare examplesofmisuse orabuseandnotcoveredby warranty Imagesburnedonto the screenofa CRTmonitor Burnedimage ispreventablebyutilizinga moving screensaverorpowermanagement Physical damageto covers bezel baseandcables Scratchesorpuncturesonmonitorscreens Getting further help Ifyoustill can tsolveyourproblem pl...
Страница 27: ...ReplaceableUnit Partnumber Description colour MachineType Model MTM 03T8509 Pro2820 FRUMonitor HDMI Raven Black 60B5 RAR6 WW 03T8510 Pro2820 USB3 0 cable 1 8m RoHS type A to typeB Raven Black 60B5 RAR6 WW 03T8511 VGA cable 1 8m RoHS Raven Black 60B5 RAR6 WW 03T8512 DP v1 2 cable 1 8m RoHS DP to mini DP Raven Black 60B5 RAR6 WW 03T8513 Pro2820 FRU Standand Base Raven Black 60B5 RAR6 WW 3 8 ThinkVis...
Страница 28: ...e entitledto serviceatyour location Yourtechnical support representative can helpyoudetermine the bestalternative Telephone technical support Installationandconfigurationsupport through the CustomerSupport Centerwillbewithdrawn ormadeavailable fora fee at Lenovo sdiscretion 90 daysafterthe option hasbeen withdrawn from marketing Additionalsupport offerings includingstep by stepinstallationassistan...
Страница 29: ...prus 800 92537 Greek Czech Republic 800 353 637 Czech Denmark Warranty service and support 7010 5150 Danish Dominican Republic 1 866 434 2080 Spanish Ecuador 1 800 426911 OPCION 4 Spanish Egypt Primary 0800 0000 850 Secondary 0800 0000 744 Arabic English El Salvador 800 6264 Spanish Estonia 372 66 0 800 Estonian Russian English Finland Warranty service and support 358 800 1 4260 Finnish France War...
Страница 30: ...etherlands 020 513 3939 Dutch New Zealand 0508 770 506 English Nicaragua 001 800 220 2282 Spanish Norway 8152 1550 Norwegian Panama Lenovo Customer Support Center 001 866 434 Toll Free Spanish Peru 0 800 50 866 OPCION 2 Spanish Philippines 1 800 8908 6454 GLOBE subscribers 1 800 1441 0719 PLDT subscribers Tagalog English Poland Laptops and tablets branded with logo Think 48 22 273 9777 ThinkStatio...
Страница 31: ...15 734 662 787 3067 Standard Charges Apply Thai English Turkey 444 04 26 Turkish United Kingdom Standard warranty support 03705 500 900 local rate Standard warranty support 08705 500 900 English United States 1 800 426 7378 English Uruguay 000 411 005 6649 Spanish Venezuela 0 800 100 2011 Spanish Vietnam 120 11072 Toll Free 84 8 4458 1042 Standard Charges Apply Vietnamese English ...
Страница 32: ...lude technical inaccuracies or typographical errors Changes are periodically made to the information herein these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication Lenovo may make improvements and or changes in the product s and or the program s described in this publication at any time without notice The products described in this document are not intended for use in implantation or...
Страница 33: ...hat is the property of the company you must do so in accordance with the Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources Computers and monitors are categorized as industrial waste and should be properly disposed of by an industrial waste disposal contractor certified by a local government In accordance with the Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources Lenovo Japan provides t...
Страница 34: ...oard or drive use the methods described above for collecting and recycling a disused computer or monitor Trademarks The following terms are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States other countries or both Lenovo The Lenovo logo ThinkCentre ThinkPad ThinkVision Microsoft Windows and Windows NT are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies Other company product or service names may be trademar...
Страница 35: ...e Republic of Turkey Directive on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment EEE Lenovo and the Lenovo logo are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States other countries or both B 4ThinkVisionPro2820FlatPanelMonitorUser sGuide ...