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Chapter 2  Adjusting and using your monitor 

This section will give you information on adjusting and using your monitor. 

Comfort and accessibility 

Good ergonomic practice is important to get the most from your personal computer and to avoid 

discomfort. Arrange your workplace and the equipment you use to suit your individual needs 

and the kind of work that you perform. In addition, use healthy work habits to maximize your 

performance and comfort while using your computer. 

Arranging your work area 

Use a work surface of appropriate height and available working area to allow you to work in 


Organize you work area to match the way you use materials and equipment. Keep your work 

area clean and clear for the materials that you typically use and place the items that you use most 

frequently, such as the computer mouse or telephone, within the easiest reach. 

Equipment layout and setup play a large role in your working posture. The following topics 

describe how to optimize equipment setup to achieve and maintain good working posture. 

Positioning and viewing your monitor 

Position and adjust your computer monitor for comfortable viewing by considering the 

following items: 

● Viewing distance:

 Optimal viewing distances for monitors range from approximately 

510mm to 760mm (20 in to 30 in) and can vary depending on ambient light and time of day. You 

can achieve different viewing distances by repositioning your monitor or by modifying your 

posture or chair position. Use a viewing distance that is most comfortable for you. 

● Monitor height:

 Position the monitor so your head and neck are in a comfortable and neutral 

(vertical, or upright) position. If your monitor does not have height adjustments, you might have 

to place books or other sturdy objects under the base of the monitor to achieve the desired height. 

A general guideline is to position the monitor such that the top of the screen is at or slightly below 

your eye-height when you are comfortably seated. However, be sure to optimize your monitor 

height so the line of site between your eyes and the centre of the monitor suits your preferences 

for visual distance and comfortable viewing when your eye muscles are in a relaxed stated. 

● Tilt : 

Adjust the tilt of your monitor to optimize the appearance of the screen content and to 

accommodate your preferred head and neck posture. 

● General location:

 Position your monitor to avoid glare or reflections on the screen from 

overhead lighting or nearby windows. 

The following are some other tips for comfortable viewing of your monitor: 

Use adequate lighting for the type of work you are performing. 

Use the monitor brightness, contrast, and image adjustment controls, if equipped, to optimize 

the image on your screen to meet your visual preferences. 

Keep your monitor screen clean so you can focus on the screen’s contents. 

Any concentrated and sustained visual activity can be tiring for your eyes. Be sure to periodically 

look away from your monitor screen and focus on a far object to allow your eye muscles to relax. 

If you have questions on eye fatigue or visual discomfort, consult a vision care specialist for 


1-1 ThinkVision Pro2840m Flat Panel Monitor User’s Guide


Содержание 60B4-RAR6-WW

Страница 1: ...ThinkVision Pro2840m Flat Panel Monitor User s Guide ...

Страница 2: ...nd are sold to governmental entities ascommercialitemsasdefinedby48C F R 2 101with limitedandrestrictedrightstouse reproductionanddisclosure LIMITEDANDRESTRICTEDRIGHTSNOTICE IF products data computer software orservicesaredeliveredpursuanta General ServicesAdministration GSA contract use reproduction ordisclosureissubjecttorestrictionssetforth in ContractNo GS 35F 05925 Copyright Lenovo 2014 i ...

Страница 3: ...3 Usingthedirectaccesscontrols 2 3 UsingtheOn ScreenDisplay OSD controls 2 3 Selectingasupporteddisplaymode 2 6 Understandingpowermanagement 2 7 Caringforyourmonitor 2 7 Detachingthemonitorstand 2 8 Chapter3 Referenceinformation 3 1 Monitorspecifications 3 1 Troubleshooting 3 2 Manuallyinstallingthemonitordriver 3 4 Serviceinformation 3 7 AppendixA ServiceandSupport A 2 Registeringyouroption A 2 O...

Страница 4: ...ety information General Safety guidelines For tips to help you use your computer safety go to http www lenovo com safety Before installing this product read the Safety Information Copyright Lenovo 2014 iii ...

Страница 5: ...A for each device Install your monitor near a power outlet that you can easily reach Disconnect the monitor by grasping the plug firmly and pulling it from the outlet Never disconnect the monitor by pulling the cord Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord Do not walk on the cord While using VESA mount application the AC Inlet must face to down side Do not face any other position Maintenanc...

Страница 6: ...overview pleaseseetheSetup Poster thatwasshippedwithyourmonitor Shipping contents Theproductpackageshouldincludethefollowingitems InformationFlyer FlatPanelMonitor PowerCord DPv1 2 Cable HDMICable USB2 0 Cable USB3 0 Cable Note ToattachaVESAmount please see Detaching themonitorstand onpage 2 8 Chapter1 Gettingstarted1 1 ...

Страница 7: ...s of adjustments Tilt Please see the illustration below for an example of the tilt range Swivel With the built in pedestal you can tilt and swivel the monitor for the most comfortable viewing angle Height Adjustment After pressing the top of the monitor you can adjust the height of the monitor 1 2ThinkVisionPro2840mFlatPanelMonitorUser sGuide ...

Страница 8: ...tationthemonitor Rotateclockwiseuntilthemonitor stopsat90 User controls Your monitorhascontrolson thefrontwhichareusedtoadjustthedisplay Forinformation onhow tousethesecontrols pleasesee Adjustingyour monitor image onpage2 3 Chapter1 Gettingstarted1 3 ...

Страница 9: ...etupyour monitor Connecting and turning on your monitor Note BesuretoreadtheSafety InformationlocatedintheMonitorSafety troubleshootingandWarranty Guide beforecarryingoutthisprocedure 1 Poweroffyour computerandallattacheddevices andunplugthecomputerpowercord 2 ConnectoneendoftheDPcabletotheDPconnectoronthebackofthecomputer andtheotherend totheDPconnectoronthemonitor 1 4ThinkVisionPro2840mFlatPanel...

Страница 10: ...connector on themonitor 4 ConnectoneendoftheUSB3 0cabletotheUSBconnectoron theback ofthecomputer andtheother endtotheupstreamUSBconnector on themonitor 5 ConnectoneendoftheHDMIcabletotheHDMIconnector on theback ofthecomputer andthe otherendtotheHDMIconnectoron themonitor Chapter1 Gettingstarted1 5 ...

Страница 11: ...r than ordinary polyvinylchlorideflexiblecordaccording toIEC60227 designationH05VV F3G0 75mm or H05VVH2 F23G0 75mm shallbeused Alternativeaflexiblecordbeofsyntheticrubberaccordingto IEC60245 designationH05RR F3G0 75mm shallbeused 7 Poweronthemonitorandthecomputer 8 Toinstallthemonitor driver youmustdownloaditfromLenovowebsite http support lenovo com Pro2840mD andfollow theinstructionson page3 4 1 ...

Страница 12: ...e Your feedbackisvaluable tousindevelopingproductsandservicesthatareimportanttoyou aswellasindeveloping betterwaysto communicatewithyou Registeryour optiononthefollowing Website http www lenovo com register Lenovowillsendyouinformationandupdatesonyourregisteredproductunlessyouindicateon theWebsite questionnairethatyoudonotwanttoreceivefurtherinformation Chapter1 Gettingstarted1 7 ...

Страница 13: ...on Useaviewingdistancethatismostcomfortableforyou Monitorheight Positionthemonitor soyourheadandneckareina comfortableandneutral vertical orupright position Ifyour monitordoesnothaveheightadjustments youmighthave toplacebooksorother sturdyobjects under thebaseofthemonitor toachievethedesiredheight Ageneralguidelineistoposition themonitor such thatthetopofthescreenisatorslightly below youreye heigh...

Страница 14: ...periodoftime Periodically makeminormodificationsinyour posturetohelpdeterany discomfortsthatmightarise Makeuseofanyadjustmentsthatyour officefurnitureor equipmentprovidetoaccommodatechangesinposture Short periodicbreakshelpensurehealthycomputing Becausecomputingisprimarilya staticactivity itisparticularlyimportanttotakeshortbreaksfromyourwork Periodically stand upinfrontofyourworkarea stretch walk...

Страница 15: ...wedthroughtheOn ScreenDisplay OSD asshown below Tousethecontrols 1 Press toopenthemainOSDmenu 2 Use or tomoveamongtheicons Selectaniconandpress toaccessthat function Ifthereisasub menu youcanmovebetween optionsusing or then press toselectthatfunction Use or tomakeadjustments Press tosave 3 Press tomovebackwardsthrough thesub menusandexitfromtheOSD 4 Pressandhold for10 secondstolock theOSD Thiswill...

Страница 16: ...electHDMISignal SelectMHLSignal ImageProperties Colour Adjustsintensity ofred green and blue Presetmode Neutral sRGB Reddish Bluish Custom Red Increasesordecreasesthe saturation of red in theimage Green Increasesordecreases thesaturation of green in the image Blue Increasesordecreasesthe saturation of blue in theimage Save Savesthecustom colourchoices ImageProperties Scaling OFF 1 1 ON Expand PBPS...

Страница 17: ...ionadjustsmenulocation on thescreen Returnsthemenuposition tothedefaultsettings Horizontal ChangesthehorizontalpositionoftheOSD Vertical ChangestheverticalpositionoftheOSD Save Options Factory Default Cancel Reset Resetsmonitor totheoriginalfactorysettings Controlsbuttonandmenusettingsforaccessibilitypreferences Options Accessibility Buttonrepeatrate Select or tochange Off Default Slow Menutimeout...

Страница 18: ...tilyouhavere configuredthesystem preferably to3840x2160at60Hz whichis theNativeResolution Display mode Thedisplay modesshownbelowhavebeenoptimizedatthefactory Table 2 3 Factory set display modes DP mDP Addressability Refreshrate 640x480 60Hz 720x400 70Hz 800x600 60Hz 1024x768 60Hz 1280x720 60Hz 1280x768 60Hz 1280x800 60Hz 1280x1024 60Hz 1360x768 60Hz 1440x900 60Hz 1600x900 60Hz 1680x1050 60Hz 1920...

Страница 19: ...ank Pressakeyormovethemouse Theremaybea slight delayreappears Note Standbyalsooccurs ifthereisnoimageoutputtothe monitor ENERGY STAR Off Off Off Presspower key toswitchon Theremaybea slightdelay beforetheimagereappears ENERGY STAR Caring for your monitor Besuretoturn offthepower beforeyouperformanymaintenanceon themonitor Donot Applywaterorliquiddirectly toyourmonitor Usesolventsorabrasives Usefla...

Страница 20: ...Detaching the monitor stand After placingthemonitorfacedown ona cleansurfaceorsoftcloth push thehook ofthestandandlift thestanduptoremoveitfromthemonitor Chapter2 AdjustingandUsing yourmonitor 1 8 ...

Страница 21: ...Powerconsumption Note Powerconsumptionfigures arefor themonitorandthepower supplycombined MaxConsumption TypicalConsumption Standby Suspend Off 65W 60W 1 2W 0 5W Videoinput Digital Inputsignal Horizontaladdressability Verticaladdressability Clock frequency DP 3840 pixels max 2160 lines max 10 8Gpbs max Videoinput Digital Inputsignal Horizontaladdressability Verticaladdressability Clock frequency M...

Страница 22: ...d display mode on page2 6 Theimagequalityis unacceptable Thevideosignal cableisnot connectedwiththe monitoror system completely Besurethesignalcableisfirmly pluggedintothesystemand monitor Connectingandturningon yourmonitor on page1 4 Theimagequalityis unacceptable Thecolor settings may beincorrect Selectanother colour setting fromtheOSDmenu Adjusting your monitor image on page2 3 Theimagequalityi...

Страница 23: ...alor verticallines through the image Imagesetuphasnot been optimized YoursystemDisplay Propertiessetting havenotbeen optimized Adjusttheresolution settingson yoursystemtomatchthenative resolutionfor thismonitor 3840x2160at60Hz Adjustingyourmonitor image onpage2 3 Fuzzylinesin textorablurry image Horizontalor verticallines through the image Imagesetuphasnot been optimized YoursystemDisplay Properti...

Страница 24: ...edSettingsicon 7 ClicktheMonitortab 8 ClickthePropertiesbutton 9 ClicktheDrivertab 10 ClickUpdate Driver then clickBrowsethecomputertofindthedriverprogram 11 SelectPickfrom thelistofdevice driverprogramonthecomputer 12 ClicktheHave Diskbutton Click theBrowsebuttonandnavigatetothedirectory thatyouputyour downloaddriversin 13 Selectthe Pro2840m inf fileandclicktheOpenbutton ClicktheOKbutton 14 Selec...

Страница 25: ...iver tab 10 Click Update Driver then click Browse the computer to find the driver program 11 Select Pick from the list of device driver program on the computer 12 ClicktheHave Diskbutton Click theBrowsebuttonandnavigatetothedirectory thatyou putyourdownloaddriversin 13 Select the Pro2840m inf file and click the Open button Click the OK button 14 SelectThinkVisionPro2840mDandclick Next Thefileswill...

Страница 26: ... Driver tab 11 Open the Update Driver Software Generic PnP Monitor window by clicking on Update Driver and then click the Browse my computer for driver software button 12 Select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer 13 Click theHaveDiskbutton Click theBrowse buttonandnavigatetothedirectorythatyou putyourdownloaddriversin 14 Select the Pro2840m inf file and click the Open button ...

Страница 27: ...veyourproblem pleasecontacttheCustomer SupportCenter Formore informationoncontacting theCustomer SupportCenter pleaseseeAppendix A Serviceand Support onpageA 2 Service parts Thefollowing partsarefor usebyLenovoservice orLenovoauthorizeddealerstosupportthe customerwarranty Partsareforserviceuseonly Thetablebelowshowsinformation for model 60B4 RAR6 WW Table 3 3 List of service parts FRU Field Replac...

Страница 28: ...rviceatyour location Your technicalsupport representativecanhelpyoudeterminethebestalternative Telephone technical support Installationandconfigurationsupportthrough theCustomer SupportCenterwillbewithdrawn or madeavailableforafee atLenovo sdiscretion 90daysafter theoptionhasbeenwithdrawn frommarketing Additionalsupportofferings includingstep by stepinstallationassistance are availableforanominalf...

Страница 29: ...2 Multimedia Home PC 0800 336 Cantonese English Mandarin Colombia 1 800 912 3021 Spanish Costa Rica 0 800 011 1029 Spanish Croatia 0800 0426 Cyprus 357 22 841100 Czech Republic 420 2 7213 1316 Denmark Warranty service and support 7010 5150 Danish Dominican Republic 1 866 434 2080 Spanish Ecuador 1 800 426911 Spanish Egypt 202 35362525 El Salvador 800 6264 Spanish Estonia 372 6776793 372 66 00 800 ...

Страница 30: ...arges Apply Korea 1588 6782 Korea Latvia 371 7070360 Lithuania 370 5 278 66 00 Luxembourg 352 360 385 343 French Malaysia Local number only 1800 88 1889 DID 603 8315 6855 English Bahasa Melayu Malta 35621445566 Mexico 001 866 434 2080 Spanish Middle East 44 0 1475 555 055 Netherlands 31 20 514 5770 Dutch New Zealand 0800 733 222 English Nicaragua 001 800 220 1830 Spanish Norway Warranty service an...

Страница 31: ... 8315 6857 Thai English Turkey 02123360366 00800448825165 Turkish Ukraine 044 362 42 81 Standard Charges Apply United Arab Emirates 800035702810 Standard Charges Apply United Kingdom Standard warranty support 08705 500 900 English United States 1 800 426 7378 English Uruguay 000 411 005 6649 Spanish Venezuela 0 800 100 2011 Spanish Vietnam For Northern Area and Hanoi City 844 3 946 2000 or 844 3 9...

Страница 32: ...es are periodically made to the information herein these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication Lenovo may make improvements and or changes in the product s and or the program s described in this publication at any time without notice The products described in this document are not intended for use in implantation or other life support applications where malfunction may re...

Страница 33: ...ou must do so in accordance with the Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources Computers and monitors are categorized as industrial waste and should be properly disposed of by an industrial waste disposal contractor certified by a local government In accordance with the Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources Lenovo Japan provides through its PC Collecting and Recycli...

Страница 34: ... board or drive use the methods described above for collecting and recycling a disused computer or monitor Trademarks The following terms are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States other countries or both Lenovo The Lenovo logo ThinkCentre ThinkPad ThinkVision Microsoft Windows and Windows NT are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies Other company product or service names may be tradem...

Страница 35: ... Republic of Turkey Directive on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment EEE Lenovo and the Lenovo logo are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States other countries or both A 4ThinkVisionPro2840mFlatPanelMonitorUser sGuide ...
