The TopSeller™ services are designed to make selling the popular services with TopSeller systems faster and easier. Channel partners should always
use TopSeller services with TopSeller systems. TopSeller services part numbers typically provide enhanced discounts and incentives for channel
partners. The TopSeller service delivered to the customer is identical to the service delivered using a standard service part number. In situations where
a desired service is not offered under a TopSeller service part number or the sale requires a special bid process, use available standard service part
TopSeller services should always be offered by channel business partners with TopSeller hardware, unless the sale requires special bid pricing or the
desired service is not offered as a TopSeller service part.
For more information see:
TopSeller service upgrade options for ThinkPad Tablet / Tablet 2
ThinkPad Tablet / Tablet 2 with 1-year Depot warranty
3 YEAR Depot Warranty
3 YEAR Depot Warranty & ThinkPad Protection
3 YEAR Onsite Warranty
3 YEAR Onsite Warranty & ThinkPad Protection
(S-TOPTablet) October 2012
Tablet / Tablet 2 - TopSeller Services
Personal Systems Reference (PSREF)